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1. Objectives. Plan an application Complete a TOE Chart Use a text box control Explain the difference between a primary window and a dialog box Follow the Windows standards regarding the layout and labeling of controls. Objectives ( continued ). Align and size controls
Objectives • Plan an application • Complete a TOE Chart • Use a text box control • Explain the difference between a primary window and a dialog box • Follow the Windows standards regarding the layout and labeling of controls Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Objectives (continued) • Align and size controls • Follow the Windows standards regarding the use of graphics, fonts, and color • Assign access keys to controls • Set the tab order • Designate a default button and a cancel button Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Planning an Application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
SKATE-AWAY Sales • Overview of current processes • Sells skateboards by phone • Priced at $100 each • Available in yellow and blue • Salespeople record order info on a form • Customer name, address, number ordered of each color • Manually calculates total number ordered, total price including tax • Very time consuming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Creating a OE Chart • TOE Chart (Task, Object, Event) • Steps involved • Identify the tasks • Identify the objects • Identify the events Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Identifying the Application’s Tasks Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Identifying the Application’s Tasks (continued) • What information, if any, does application need for display on the screen and/or print on the printer? • Display on screen • Customer’s name, street address, city, state Zip Code, number of each color skateboards ordered, total skateboards ordered, and total price of the order • Print to printer • nothing Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Identifying the Application’s Tasks (continued) • What information, if any, will the user need to enter into user interface to display and/or print desired information? • Customer’s name • Street address • City • State • ZIP code • Number of blue and yellow skateboards Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Identifying the Application’s Tasks (continued) • What information, if any, will the application need to calculate to display and/or print the desired information? • Total number of skateboards ordered • Total price of each order • How will the user end the application? • Application will include an Exit button • Will previous information need to be cleared from the screen before new information is entered? • Order information will need to be cleared Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Identifying the Application’s Tasks (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Identifying the Objects • Text box control • Gives user an area in which to enter data • Instantiated using the Textbox tool • Button control • User clicks to terminate the application • Label control • Displays information you do not want user to change while application is running Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
How To… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Identifying the Objects(continued) • Assign appropriate object to each task Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Identifying the Events • No special event is necessary for text boxes • Events needed for buttons Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Completed TOE Chart by Object Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Designing the User Interface • Primary Window • Area where primary viewing and editing of your application takes place • Dialog boxes • Used to support and supplement a user’s activities in primary window • Example: font dialog box allows specification of font utilized in primary window Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Designing the User Interface (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Designing the User Interface (continued) • Setting the border style of a form Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Arranging the controls • Information should flow vertically, or horizontally • Most important information should be located in top-left corner of screen • Vertical flow should be top to bottom • Horizontal flow should be left to right • Essential information should be in first row Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Arranging the controls (continued) • Vertical arrangement example Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Arranging the controls (continued) • Horizontal arrangement example Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Arranging the controls (continued) • Punctuation tips: • Use Sentence capitalization for text boxes • Capitalize only first word and any words normally capitalized • Use book title capitalization for buttons • Capitalize the first letter in each word except for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions that do not occur at either the beginning or the end of the caption • Sizing tips: • Size controls relative to each other Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Aligning and Sizing Controls • Format menu options • Align • Allows aligning 2 or more controls by left, right, top, and bottom • Make Same Size • Allows 2 or more controls to be size to same width and/or height Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Arranging the controls (continued) • Selecting controls to align Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Arranging the controls (continued) • Controls aligned by left border Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Including Graphics in the User Interface • Only include graphics when necessary • Use to emphasize or clarify • Use for aesthetic purposes • Use for a personal touch to application • Be sure graphics are not a distraction • Place in a corner Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Including Different Fonts in the User Interface • Font Property • Use to change type, style, and size • Font • General shape of characters in the text • Measured in points • One point = 1/72 of an inch • May be serif or sans serif • Serif is a light cross stroke appearing at top or bottom of a character • Tahoma font recommended for Windows 2000 and Windows XP Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Including Color in the User Interface • Use color sparingly • Best to use black text on white or off-white background - limit colors to no more than 3 • Points to keep in mind: • Some users will have monochrome monitors • Users may have varying degrees of color-blindness • Color is subjective • Pretty to you is hideous to someone else • Colors have different meanings for different cultures Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Designing Access Keys • Access key • Allows user to select object using Alt key in combination with a letter or number • Allows user to work with application even if mouse becomes inoperative • Allows fast typists to keep hands on the keyboard • Allows people with disabilities, which may prevent them from using mouse, to use the application • Assign by including & (ampersand) in control’s caption Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Designing Access Keys (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Setting the TabIndex Property • TabIndex property determines order in which a control receives focus • A control with focus can accept user input • Order in which controls added to form originally determines order of TabIndex • First control added to form has a TabIndex of 0, second control 1, third control 2, etc. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Setting the TabIndex Property (continued) • Steps to determine appropriate tab order: • List controls which can accept user input • List should reflect order the user will want to access controls • Assign each control in list with a TabIndex value beginning with 0 Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Setting the TabIndex Property (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Setting the TabIndex Property (continued) • Setting tab order via Tab Order option of View Menu • Place mouse over first control you want in the tab order and crosshairs appear Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Setting the TabIndex Property (continued) • Click each control and tab order changes in numerical order Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Designing Default and Cancel Buttons • Default button • Selected by clicking it or pressing Enter key • Specify by setting AcceptButton property of form • Cancel button • Selected by clicking or pressing the Esc key • Specify by setting CancelButton property of form Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Designing Default and Cancel Buttons (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Create a user interface that allows user to enter the following customer information: Name Address City State ZIP code Pounds of regular coffee ordered Pounds of decaffeinated coffee ordered The interface will need to display total pounds of coffee ordered and the total order price Programming Example - Moonbucks Coffee Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
TOE Chart Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
User Interface Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Objects, Properties, and Settings Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Objects, Properties, and Settings(continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Tab Order Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Code Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Summary • Plan application jointly with user • Use TOE chart to identify tasks, objects, and events • Text box control allows user to enter data • Primary window supports viewing and editing of application’s data • BorderStyle property sets borders of form and dialog boxes Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Summary (continued) • Organize information to flow vertically or horizontally (top to bottom, left to right) • Maintain consistent size, spacing, and margins when placing controls on form • Align borders of controls whenever possible • Graphics and color should be used sparingly Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Summary (continued) • Set TabIndex property to set tab order of user input controls • Assign access keys to controls • AcceptButton property of form sets default button (Enter key) • CancelButton property of form sets cancel button (Esc key) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded