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Kabbalah and Healing part 2. The Physical Kingdom and the Great Mother. Meditation details at the end of the webinar —do not do these if driving or operating machinery. Malkhut – the Kingdom. Levels within levels. Picture by Jos A . Smith.
Kabbalah and Healing part 2 The Physical Kingdom and the Great Mother Meditation details at the end of the webinar —do not do these if driving or operating machinery
Levels within levels Picture by Jos A . Smith
Chakras are also dual – working at the front and back of our bodies.
Each chakra has seven levels, one for each layer of the aura
Base chakra/Malkhut • Physical being. • Physical functioning and physical sensation – pain and pleasure. • Automatic and autonomic functioning of the body. • Survival. This is the first level to disconnect when we begin to die.
Each level of the Tree has its own God. The God of Malkhut: • God the Protector • God the Judge • God the Parent • Fight or flight We fulfill our life through family, a sense of belonging, community and material comforts. We are ‘kept in line’ by fear of judgment.
This is an unforgiving God • Judgmental—you have to get it ‘right’ to be loved or saved or healed. • Capricious—different scriptures and stories tell different stories of what’s ‘right.’ • Jealous—see judgmental. • Vengeful—see judgmental. • Merciful (if you’re lucky and you’ve got it ‘right.’ Atheists
This is a dangerous God • Uses sickness, fire, famine and flood to punish us. • Our dis-ease or lack of prosperity is perceived as punishment for sin. • We feel judged by others as well as by God for falling sick. • We are desperate to ‘get it right’ so may adopt a false ‘self’ of being good and caring in order to be seen to be worthy,
Our relationship with own parents is key. • We may ‘bargain’ with this God for good results (getting pocket money for working). • The test of the believer is to find good in this God (we have to be loved by Mum and Dad or we will die). • We seek to find the overall loving presence that will protect us (we are children of this God and need his nurturing to survive).
It’s a God of the ‘old brain.’ The reptilian medulla can only perceive 30% of what’s going on right now. Otherwise we would hit overload so this is the God we are trained to believe in; there’s no actual ‘belief’ about it. The Medulla is trained by the age of seven and believes in Absolute Truths.
To show how small our perceptions are: Humans can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. We are travelling at 220 kilometres a second across the galaxy. The atoms in our bodies are 99.9999999999999% empty space. We simply don’t know what’s going on.
To heal this perception of God we must use our free will. “In choosing your god, you choose your way of looking at the universe. There are plenty of Gods. Choose yours. The God you worship is the God you deserve.” — Joseph Campbell. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” — Buckminster Fuller
For healing... • We remember that this part of the brain is primitive and needs a parental figure to relate to. • We remember that God has no gender and to achieve balance we can step from the Father to the Mother aspect. • The primitive brain believes that the Great Mother will nurture and support us–perhaps even defend us against the Great Father.
What can the Great Mother teach us? • Living in the Now • Connection with the planet and nature. • Impartiality/no judgment (Dark Mother). • Cycle of life. • Simplicity—if a plant doesn’t get water it dies. • Eating clean foods. • Rest and relaxation (animals don’t run around like we do). • Sowing and harvesting
Harvesting Last month’s homework was to harvest time. How much resistance did you have? That will tell you a lot. Did you even remember the idea? Rational mind is not much good in healing...
Primal Lies of Malkhut • I’m not good enough • What I am is not wanted. • I am unloved • I am ‘wrong’ • I have no right to be here Here is the first indication of a death wish. ‘I have no right to be here.’
Nature has the ‘life wish’ and dies when the time is right. In the best possible way, nature doesn’t care. She doesn’t play those games of worthiness. We can either become the child and play with her or we can grow up and realise that we are her steward. We see that life and death are. There is no failure of protection or judgment.
Malkhut is Shekhinah • The Presence of the Lord • The eternal NOW • The Grace of God • The Holy Spirit • The Daughter of the Voice
Isis, Kuan Yin, Ceres, Demeter... All the world’s pantheons of Gods have a mother aspect. In the first Temple of the Hebrews, there was both God and Goddess. She is believed to have been called Asherah and she was expelled 30 years before the Babylonian exile.
Sacrament of Malkhut: Baptism • Baptism confers on us the right to be here. • Baptism acknowledges our physical incarnation. • Baptism brings us into the community where we are safe. • For healing, we need to re-baptiseourself into life.
Modern world is ‘unbaptised.’ • Disconnected from earth—even when walking we wear shoes with layers of rubber between us and earth. • Living in cities. • Even on holiday — we use swimming pools and sunbeds rather than sea and sand.
For health we must have the balance • We are born of mother earth and of father spirit. • Shamanism ... into the soil, into the very earth. Shamanic training takes you into the lower world as well as the upper world. We are often lost in the middle world.
Reconnecting with the Mother • Walk barefoot. • Lie naked on the ground. • Imagine yourself sinking into the earth (experience your own grave). • Touch. • Listen. • Watch. • Connect with animals.
Earthing Research from Texas A&M University shows that when we take our shoes off and touch the earth with our bare flesh, free electrons from the ground transfer into our body via the soles of our feet or the palms of our hands. These free electrons are powerful antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation, help our bodies to heal and improve our heart rate.
At least, do some gardening. In 2011, CNN reported a survey in the Netherlands where two groups of people were given a stressful task to complete and then instructed either to sit down indoors and read for half an hour or to garden for the same length of time. The people who gardened reported feeling better mood than the reading group, and, when tested, had lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
Re-baptise yourself. • Re-commit yourself to life. • Tell your body and soul that you intend to stay. • Find a new purpose to live (if there isn’t one, that may be part of the problem). • Immerse yourself in a river, the sea or a bath of water with a prayer of re-commitment to being here on Planet Earth with a purpose.
Meditation Lie on ground Connect all chakras down Feel yourself sink Ask each level/chakra to show you the flower it resonates with. Note the colours. Give each chakra at its etheric body level the perfect colour flowers and fruit.
If you can’t lie down... Connect down – every time you sit, feel your Malkhut connect. Image a cord from the base of your spine to the centre of the earth. Don’t let the rational mind tell you it’s not possible. You must use will and imagination. Breathe deeply and draw the strong energy of the earth up through your feet and throughout your body. Let it take all your stresses and expel it down the cord to the centre of the Earth. She will heal and transmute it.
Homework Continue harvesting energy. Rest more than you need to. Spend as much time as you can with bare hands and feet on the ground (concrete is better than nothing). Connect down every time you sit.