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Early Man. The Dawn of Man and the rise of Civilization!. Australopithecus “ Southern Ape”. The first true Hominids (humans) Inhabited the earth about 3 million years ago! Could sometimes walk upright Had nimble hands and lived in Africa. Lucy.
Early Man The Dawn of Man and the rise of Civilization!
Australopithecus“Southern Ape” The first true Hominids (humans) Inhabited the earth about 3 million years ago! Could sometimes walk upright Had nimble hands and lived in Africa
Lucy Lucy is the world famous remains of an almost intact three million year old Australopithecus She was discovered by archaeologist Donald Johanson on November 24, 1974 near the location of Hadar, Ethiopa This was one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time Lucy was 20 years old when she died, 4 feet tall and weighed approximately 50 pounds
Lucy Hadar, Ethiopia Dr. Donald Johanson works at the Hadar fossil site in Ethiopia, 1992. Donald Johanson 1974 Lucy Dig Site - Hadar, Ethiopia
Homo Habilis“Handy Man” Inhabited the earth between 2 million and 1.5 million years ago. First stone tool-makers First true humans Lived in Africa Were taller – stronger – and had a larger brain than Australopithecus
Homo Erectus“Upright Man” Homo Erectus inhabited the earth between 1.5 million and 300,000 years ago!
Homo Erectus“Upright Man” Stood and walked completely upright! Could make and control fire! Journeyed and populated the earth about 1 million years ago! Traveled out of Africa over rivers and seas during ice age Improved tool-making First good hunters (big game) Skulls sloped more forward (humanlike)
Homo Sapiens“Wise Man” Inhabited the earth between 300,000 and 10,000 years ago Made stone-tipped spears – bone needles and bone fish hooks Sewed clothes from animal skins and made warm boots Skulls grew more forward and less sloped – creating more brain capacity Modern-like appearance
Neandertal Populated the earth about 300,000 years ago Large strong brutish hominids Great hunters Made and controlled fire Buried their dead – spiritual As advanced as hominid cousins –> Homo Sapiens Mysteriously disappeared around 30,000 years ago
Homo Sapiens Sapiens“Wise Wise Man” There are two stages of Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Cro-Magnon Moderns
Cro-Magnon Cro-Magnon man inhabited the earth from approximately 40,000 BC to around 10,000 BC Created cave art Ate a balanced diet of meat – grain – vegetables Lived in caves – semi nomadic
Moderns Moderns are the current form of hominids populating the earth Moderns appear approximately 10, 000 years ago Moderns begin farming, construct huts and hearths for fire They create oil lamps – jewelry – sweet and salt their foods About 10, 000 years ago the last ice age ends – moderns populate the world
Copy Down Chart For notes! Copy Down Chart For Notes! Time Period Hominids (Humans) Traits 3 Million – 2 Million BC Australopithecus Lived in Africa – first human-like ancestors. Australopithecus could sometimes “Southern Ape” stand up and had nimble hands. “Lucy” – was a 3 million year old Australopithecus – she was 4 feet tall and weighed 50 pounds. 2 Million – 1.5 Million BC Homo Habilis First Stone tool-makers (handyman) - First true humans – Also lived in Africa “ Handy Man” Taller, stronger and had a larger brain capacity than Australopithecus 1.5 Million – 300, 000 BC Homo Erectus Stood & walked completely upright – Could make and control fire - Traveled “Upright Man” out of Africa – over rivers and seas -during ice age. Populated the earth around one million years ago. Improved tool-making – first good hunters. Skulls sloped forward – more human-like appearance. 300, 000 – 10,000 BC Homo Sapiens Made stone-tipped spears – made bone needles and bone fish hooks. They “Wise Man” sewed clothes from animal skins and made warm boots. Skulls grew even more forward and less sloped …more brain capacity -- jaws began to recede – creating a more modern–like appearance. 300, 000 – 30,000 BC Neandertals Large strong brutish hominids – Great hunters – Made and controlled fire. ( Also Neanderthals ) Buried their dead – spiritual. They were as advanced as their hominid cousins Homo Sapiens. Mysteriously disappeared 30,000 years ago! 30, 000 – 10, 000 BC Homo Sapiens SapiensCroMagnon era lasts until about 10, 000 BC – Then gives way to Moderns. “Wise Wise Man” Creation of cave art – Beginning of farming – Construct huts for homes and hearths ( fireplace ) for heat – Create oil lamps – Jewelry – Sweeten and CroMagnon salt their food. Last Ice Age ends! Moderns Hominid Evolutionary Chart
Evolution The process by which something develops gradually over time into a different form! Becoming Human Documentary
Charles Darwin British scientist 1809 -1882 Wrote famous work: “Origin of the Species” Promoted the theory of Natural Selection
Natural Selection Natural selection is the means by which beneficial characteristics in a living organism tend to be preserved while unfavorable characteristics tend to be lost. This can best be summed up as: “Survival of the Fittest!”
