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Jets in Radio Galaxies and Blazars: Conical Opening Angles and Superdisks. Paul J. Wiita Georgia State University, USA. Peking University, 9 May 2008. Outline:. Basic Properties of Blazars TeV blazars: inverse Compton mechanism boosting to the highest energies
Jets in Radio Galaxies and Blazars: Conical Opening Angles and Superdisks Paul J. Wiita Georgia State University, USA Peking University, 9 May 2008
Outline: • Basic Properties of Blazars • TeV blazars: inverse Compton mechanism boosting to the highest energies • Conical jets vs. cyclindrical jets: modest opening angles can explain many peculiarities, including high Lorentz factors, but slow radio knots • Wide gaps between some lobes in radio galaxies imply jets launched after mergers
Blazar Characteristics • Rapid variability at all wavelengths • Radio-loud AGN • Optical polarization “high” synchrotron domination • BL Lacs show extremely weak emission lines • Double humped SEDs: RBL vs XBL? • Core dominated quasars (or FSRQs) clubbed w/ BL Lacs to form the blazar class • Population statistics indicate that BL Lacs are FR I RGs viewed close to jet direction (Padovani & Urry 1992) • The more powerful Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars are FR II RGs viewed nearly along the jet (Padovani 2007)
Microvariability & Intraday Variability tooRomero, Cellone & Combi (2000); Quirrenbach et al (2000)
Blazar Spectral Energy Distributions • Radio/IR/optical is dominated by synchrotron emission, with e ~ 103-105 • X-ray may be synchrotron if e > 107; or Inverse Compton, where e ~ 102 is OK • Gamma-rays likely to be IC and to get TeV photons e ~ 107 might be needed BL Lac: Boettcher & Reimer 2004, ApJ, 609, 576
SED of TeV Blazar Mrk 421 in High & Low States (Konopelko et al. 2003, ApJ, 597, 851) Here x-rays at peak of synchrotron (HBL) and powerful gamma-rays are modeled by Synchrotron self-compton process
Quasar: 3C 175 (z=0.770) Only 1 jet seen; core relatively more prominent than in RG
VLBA of 3C279:Apparent Superluminal Motionwith Vapp=3.5c: really V=0.997c at viewing angle of 2 degrees(z= 0.536)
RG Jets Start off With Relativistic Bulk Motions • Apparent superluminal motions seen in some FR II RGs, especially flat spectrum quasars seen in VLBI • Gross asymmetries seen between jets and counter-jets in FR II RGs: Doppler favoritism • Correlated one-sided-ness almost always seen between VLBI (pc-scale) and multi-kpc jets • Only plausible explanation for blazars
Jet of Quasar 3C 273 in IR, radio + optical& X-ray(Uchiyama et al. 2006, ApJ, 648, 910)
Part I: Bulk Speeds of AGN Jets • Big questions: • What is the bulk Lorentz factor ? • What is the true jet orientation angle ? • Most of this part is based on three papers: • Gopal-Krishna, Dhurde & Wiita, ApJ, 615, L81 (2004) • Gopal-Krishna, Wiita & Dhurde, MNRAS, 369, 1287 (2006) • Gopal-Krishna, Dhurde, Sircar & Wiita, MNRAS, 377, 446 (2007)
Estimating Bulk Doppler Factors () • Boosted brightness temperature • Intraday radio flux variability • Models of SED of TeV blazars • Rapid variability of gamma-ray flux • The most direct measures come from VLBI knot motions (but may arise from shock, not bulk, velocities)
Doppler Factor from -ray Variability • Several blazars show obs< 1 hr for GeV -rays • If stationary source: size < c obs • For corresponding photon densities: +XSSCe++e- • High cross-section means -rays should not escape • If moving relativistically, then: size < c obs • Thus photon opacity can be reduced sufficiently if ~100 (e.g., Krawczynski & Kirk 2002) • Also, Gamma-Ray Bursts seem to require ~100-1000 (e.g. Sari et al. 1999; Meszaros et al. 2002) • Is there an underlying similarity for AGN and GRBs?
