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Chapter 16 Kidney, Lower Urinary Tract, and Male Genital Organs

Chapter 16 Kidney, Lower Urinary Tract, and Male Genital Organs. Review of Structure and Function. Kidneys Act as filters Ureters Tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the bladder. Review of Structure and Function. Bladder Stores urine Urethra Drains urine from the bladder.

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Chapter 16 Kidney, Lower Urinary Tract, and Male Genital Organs

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  1. Chapter 16 Kidney, Lower Urinary Tract, and Male Genital Organs

  2. Review of Structure and Function • Kidneys • Act as filters • Ureters • Tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the bladder

  3. Review of Structure and Function • Bladder • Stores urine • Urethra • Drains urine from the bladder

  4. Review of Structure and Function • Prostate Gland • Helps control urination and contributes to the composition of semen • Testes • Produce sperm

  5. Review of Structure and Function • Epididymis • Stores sperm • Vas deferens • Carries the sperm

  6. Review of Structure and Function • Kidneys regulate blood pressure, excretion of waste products of metabolism, and maintain acid-base balance • This is accomplished by regulating salt, water, and hydrogen ions • These are regulated by osmotic gradients, and circulating hormones

  7. Review of Structure and Function • Antidiuretic hormone: encourages resorption of water • Angiotensin: encourages vasoconstriction • Aldosterone: encourages sodium and water resorption

  8. Most Frequent and Serious Problems • Urinary tract infections (UTI) • More common in women, can lead to pyelonephritis, a more serious illness • Benign prostatic hypertrophy • Causes obstruction to urine flow in older men

  9. Most Frequent and Serious Problems • Kidney stones • Can obstruct urine flow • End-stage renal disease • Usually caused by diabetes and hypertension

  10. Most Frequent and Serious Problems • Prostate cancer • The most common urogential malignancy • Testicular cancer • Affects younger males

  11. Symptoms, Signs, and Tests • Increased frequency of urination • Dysuria • Nocturia • Urgency

  12. Symptoms, Signs, and Tests • Hematuria • Oliguria • Anuria

  13. Symptoms, Signs, and Tests • Visual inspection of the urethra and bladder can be performed with a cystoscopy • Inspection of urine • Color and smell • Microscopic inspection for white blood cells, bacteria, blood, or collections of cellular debris

  14. Symptoms, Signs, and Tests • Laboratory tests • Urea nitrogen and creatinine (renal function) • Prostate specific antigen • Radiologic tests • Cystogram • Intravenous pyelogram

  15. Symptoms, Signs, and Tests • Renal biopsies

  16. Specific Diseases • Potter syndrome • Renal malformation that leads to multiple developmental anomalies, not compatible with life • Renal dysplasia • Malformation of the renal parenchyma • Severity depends on whether both kidneys are affected

  17. Specific Diseases • Polycystic kidneys • Cysts develop and replace renal parenchyma, eventually resulting in renal failure • Cryptorchidism • Undescended testes

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