Hominids The family of Mankind
Fossils The remains of something that was once alive!
Artifacts The remains of things that were made!
Paleolithic Another name for “Old Stone Age” (the time before farming)
Neolithic Another name for “New Stone Age” ( the time of farming and settled homes)
Historical Terms of Date BC AD CE Century BCE Millennium Circa Decade
BC /AD What does the term BC stand for ? Before Christ ___________________ This is the time period before Christ was born! What does the term AD stand for ? Anno Domino ___________________ Anno Domini means: “Year of the Lord” This is the time period from the birth of Christ onwards!
BCE - CE BCE = “Before Common Era” CE = “Common Era” BCE = BC CE = AD The terms BCE and CE use the exact same defining guidelines to date time as the terms BC and AD. However they are terms that are deemed non religious!
Circa The term Circa (abbreviated ca.) means that you do not know the exact date! Circa indicates an approximate time. Example: King Hammurabi was born ca. 1792 BC.
Millennium – Century - Decade Millennium:A time period of one thousand years! Century: A time period of one hundred years! Decade: A time period of ten years!
Notes: Evolution: The process by which something develops gradually over time into a different form! Charles Darwin: British scientist 1809 -1882 - Wrote famous work: “Origin of the Species”- Promoted the theory of Natural Selection. Natural Selection: the means by which beneficial characteristics in a living organism tend to be preserved while unfavorable characteristics tend to be lost. - can be best summed up as “Survival of the Fittest” Hominids: The family of mankind and his or her relatives. Fossils: The remains of something that was once alive. Artifacts: The remains of things that were once made. Paleolithic: Another name for the “Old Stone age” (the time before farming) Neolithic: Another name for the “New Stone Age” (the time after farming) BC: Before Christ -- The time period before the birth of Christ AD: Anno Domini (Year of the Lord) -- The time period after the birth of Christ
Notes: BCE: Before Common Era -- The same time period as BC CE: Common Era -- The same time period as AD Circa: An approximate time period – not an exact date Millennium: A time period of one thousand years Century: A time period of 100 years Decade: A time period of ten years
History Recorded Events! History is the time when writing begins!
Prehistory Prehistory: The time before writing!
Archaeologist A scientist who examines fossils and artifacts to learn about the past!
Nomads People without settled homes --- Wanderers!
Oral Tradition Stories passed down by word of mouth.
Fertile Rich soil that is good for farming.
Domesticate To Tame Animals! Raise and use animals for: Food - Drink - Clothes
Old Stone Age“Paleolithic” 1. Hunters & Gatherers 2. Nomads 3. No Social Order
New Stone Age“Neolithic” Farming -- Settled Homes Social Order – Domestication of Animals
East Africa East Africa is where the earliest human ancestors lived!
Notes: History: History is the time when writing begins Prehistory: The time before writing Archaeologist: Scientists that study artifacts and fossils to learn about the past Oral Tradition: Stories that are passed down by word of mouth Nomads: Wanderers – People without settled homes Fertile: Rich soil – Good for farming Domesticate: To tame animals -- utilize for food, drink, work and clothes Old Stone Age: Hunters & Gatherers -- Nomads – No Social Order New Stone Age: Farming – Settled Homes – Social Order – Domestication of Animals East Africa: Where the earliest humans lived
Irrigation To supply land with water!
Irrigation The Invention of Irrigation: Early farming communities needed to find a way to bring water to their crops. And the invention of irrigation systems, reservoirs of water connected to farm lands via canals & channels enabled early farmers to divert water from its source for their farming purposes. With these irrigation systems, the farmers could make land lying far from a natural water source fertile. Irrigation and drainage systems also permitted early farmers to control annual flood water to their advantage, thus contributing to a more stable and secure way of life.
Surplus More than is needed! (Food)
Artisan A Skilled Worker!
Population Growth With the advanced methods of farming -- population increased dramatically! In 8000 BC world population = 10,000,000 In 5000 BC world population = 66,000,000
Social class Social Class groups people by their wealth, power, education and position!
Social Class Throughout history the upper classes in a society have land and wealth and power!
Social Class The Middle Class / Working Class are the people who work for a living and provide a comfortable life for themselves and their families!
Social Class The Lower classes are the people without wealth, education, or influence!