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AECC viewpoint on the Euro VI proposal. CCIM-stakeholderoverleg Europese milieu-transportdossiers 25 February 2008. Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst AISBL - AECC. AECC Members: European Emissions Control companies.
AECC viewpoint on the Euro VI proposal CCIM-stakeholderoverleg Europese milieu-transportdossiers 25 February 2008
Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst AISBL - AECC AECC Members: European Emissions Control companies Technology for OEM and aftermarket exhaust emissions control on cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles and mobile machinery. 2
The Commission Euro VI proposal • The proposal for a Regulation, rather than a Directive, is in line with the principles of CARS 21 to ensures full harmonisation across Member States. • The ‘split level’ approach provides an effective means of dealing with the complexity of the technical requirements and test procedures. • The proposal provides a thoughtful package of emissions limits with specific requirements for off-cycle emissions, OBD, production conformity, durability, roadworthiness and in-service conformity to be included through the comitology. • The limit values proposed are achievable.
Euro VI comitology issues • Work on the comitology needs to start as soon as possible to ensure that all details are in place for the start of Euro VI. • Although Euro IV and Euro V are available in split-level format, the changes in procedures and requirements, together with referencing of UN-ECE procedures, will require substantial effort. • Critical issues include (but are not limited to) • the definition of reference fuels (including use of biofuels), • correlation values for the World Harmonised Test Cycles, • particle number requirements.
Euro VI comitology – particle numbers • The inclusion of particle number limits, as foreseen in the Commission proposal, is needed to ensure the use of effective particulate control technology. • Methodology and limitsshould be defined as soon as possible to ensure implementationat the same time as other requirements. • Appropriate technologiesallow around 3 orders of magnitude reductionin particle numbers. ETC test results: AECC Euro VI programme
Introduction of world harmonised test cycle • The proposal to include the World Harmonised Test Cycles is welcomed and can enhance European engine manufacturers’ lead in diesel technology worldwide. • Correlation factors need to be established based on realistic technologies for Euro VI.
Summary on Euro VI proposals • Control of NOx and PM emissions will produce benefits for European air quality. • The Euro VI proposals are achievable. • The comitology needs to be developed as soon as possible to allow system developments to proceed. • Particle number procedures and limits need to be developed as soon as possible to ensure concurrent implementation with other emissions requirements. • WHTC correlation factors need to be established based on appropriate technologies. • Early implementation of the technologies for Euro VI can assist in improving urban air quality to meet legislative targets for ambient air quality.
The benefits of Euro VI Engine-outPM Tailpipe PM
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Tailpipe emissions over ESC using B30 biodiesel ESC on Standard Diesel ESC on 30% Biodiesel 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 ESC Emissions [g/kWh] 0.10 0.05 Euro V limit Below limit of detection 0.00 NOx THC CO PM