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Ayurveda provides comprehensive treatment of colon cancer, it prevents, cure and keeps you away from all types negative implications.
AcharyaBalkrishna about treatment of colon cancer in Ayurveda
Our body is made up of innumerable different types of cells. These cells increase according to the needs of the body under its control. But, cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. When Tumor or Cancer is formed in a body swelling of nodule of a non-healing Ulcer appears. Avoid taking non-vegetarian and spicy food since it may cause colon cancer. • “Use fibrous food abundantly to keep cancer at bay. Take fresh fruits, vegetables, use flour with husk to prepare chapatti, less refined rice, Pulses with testa. Include vitamin -A and Carotene rich foods in meals. These elements are found in some vegetables and fruits like Carrot, Mango, Papaya etc. Meal should be rich with vitamin - C. Aamla (EmblicMyrobalan), Guava, should be included in diet. Antioxidants like Vitamin – E and Seleniyam are useful, in cancer disease. Maintain regularity in taking food, doing exercises, yogasanas and meditation. Live a balanced life , a cancer-free life.” AcharyaBalkrishna
In Ayurveda, cancer can be Vata, Pitta or Kapha predominant. In order to control cancer combination of medicines should be taken depending upon the severity of the disease. • Medicines like Sarvakalp and kayakalpkwath, SanjeevaniVati, SilaSindoor, Pravalpanchamrit, kanchnarguggal, virdhivadhikavati, aarogyaVardhiniVatiare very effective in most types of cancer. In addition, Godhan ark, wheatgrass juice, Giloy extract and juice, Ghritkumariras, neem and tulsi leaves are also very useful in treating cancers.
Herbal tea or green tea contains large amount of catechinpolyphenols which is a great anti-oxidant and prevents the formation of cancer cells. It is easily available, inexpensive and easy to use. Ashwagandha, another herb also develops resistance against colon cancer and enhance the overall immunity of a patient. Garlic is a good source of organo-sulphur which help in the prevention of the formation of colon polyps. Therefore, one should daily use raw garlic along with ginger as it is another antidote for cancer, a good antioxidant and relieves from inflammation. We all know that turmeric is a good natural healer and sedative but beyond this turmeric boost the functioning of the kidney and liver. Turmeric is a good storage of curcumin which is an anti-oxidant and helps to fight with colon cancer.
In addition to the above mentioned herb Aloe Vera juice, Gooseberry and Guava too are some other great anti-oxidants that cleanse our liver and kidneys, improve immunity and prevent the body from acquiring various diseases and colon cancer. One should avoid taking fast-food and refined flour, the more you take fibrous food minimum will be the risk colon and other cancers.