Direct Estimates from VLBI • For normal blazars(Piner et al. 2006, ApJ, 640, 196) • 0235+164: C1: app=25.6±7.0 C2: app= 8.9±1.3 C3: app= 7.9±4.7 • 0827+243: C2: app=25.6±4.4 Most are C3: app=19.2±3.7 quite C4: app=12.3±7.4 superluminal C5: app=12.1±8.1 C6: app= 3.2±3.7 • 1406-076: C1: app=15.6±13.2 C2: app=28.2±6.6 C3: app=22.5±8.9 C4: app=15.8±2.0
VLBI Knot Speeds for TeV Blazars (Piner & Edwards 2004, ApJ, 600, 115) Mrk 421: C4: app=0.04±0.06 C5: app=0.20±0.05 C6: app=0.18±0.05 C7: app=0.12±0.06 Mrk 501: C1: app=0.05±0.18 C2: app=0.54±0.14 C3: app=0.26±0.11 C4: app=-0.02±0.06 1ES 1959+650: C1: app=-0.11±0.79 C2: app=-0.21±0.61 PKS2155-304: C1: app=4.37±2.88 1ES 2344+514: C1: app=1.15±0.46 C2: app=0.46±0.43 C3: app=-0.19±0.40 Most are subluminal or only modestly superluminal
Slow VLBI Knots in PKS 2155-304 • Top row, natural weighting; bottom, uniform weighting with speeds: C1--1.15c, C2--0.46c, C3---0.19c (Piner & Edwards 2004)
How to have Small app in TeV Blazars? • Dramatic deceleration between sub-pc (gamma-ray) and pc (radio) scales(Georganopoulos & Kazanas 2003, ApJ, 594, L27) Energetics are difficult; where does it go? • Very close alignment of the jet: < 0.1o if =100 (statistically unlikely) • Fast spine ( > 30) and slow sheath (~3); the spine would produce X- and -rays, while the sheath would yield the radio synchrotron photons (e.g. Ghisellini et al. 2005, A&A, 432, 401) Distinctly possible, but not necessary
Jets Start Out Wide • Opening angle vs distance for M87 (Biretta et al. 2002) and Cen A (Horiuchi et al. 2006)
So We Consider Conical Jets • Assume a uniform radio emitting knot with a finite opening angle, which may be comparable to the viewing angle, and allow for large values of , which may be a function of transverse location.
Relevant Analytical Expressions(Gopal Krishna et al. 2004) Sobs= n ().Sem()d A()Sem [where, n=3 for radio knots and A()=mean amplification factor] (Fomalont et al. 1991)
High Gammas Yet Low Betas • app vs for jet and prob of app > for opening angles = 0, 1, 5, 10 degrees and = 50, 10 (continuum 2 boosting) • Despite high in an effective spine population statistics are OK: high probability of low app • Predict transversely resolved jets show different app
Apparent Velocities for Conical Jets • For = 100: 40% sub-luminal (=5o) 70% sub-luminal (=10o) • For = 50: 15% sub-luminal (=5o) 30% sub-luminal (=10o) <app> = 6 c (=5o) • So high and low app for TeV blazars can be reconciled • Small fraction of blazars must show app > 50 • Both dense VLBI monitoring and unbiased interpretation of the data needed to check
Implications of Jet Angle Results • If jets are moderately conical, the standard analysis, which assumes =0, would lead to serious underestimates of the jet orientation angle, (if < 10o) • Standard analysis would grossly overestimate the deprojection factor, hence the true radio size of the jet • In-situ acceleration of TeV electrons in hot-spots may not be needed-- they could be transported • Parent population of blazars is not overpredicted even if very high Lorentz factors are assumed
Conical Spine-Sheath Jets • We also consider jets where Lorentz factor varies • (r) = 0exp(-2rq/) • q=0 for constant , q=1 for mild transverse gradient; q=2 for strong gradient • The expectation values of the viewing angles decline rapidly with 0 regardless of the values of or q. • But they level off at <> ~ /3 when the jets become ultrarelativistic (0 > 30), particularly if >5o
Effective Speeds (left) and Doppler Factors (right)for p=3& 0=20 (top), 0=50 (middle) 0=100(bottom)
Results for Spine-Sheath Conical Jets • Decline of eff with is faster for knots with higher . • For well collimated jets ( < 0.5o) eff for uniform is typically 1.5-2 times more than for q=1 and 2-4 times higher for q=2. • Therefore the fastest spine component, close to the jet axis, would be concealed in VLBI measurements. • Again, for good collimation, uniform jets would have 2-4 times larger eff compared to stratified jets, implying Doppler boost factors ~10 times greater. • Different VLBI speeds for different knots in the same jet could only mean that surface brightness distributions across similar speed knots are different.
