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Part 1: CCIAV research in Austria. FFCUL Lisboa Martin König Department for Sustainable Development Austrian Bureau for Climate Change Federal Environment Agency. Steering committee Financiers: Ministries, insurances, PPP. consults. administrates reports. contracts. Scientific council
Part 1: CCIAV research in Austria FFCUL Lisboa Martin König Department forSustainable Development Austrian Bureau for Climate Change Federal Environment Agency
Steering committee Financiers: Ministries, insurances, PPP consults administrates reports contracts Scientific council (experts from D and CH) consults Administrative CO: Umweltbundesamt Scientific CO: BOKU-Met Sub-contracting viaBOKU-Met consults manages StartClim - structure Pool of projects with flexible scientific content 2003: extreme weather events/floods; 2004: heat waves, droughts and theirimpacts on Austria; 2005: climate change and health Flexible budget/financiers: 2003: 500.000 EURO; 2004: 150.000 EURO; 2005: probably some 200.000 EURO
Steering committeeof the financing institutions OENB, Austrian hail insurance, BMBWK, BMLFUW, BMWA, UBA,... Scientific council international experts (CH, D, I) Project management IMP / BOKU Umweltbundesamt Modul a: Modul b: Modul c: analysis ofextreme weatherevents (impacts,socioeconomicdimension andscenarios meteorologicalsynopsis of theflood event 2002 longterm concept forclimate andclimateimpactresearchin Austria StartClim 2003
StartClim2003 - projects StartClim.1: Quality control and statistical characteristics of selected climate parameters on the basis of daily values in the face of Extreme Value Analysis Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics Wolfgang Schöner, Ingeborg Auer, Reinhard Böhm, Sabina Thaler StartClim.2: Analysis of the representativeness of a data collected over a span of fifty years for the description of the variability of climatic extremes Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics Ingeborg Auer, Reinhard Böhm, Eva Korus, Wolfgang Schöner StartClim.3a: Extreme Events: Documentation of hazardous events in Austria such as rock avalanches, floods, debris flows, landslides, and avalanches Institute of Forest and Mountain-Risk Engineering, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Dieter Rickenmann, Egon Ganahl StartClim.3b: Documentation of the impact of extreme weather events on agricultural production ARC Seibersdorf research Gerhard Soja, Anna-Maria Soja StartClim.3c: Meteorological extreme Event Data information system for the Eastern Alpine region - MEDEA Federal Environment Agency, Martin König, Herbert Schentz, Johann Weigl IIASA, Mathias Jonas, Tatiana Ermolieva All reports can be found under http://www.austroclim.at/startclim/index.htm
StartClim2003 - projects StartClim.4: Development of a method to predict the occurrence of extreme events from large-scale meteorological fields Institute of Meteorology and Physics BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Andreas Frank, Petra Seibert StartClim.5: Testing statistical downscaling techniques for their applicability to Extreme Events in Austria Institute of Meteorology and Physics, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Herbert Formayer, Christoph Matulla, Patrick Haas GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, Nikolaus Groll StartClim.6: Adaptation strategies for economic sectors affected heavily by extreme weather events: Economic evaluation and policy options Austrian Humans Dimensions Programme (HDP-A) Department of Economics, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Karl Steininger, Christian Steinreiber, Constanze Binder, Erik Schaffer Eva Tusini, Evelyne Wiesinger StartClim.7: Changes in the social metabolism due to the 2002-floodings in Austria: case study of an affected community Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies of Austrian Universities (IFF) Willi Haas, Clemens Grünbühel, Brigitt Bodingbauer All reports can be found under http://www.austroclim.at/startclim/index.htm
StartClim2003 - projects StartClim.8: Risk-management and public welfare in the face of extreme weather events: What is the optimal mix of private insurance, public risk pooling and alternative transfer mechanisms Department of Economics, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Walter Hyll, Nadja Vetters, Franz Prettenthaler StartClim.9: Summer 2002 floods in Austria: damage account data pool Center of Natural Hazards and Risk Management (ZENAR), BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Helmut Habersack, Helmut Fuchs StartClim.10: Economic aspects of the 2002-Floodings: Data analysis, asset accounts and macroeconomic effects Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) Daniela Kletzan, Angela Köppl, Kurt Kratena StartClim.11: Communication at the interface science - education Institute of Meteorology and Physics, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Ingeborg Schwarzl Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies of Austrian Universities (IFF) Willi Haas All reports can be found under http://www.austroclim.at/startclim/index.htm
StartClim2003 - projects StartClim.12: Developing an innovative approach for the analysis of the August 2002 Flood Event in comparison with similar extreme events in recent years Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Vienna Simon Tschannett, Barbara Chimani, Reinhold Steinacker StartClim.13: High-resolution precipitation analysis Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Vienna Stefan Schneider, Bodo Ahrens, Reinhold Steinacker, Alexander Beck StartClim.14: Performance of meteorological forecast models during the August 2002 floods Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics Thomas Haiden, Alexander Kann StartClim.Reference database: Implementation of a comprehensive literature data base on climate and climate impact research as a generally accessible basis for future climate research activities Institute of Meteorology and Physics, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Patrick Haas All reports can be found under http://www.austroclim.at/startclim/index.htm
StartClim2004 – projects StartClim.A: heat waves and drought periods in Austria Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics StartClim.B: regional climate change scenarios for heat waves and drought period Institute of Meteorology and Physics, BOKU StartClim.C: impacts of drought periods on agriculture in Austria ARC Seibersdorf research StartClim.D: impacts of heat and drought on water management in Austria Center of Natural Hazards and Risk Management (ZENAR), BOKU StartClim.E: impacts of heat waves and droughts on human health and well-beeing Federal institute for health (ÖBIG) StartClim.F: Further development of MEDEA Umweltbundesamt StartClim.G: cooperation research-education, school projects Institute of Meteorology and Physics, BOKU NOTE: • StartClim is a flexible, “research by emergency” approach with close contacts to the financing stakeholders
FloodRisk • Came up with Flood analyses 2002 • Focus: adaptation towards flood events • Geographical focus: Danube (and tributaries) catchment • 45 small projects in 10 different WPs • Most of the projects already existed • No requests for proposals • Over one million EURO funding was provided by two Austrian ministries (BMLFUW and BMVIT) and one Swiss organisation (DEZA)
Steering committee Scientificcouncil CO: UBA-A Scientific CO: ZENAR / BOKU Reporting scientific and strategic synthesis WPs: Meteorology Hydrology Geomorphology Danube Natural hazards Accounting of economic losses Legal aspects Spatial planning Disaster control Policy FloodRisk I – structure as-is analysisand to-be analysis
FloodRisk II – planning phase • FloodRisk II is now going towards implementation of flood protection measures in the10 fields/WPs • Not sure yet how cooperation between Austrian provinces and the Federal government will function • FloodRisk might be an interesting programme for CIRCLE as well as for CRUE for some flood-specific activities within the field of adaptation cp. later
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Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D
Bearbeitung: Umweltbundesamt auf Basis der Modellierung des MPI-M im Auftrag des UBA-D