Diocesan Sunday 2013 Order of Worship
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods. (Psalms 95:1-3) P: (Call to Worship)
P: C: P: C: Glory be to the Father, To the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, to the end of ages. Amen. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your Glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that has come and is to come again in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. (Kauma)
P: C: P: C: P: C: Holy art Thou, O God Holy art Thou, Almighty Lord. Holy art Thou, Immortal Lord. O Lord, the Messiah, who was crucified for us U have mercy on us. O Lord, have mercy upon us. O Lord, have mercy on us and bless us. (The above is repeated thrice)
P: C: P: C: O Lord, accept our prayers and worship, and have mercy on us. Glory be to you, O God. Glory be to you, O Creator. O Christ the King, who has compassion on your sinful servants, have mercy on us, glory be to You. Bless us, O Lord.
P: C: Our Father in Heaven: Hallowed be Your name; Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the time of trial, but deliver us from evil, for the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and forever. Amen.
P: Almighty God, Author of Creation, in whose very voice is the power of creation, who created humanity in diversity and calls us to the freedom of Your holy community, we praise You. O Jesus Christ, Lord of the Resurrection, who through true love in suffering and sacrifice united and elevated humanity unto Himself, we glorify You. .. .. .. (Prayer)
P: O Holy Spirit, Breath of Life, in whom the Holy Church is transformed and renewed, we exalt Your power and presence. O Holy Trinity, embolden us through Your divine Gospel which extends our human vision and strengthen us in your mission to be channels of your life-giving presence to all people. .. .. ..
Today, we, your Holy Church, the Diocese of North America and Europe, of the Mar Thoma Church exalt You for Your unchanging love, providence and grace over the past 25 years. We pray for Your continued mercies and humbly seek Your guidance for the future. You are worthy of all praise and adoration, both now and forever. Amen. P: C:
I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. (Psalms 32:-5-7) P: (Prayer of Confession)
P: C: As Your Holy Church, we understand the church is called to be a hospital for sinners. Yet we admit we have not always worked for healing and consolation. Instead, we have simply viewed the church as another social and cultural space. O Lord, in Your mercy forgive and restore us.
As Your Holy Body, we have been called to be your hands and feet to the world. Yet, too often we have only sought to serve our own needs and desires. Many times have webeen ignorant to the cries of suffering around us. Thus, we have become exclusive and selective in our witness. O Lord, in Your mercy forgive and restore us. O Lord, in Your mercy forgive and restore us. P: C:
P: C: As Your Holy Bride, we are called to be faithful and devotedly prepare ourselves to enter into the divine joy of your eternal presence. However, we have too often sought the temporal glories of this world and have been apathetic to the spiritual poverty of all. O Lord, in Your mercy forgive and restore us.
P: C: As Your Holy Nation, we are called to be identified as Your people unified through Your great love. However, we admit that through our actions and words we have brought discord instead harmony, division instead of unity and conflict instead of resolution. O Lord, in Your mercy forgive and restore us.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. (Psalms 107:1) For your grace in calling us to be Your people, for your mercy in commissioning us as Your Holy Church, for your love revealed to us in Jesus Christ, for Your gift of the Holy Spirit and the joy of salvation, Almighty God, we thank You. P: P: C: (Prayer of Thanksgiving)
P: C: For the unique liturgical and faith traditions that You have gifted the Church with that has strengthened us as a faith community through trials and tribulations, Almighty God, we thank You.
P: C: For your blessings, help, and comfort which you bestowed upon your people in the Diocese of North America and Europe of the Mar Thoma Church from its foundation; for Your overwhelming goodness and providence through all the years of worship and witness in this land, Almighty God, we thank You.
P: C: For this, the Jubilee year of our Diocese of North America and Europe and for those who with faith, vision and great love for You labored to establish this Diocese, Almighty God, we thank You.
P: C: For all of our Worshipping communities in Canada, UK and Europe and for those who have nurtured and sustained it to this day, especially the laity, priests and bishops who served in our Diocese. For they planted and watered, but You gave the growth. Almighty God, we thank You.
P: C: For the visionary leadership and missionary zeal of our Metropolitan, the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma, and our Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius. Almighty God, we thank You.
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. (1 Timothy 2:1) For the whole world, especially those who are suffering due to war, strife, poverty and famine. Although, we might never meet them let us pray in faith with the understanding that we are all one before God. Gracious Lord, Hear our prayer. P: P: C: (Prayer of Intercession)
P: C: For our country and all those who serve in public office that they be guided by the Spirit of God to discern the needs of the people and act accordingly, especially in light of the economic crisis. Gracious Lord, Hear our prayer.
P: C: For the Christian Church throughout the world that in unison of mission we would collectively work for the glory of God and the extension of His kingdom. Gracious Lord, Hear our prayer.
P: C: For the Mar Thoma Church, our Valiya Metropolitan, Metropolitan, Bishops, Priests, Missionaries, Brothers and Sisters who serve in our monasteries and the laity that the Holy Spirit would continually unite, lead and guide us forward. Gracious Lord, Hear our prayer.
P: C: For our Diocese of North America and Europe, especially as we celebrate the Jubilee Year. Let us praise God for His steadfast love and faithfulness over the past twenty-five years; and pray for His continued direction so that we may increasingly fulfill God’s divine purpose and will. Gracious Lord, Hear our prayer.
P: C: For all the mission work of our Diocese, particularly the Mexico Mission, Native American Mission, Neighborhood Mission and India Mission. Let us pray that the incarnate love of God would be revealed through us and we would be useful instruments of restoration amongst these, our brothers and sisters. Gracious Lord, Hear our prayer.
P: C: For the powerful ministry and growth of all the organizations of our Diocese, namely the Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, Yuvajana Sakhyam, Young Families Fellowship, Sevika Sanghom, Edavaka Mission, Senior Fellowship and other ministries such as the Mar Thoma Messenger and Mar Thoma Literature Society. Gracious Lord, Hear our prayer.
My Lord and My God, I affirm my faith in Jesus Christ our Savior and dedicate myself to the selfless service of God (….) through His Holy Church. (….) (Prayer of Dedication) (To be repeated after the Leader)
I earnestly commit myself to prayer, (….) study of the Holy Bible, (….) regular participation in worship (….) and to the ministry of our Church (….) in the community, society and world. (….) Almighty Lord, (….) strengthen us to be one with Christ (….) and one with each other (….) so that in true unity, love and fellowship (….) we would reflect Your divine image. Amen (….)
P: C: May God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless and empower each one of us, our Parish / Congregation, our Diocese and Church as a whole for the glory of God and the benefit of all humanity both now and always. Amen (Benediction)
Mar Thoma Church Diocese of North America and Europe Continuing The Journey