Part II: Superdisks in Radio Galaxies • A small fraction of FR II RGs have lobes with large separations (~25-30 kpc) and sharp parallel inner edges extending (~75 kpc or more) • These huge strip-like gaps imply the presence of a “superdisk” made of denser material(Gopal-Krishna & Wiita 2000, ApJ, 529,189) Previous Interpretations of the Radio Gaps were Either: • Back-flowing synchrotron plasma in the radio lobes is blocked by the ISM of the parent galaxy (ISM arising from stellar winds and/or captured disk galaxies) • Buoyancy led outward squeezing of the lobe plasma by the ISM • BUT, these wide gaps cannot be explained this way: the ISM is too small
3C192 3C33 4C14.27 Ref: DRAGN Atlas (P. Leahy) 3C381 3C401
A Plausible Mechanism for the Radio Gaps at High Redshift • Dynamical Interaction of radio lobes with a powerful thermal wind outflowing from the AGN(Gopal-Krishna, PJW, Joshi, 2007, MN, 380,703) Key Emerging Pieces of Evidence • Non-relativistic winds (vw>103 km/s) and mass outflow ~1 M/yr are generic to AGN(e.g., Soker & Pizzolato 2005; Brighenti & Mathews 2006) • Thus, relativistic jet pair and non-relativistic wind outflow seem to co-exist (e.g., Binney 2004; Gregg et al. 2006) • Evidence: Absorption of AGN's continuum, seen in UV and X-ray bands (review by Crenshaw et al. 2003) • Wind outflow probably PRECEDES the jet ejection and can last for tw > ~ 108 yrs (e.g., Rawlings 2003; Gregg et al. 2006) • Wind outflow is quasi-spherical, while the jets are well collimated (e.g., Levine & Gnedin 2005)
The Wind-Jet Model: Sequence of Events, 1 • Wind outflow from AGN blows an expanding bubble of metal-rich, hot gas into intergalactic medium • Later, the AGN ejects a pair of collimated jets of relativistic plasma • The jets rapidly traverse the wind bubble and often overtake the bubble’s boundary • From then on, the high-pressure backflow of relativistic plasma of the radio lobes begins to impinge on the wind bubble, from outside • This sideways compression of expanding wind bubble by the two radio lobes transform the bubble into a fat pancake, or superdisk
The Wind-Jet Model: Sequence of Events, 2 • The AGN's hot wind escapes through the superdisk region, normal to jets • The superdisk is "frozen" in the space. It manifests itself as a strip-like central emission gap in the radio bridge • Meanwhile, the galaxy can continue to move within the cosmic web It can move ~ 100 kpc in ~ 300 Myr, with a speed of ~ 300 km/s • Thus, within about 108 years the parent galaxy can even reach the edge of the radio emission gap (sometimes, even cross over into the radio lobe: e..g., 3C16, 3C19) • From then onwards, the two jets propagate through very different types of ambient media (wind material and radio lobe plasma)
Jets Overtake Many Bubbles • Distance where (or if) jets catch up to bubbles is a function of relative powers (LJ/LW) and delay between wind and jet, tJ • (a) - (d) go from weak to strong winds, all lasting 100 Myr • Gray bands correspond to realistic lobe energy densities Gopal-Krishna, PJW & Joshi, 2007, MNRAS, 380, 703
Mergers Can Yield Superdisks at Low-z • At z<1, the T~104K IGM assumed above isn’t around: instead, RGs emerge into Intracluster Medium (ICM) with T>107K • We have just considered this situation in the context of very asymmetric RGs with SDs (Gopal-Krishna & Wiita 2008, New Astr.) • Of 22 SD-RGs, 16 are substantially asymmetric, with central galaxies well offset from center of SD, sometimes even inside one lobe
