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The Human Impact

The Human Impact. Investigating the effect of the human population on the environment. The Irony of Development. Standard goals of international aid: Improve quality of life Slow population growth rate Improved quality of life leads to: longer life/lower death rate (P)

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The Human Impact

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Human Impact Investigating the effect of the human population on the environment

  2. The Irony of Development • Standard goals of international aid: • Improve quality of life • Slow population growth rate • Improved quality of life leads to: • longer life/lower death rate (P) • increase in wealth (A) • greater resource use (T) = Greater Environmental Impact (I)

  3. I = PATThe AnthropogenicImpact • Impact = Population X Affluence X Technology • Anthropogenic : originating from human activity

  4. Some Causes • Technology • Agriculture • Electricity generation • Manufactured products • Transportation

  5. Some Effects • Global Change/Shifts in Nutrient Cycles • Toxins/Pollution • Threats to Biodiversity (habitat loss, overharvesting, succession/invasive species)

  6. Unit Objectives • To look at the interrelationships of the various causes and effects from a systems approach • To evaluate the impact we have and make choices about our actions

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