Estonia TheRepublic of Estonia is a country in North-Europe. Itssize is 45.228 km2 .Tallinn is thecapital and thelargestcity of Estonia. Thepopulation in Estonia is aroundonemillion. Estoniahas borders toRussia in theeast and toLatvia in thesouth. =Russia = Estonia = Latvia
Tallinn Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia and the main harbour in Estonia. It’sthelargestcity of Estonia. Thepopulation of Tallinn is about 400.000. Tallinn is locatedonthenorthcoast of Estonia. Tallinn is one of thesmallestcities in thecountries of theEuropeanUnion.
TheNature of Estonia Thenature of Estonia is verybeautiful. Thereare alot of trees and plantsthere. Therearealso alot of birdsthere ,liketheeagle.
Thecoast of Estonia This is theeasterncoast of Estonia. This is thewesterncoast of Estonia. TheBalticSealaysto it. This is thenortherncoast of Estonia. TheGulf of Finlandlaysto it.
Famousthings in Estonia This is a statue of a famouswriterfromEstonia. Hisnamewas A.H Tammsaare. Thisphotowastaken in themiddle of Tallinn RodolfTobias(29. May 1873-29. October 1918) was a famous estonian artist.