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Stop Motion Animation. What is Animation? A definition. Animation is the process of creating the illusion of a continious motion , through rapid display of sequences of static images . . A short history of Animation.
Whatis Animation?A definition Animation istheprocessofcreatingtheillusionof a continiousmotion, through rapid displayofsequencesofstaticimages.
A shorthistoryof Animation • 1600 BC, Egypt: PharaohRamses II built a temple forthegoddness Isis. The temple had 110 post and on each post youcouldsee a pictureofthegoddnes in a slightly different position. Horsemenridingbyhadtheimpressionthatthegoddnesswouldmove.
The Greeksused a similartechnique, but drewtheirpictures on vases. Whenyouturenedthosequite fast, youhadtheimpression, thatthefigures on thevasewoudmove.
The 19th century In the 19th centuryimportantinventionsweredoneconcerning Animation. • 1824 Peter Mark Roget discovered a phenomenacalledafterimage THAUMATROP
1868: John Barnes Linnet (a lithographprinterfrom England) inventedtheflipbook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSrDnIVgVv0
Somemoretechnique • In theearly 19th centurymen such asNicephoreNiepce, Louis Daguerre and Henry Fox Talbot whereinvolved in thedevelopmentofphotography. • 1972: Eadweard Muybridge madethefirstsequenceoffotograghsshowing a motion (horserider) • 1891: Thomas Alve Edison inventedthefirstprojector • 1895 firstfilmscreeningbythebrothersLumier in Paris. The first film showedthearrivalof a train in a French Station.
First Animation • 1906 madebytheinventor Thomas Edison andcartoonist James Stuart calledHumorousPhasesof Funny Faces; buildupof 3000 Photograpiesofdrawingswithcharcol on a blackboard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGh6maN4l2I
Different waystoproduce an Anomation • Drawning(1919 foundationof Walt Disney, 1928 Micky Mouse) • Clay • JointedDolls • Silhouette
Lotte Reiniger • German filmmaker, 1899-1981 • Fascinatedby Chinese artofsilhouettepuppetry • 1919 firstsilhouette film: the Ornament oftheEnamoured Heart • themes: fairytales, famousplaysandoperas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvU55CUw5Ck
William Kentridge • South-African artist, born 1955 in Johannesburg • Animationsproducedthroughdrawings • Themes: history an spiritofthe time of South-Africa Drawningfromthe film Felix in Exile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_UphwAfjhk
Yourtask • Create a modern fairytalepresentedas a Stop Motion Animation. • UsedrawingsandSilhouettes in your Animation.
Stepsinvolved in yourtask • Form groupsuptothreestudents • Developyouridearegardingthetask • Discussyourideawiththeteacher • Write a script • Draw a storyboard • Producethesetandyourprotagonists • Photograph yourscenes • Cut your film withthehelpof Premier • Set up a film festival
Howtodevelopyouridea? Your film shouldhavethecharacterof a modern fairytale! Spirit ofour time (Zeitgeist) Imaginary/ inventedaspects
Spirit ofour time(Zeitgeist) • Very fast changingworld • Digital world • New formsofcommunication (I-Phones, internet, facebook) • Climatechange • Growinggapbetweentherichandthepoor • Terrorism • Atomicthreat • Globalization • Highestpopulationeverbeen on ourworld • Sustainability
Fairytale • Type ofshortstory • Fantastic aspects/ fantasy/ fantasycharacters • Presence ofmagic • Transformation • Transport a message (foreducationalpurposes, eg. Storys fromthe Grimm brothers) • Forchildrenoradults
Yourtask • Create a modern fairytalepresentedas a Stop Motion Animation. • UsedrawingsandSilhouettes in your Animation.
Howtodevelopyouridea? Your film shouldhavethecharacterof a modern fairytale! Spirit ofour time (Zeitgeist) Imaginary/ inventedaspects
Howtowrite a script? • Write the title ofyouranimation • Write a listofyouractorswithnames an a shortdescriptionoftheircharacter • Sketch youractors • Describeyousetting in words an sketchit • Write thescenes; have 2-5 scenes • Thiscan all bedone in jeywords!
Howtodraw a storyboard? • Itis not toshowthewholestorylike in a comic; itis a waytovisualizehowactors, backroundandcamera fit together in everysceneorsequence • Take penandpaper an drawsaquares on it, about dopple theamountofsquaresthanyouhavescenes • Start withthebeginningofthestoryanddrawshotbyshot • Use a newframeforeachsignificantchange in actionorlocation