1. Feedback Pat Eastwood
Learning Development Unit
April 2004
2. Definition “Feedback is information about the gap between the actual level and the reference level of a system parameter which is used to alter the gap on some way” (Ramprasad, 1983)
A mechanism to encourage change in performance and learning, not simply retrospective corrective information.
3. QAA Code of PracticeMay 2000 Precept 12 - Feedback to students on performance
“Institutions should ensure that appropriate feedback is provided to students on assessed work in a way that promotes learning and facilitates improvement.“
4. Regulations Assessment Review, June 2001
Principle 3
“Students should be provided with feedback on assessment which is timely, which promotes learning and facilitates improvement.”
5. Assessment Review A.5 Documentation for students should specify how students will receive feedback
B7 All programmes should have a feedback strategy which explains the purpose of feedback (diagnostic, formative and summative) and how and when feedback will be provided.
6. Assessment Review
B8 There should be an appropriate balance of diagnostic, formative and summative feedback within a programme.
B11 There should be an increased emphasis on formative assessment at Level 1.
7. Effectiveness? Is all the staff time and effort spent on marking and providing feedback worth it?
Does feedback improve student learning?
8. Effectiveness?
“The feedback on my assignments comes back so slowly that we are already on the next topic ….It’s water under the bridge really. I just look at the mark and bin it”
“I’ll never do that assignment again so what is the point of reading the feedback? I might look at it during revision”
9. Can we improve the effectiveness of feedback?
Black and Wiliam’s (1988) extensive review of formative assessment emphasises the very positive effect that effective feedback has on learning.
10. Principles of effective feedback Focus on task not the student
Focus on learning rather on getting a better grade
Explore students prior knowledge when starting new work – relating old to new
11. Effective Feedback Give as much or as little as they need (research (Black and Wiliam) students given a scaffolded response outperformed those given a complete solution as soon as they got stuck
Appropriate to the purpose of the assignment and to its assessment criteria
12. Effective Feedback Students can understand it (and can understand what the assignment is aiming to do)
Feedback is received/read
Acted upon
13. How? requiring students to identify what they would like feedback on
requiring students to self assess
trying assessment methods that encourage quicker feedback - oral presentations, peer assessment, computer quizzes
two stage assessments
14. How? don’t provide marks or only after self assessment and tutor feedback has been completed
watch use of language
encourage and reward effort
feed forward
discuss assessment criteria etc
15. References Black, P. and Wiliam, D. (1998) Inside the Black Box, Assessment in Education
Ramsden, P. (1992) Learning to teach in Higher Education Routledge
Gibbs, G and Simpson, C. (2004) Does your assessment support your students’ learning? Centre for Higher Education practice, Open University