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San Joaquin River Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Dissolved Oxygen TMDL

San Joaquin River Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Dissolved Oxygen TMDL. What is a TMDL? San Joaquin River DO TMDL Overview TMDL Control Program & Phase II MS4 Permit Sue McConnell (Senior WRCE) (916) 464-4798 Christine Joab (Environmental Scientist) (916) 464-4655. What is a TMDL?.

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San Joaquin River Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Dissolved Oxygen TMDL

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Presentation Transcript

  1. San Joaquin River Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Dissolved Oxygen TMDL What is a TMDL? San Joaquin River DO TMDL Overview TMDL Control Program & Phase II MS4 Permit Sue McConnell (Senior WRCE) (916) 464-4798 Christine Joab (Environmental Scientist) (916) 464-4655 Phase II MS4 SJR DO TMDL 22 Jan 2014

  2. What is a TMDL? Waters not meeting water quality standards (objectives) Impaired water bodies list TMDL = Planning and Management Tool Identify, quantify and control sources Implement Control Program (actions, time schedule, monitoring) Regulatory Programs NPDES Permits (Municipal, Industrial & Storm Water) Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) 401 Water Quality Certifications Technical and Monitoring Report Requirements Phase II MS4 SJR DO TMDL 22 Jan 2014

  3. Impaired Reach of the San Joaquin River Disappointment Slough Turner Cut Impaired Reach Port of Stockton Phase II MS4 SJR DO TMDL 22 Jan 2014

  4. Impaired Reach of the DWSC DO TMDL Source Area Friant Dam San Joaquin River Mendota Pool TMDL Source Area Phase II MS4 SJR DO TMDL 22 Jan 2014

  5. TMDL Sources TMDL Studies - 3 Contributing Factors Channel Geometry Flow through the Channel Upstream Oxygen Demanding Substances City of Stockton WWTP discharges Algae and nutrients from upstream watershed Other upstream point sources (includes NPDES & Storm Water) Phase II MS4 SJR DO TMDL 22 Jan 2014

  6. TMDL & Control Program Actions Contributors collectively responsible Work together to implement TMDL Actions Implemented within Watershed Stockton WWTP upgrade Aeration Facility operation Watershed studies and new WDRs for Ag Phase II MS4 – TMDL Implementation Minimize, control and prevent discharge Annual Report submittal Phase II MS4 SJR DO TMDL 22 Jan 2014

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