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Dogs eat meat Elephants gobble vegetables . Fred stopped E lizabeth started. How many syllables?. Fred ran Fred has stopped Fred should have stopped by now. Fr e d r a n Fr e d has st o pped Fr e d should have st o pped by n o w. 'John 'loves 'Ann
Dogs eat meat Elephants gobble vegetables
Fred stopped E lizabeth started How many syllables?
Fred ranFred has stopped Fred should have stopped by now
Fred ranFred has stopped Fred should have stopped by now
'John 'loves 'Ann Pe 'nelope a 'dores 'Christopher 'Fred is e 'namoured of 'Oliver
Isochronic sentence stress Stessed syllables in the sentence seem to occur at fairly regular intervals, irrespectively of the number of unstressed syllables between them Stessed syllables in the sentence seem to occur at fairly regular intervals, irrespectively of the number of unstressed syllables between them
Where's the book I left on the table? Where's the package I left on the able? Where's the dictionary I left on the table? Where's the cas sette I left on the table? Where's the package I left on the re frigerator? Where's the package I left on the infor mation desk? Where's the book I left on the table? Where's the book I left here? What's the book like?
1we0z ð0 1buk ai 1left on ð0 1teibL / x / x / x x / x 1we0z ð0 1pækiD ai 1left on ð0 1teibL / x / x / x x / x 1we0z ð0 1dikSNrí ai 1left on ð0 1teibL / x / x x x / x x / x 1we0z ð0 k0 1set ai 1left on ð0 1teibL / x x / x / x x / x 1we0z ð0 ‘1pækiD ai 1left on ð0 ri 1friD0reit0 / x / x x / x x x / x x x 1we0z ð0 1pækiD ai 1left on ðí inf0 1meiSN 1desk / x / x x / x x x x / x /
1we0z ð0 1buk ai 1left on ð0 1teibL / x / x / x x / x 1we0z ð0 1buk ai 1left 1hi0 / x / x / / 1wots ð0 1buk 1laik / x / /
Isochronic stress dogs eat meat / / / elephants gobble vegetables / x x / x / x x
stress-timed languages syllable-timed languages dogs eat meat / / / elephants gobble vegetables / x x / x / x x les chiens mangent de la viande x x x (x) x x x (x) les éléphants avalent des légumes x x x x x (x) x x x (x )
'Mary at 'least has 'never pre'tended she could 'sing
'Mary at 'least has 'never pre'tended she could 'sing
Weak and strong vowels again • Review 4th-week slide show on Weak and strong Vowels • See web page: http://www.hi.is/~peturk/KENNSLA/02/TOP/weakstrong.html
Review: banana Banbury reverse redolent accurate accuse photograph photography
Review: unstressed syllables stressed syllables all vowels except mainly: SCHWA KIT FOOT (all other vowels can occur....)
Review: unstressed syllables mainly: SCHWA KIT FOOT (all other vowels can occur....) In any single word, which of these possibilities occurs?
Review: Compare: arrive arrow opera obey return re-play believe today two days
Review: to know decide you know wanted accurate kisses attack occur purpose
Review: to know decide you know wanted accurate kisses attack occur purpose
Sentence stress Which words in the sentence carry stress?
Distinguish between: • LEXICAL WORDS • (content words, open-class items) • nouns • adjectives • adverbs • lexical verbs • STRUCTURAL WORDS • (functional words, closed-class items) • prepositions • pronouns • auxiliary verbs
... and some other places! Further details at http://notendur.hi.is/peturk/KENNSLA/02/Slides/26%20Sentence%20stress%20placment.ppt
Four weeks ago, with the finance system in freefall, Grimsson underwent a heart operation. He emerged to make a TV appearance in which he begged his compatriots to forgive him for making what - he could see in retrospect - was a buffoonish spectacle of himself as head of a country now perceived globally as an ostentatious upstart, and by some (such as Gordon Brown) as a debt-defaulting pariah.