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Comunicación y Gerencia. Mystics of Kabbalah. Janice M. Johnson CED595: Curriculum Design and Capstone Portfolio. How can we who are finite understand God who is infinite. Kabbalah.
Comunicación y Gerencia Mystics of Kabbalah Janice M. Johnson CED595: Curriculum Design and Capstone Portfolio How can we who are finite understand God who is infinite.
Kabbalah Kabbalah is one of the most misunderstood parts of Judaism. Kabbalah has been talked about as "the dark side of Judaism," describing it as evil or black magic. On the other hand, it has also become a trendy doctrine popularized by various Jewish and non-Jewish celebrities. Kabbalah was popular among Christian intellectuals during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, who reinterpreted its doctrines to fit into their Christian dogma.
Kabbalah Today In more recent times, many have taken kabbalistic symbolism out of context for use in tarot card readings and other forms of divination and magic that were never a part of the original Jewish teachings. Today, many well-known celebrities have popularized a new age pop-psychology distortion of kabbalah. It borrows the language of kabbalah and the forms of Jewish folk superstitions, but at its heart is not Kabbalah. So what is Kabbalah.
Four levels of Torah study Kabbalah is considered by many Orthodox Jews to be part of the study of Torah, specifically the study of the inner meaning of Torah. Torah study is traditionally divided into four levels:
Four levels of Torah study • Peshat • The surface meaning of the text • Remez • Allusions or allegories in the text • Derash • Rabbini or midrashic way of reading new lessons into the text • Sod • The hidden mystical reading of the inner secrets of Torah
Kabbalah • Understanding the concept of God • Ein Sof - אין סוף • without end • The Ten Sefiroth • Ten qualities of God • Male and female • The Tree of Life The good and evil that we do resonates through the Sefirot and affects the entire universe, up to and including G-d Himself.
The Tree of Sefiroth • Kether Supreme Crown • Hokhmah Wisdom • Binah Intelligence • Hesed Love or Mercy • Din Power • Tifereth Compassion/Beauty • Netsakh Lasting Endurance • Hod Majesty • Yesod Foundation • Malkuth/ Shekinah Kingdom
REFERENCES • A History of God • Jewish Spirituality I • Jewish Spirituality II • The Early Kabbalah • Kabbalah • Rabbi Jesus • Elijah Benamozegh Israel and Humanity
Comunicación y Gerencia Kabbalah Janice M. Johnson CED595: Curriculum Design and Capstone Portfolio How can we who are finite understand God who is infinite.