Asymmetric SD RGs (DRAGN atlas, P. Leahy) (Saripalli et al. 2002)
Hot-Spot Asymmetries • 13 of those 16 have hot-spots more symmetrically placed to the SD midplane rather than the host galaxy • Shown is Number of Sources against ratio of hotspot distances to SD center (solid) and host galaxy (dashed)
Mergers of Ellipticals • Can trigger jet launching • If smaller galaxy is >0.1 mass of larger then the gas attached to that galaxy is likely to deposit its (orbital) angular momentum into the host galaxy’s halo • This can cause the halo to expand to SD dimensions • The host can get a kick from the merger which, along with its random motion can produce asymmetries over ~10-100Myr
Conclusions • Part I: Modest opening angles (5º – 10º) of AGN jets can resolve the jet Lorenz factor paradox of TeV blazars • The frequently observed subluminal motion of VLBI knots can be reconciled with the ultra-high bulk Lorenz factors (j >30 – 50) inferred from rapid TeV and radio flux variability. • Conical jets also produce larger central angles to line of sight and thus smaller deprojected sizes • Part II: Wide strip-like emission gaps are seen in some Radio Galaxies and can’t be understood as arising from backflow onto normal ISM _ Dynamical interaction between thermal (wind) and non-thermal (jet) outflows resulting from the AGN activity, can produce fat pancake or superdisk shaped regions at high redshifts. • Mergers between elliptical galaxies can also produce superdisks; this is more likely for low-z RGs. • The observed asymmetries in lobe/core distances come out of these scenarios
Finding Jet Parameters • Determining bulk Lorentz factors, , and misalignment angles, , are difficult for all jets • Often just set =1/ , the most probable value • Flux variability and brightness temperature give estimates: S = change in flux over time obs Tmax= 3x1010K app from VLBI knot speed is spectral index
Conical Jets Also Imply • Inferred Lorentz factors can be well below the actual ones • Inferred viewing angles can be substantially underestimated, implying deprojected lengths are overestimated • Inferred opening angles of < 2o can also be underestimated • IC boosting of AD UV photons by ~10 jets would yield more soft x-rays than seen (“Sikora bump”) but if >50 then this gives hard x-ray fluxes consistent with observations • So ultrarelativistic jets with >30 may well be common
Inferred Lorentz Factors inf vs. for =100, 50 and 10 for =5o P() and < inf>
Inferred Projection Angles • Inferred angles can be well below the actual viewing angle if the velocity is high and the opening angle even a few degrees • This means that de-projected jet lengths are overestimated
Modeling the Dynamics of the Bubble and the Jets(Gopal Krishna, Wiita & Joshi 2006) Asymptotic (equilibrium) radius of the wind bubble: (Uses the analytical works of Levine & Gnedin 2005; Scannapieco & Oh 2004; Kaiser & Alexander 1997)
Key Blazar Conclusions • Blazars are dominated by emission from jets • Variations within the jet are Doppler boosted and greatly amplified • TeV blazars almost certainly require very high Lorentz factors but often show slow VLBI knots • Allowing for conical jets means ultrarelativistic jet speeds can produce slow apparent speeds, even for fast spine--slow sheath structures • They also produce larger central angles to line of sight and thus smaller deprojected sizes