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Pump up the Tunes

7-1 Science By: Allie Worrall and Maddy Valladao. Pump up the Tunes. Statement of the Problem. How does different music effect test scores?. Project Overview. The seventh graders tested the fourth graders on how well they responded to different types of music in a test environment.

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Pump up the Tunes

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  1. 7-1 Science By: Allie Worrall and Maddy Valladao Pump up the Tunes

  2. Statement of the Problem • How does different music effect test scores?

  3. Project Overview • The seventh graders tested the fourth graders on how well they responded to different types of music in a test environment.

  4. Research • Music helps alleviate mental depression, soothe anxiety, and help fight mental blocks • People who listen to music have higher GPA’s and higher goals • Japan, Netherland, and Hungary are the highest academic-ranked countries because of their knowledge of music's power • Studies showed people who listened to Mozart before taking a test, scored sixty percent higher than people that didn’t listen • Another study showed that Mozart helps because of it’s mathematical rhythm

  5. Variables • Independent- Different types of music (Mozart, “Firework”, Heavy Metal without vocals) • Dependent- Test scores (the number out of one hundred that is correct) • Constant- Same test, same grade level, same age, same song length, same amount of time to take the test, and same volume • Operational Definition-Test scores

  6. Hypothesis • If somebody listens to Mozart (opposed to heavy metal, “Firework” By Katy Perry, or no music) while taking a test, then the test scores will increase because it is proved to benefit test scores.

  7. Materials • C.D. x4 • Test (100 multiplication problems) x180 • Test Folders (to keep separated) x2 • Laptop x1 • Stopwatch x1

  8. Procedure • Gather materials • Make packets of tests • Put numbers on test • Separate 4th grade classes into four groups of at least five boys, five girls • For test results, randomly pick 5 girls, 5 boys • Take group 1 into a quiet room (control group) • Pass out tests (three tests) • Give one minute to complete (tell when to start and stop) • Take second test for 1 minute • Take third test for 1 minute • Collect tests into 2 piles- girl and boy- pick first 5 tests of the girl pile and first 5 tests of the boy pile • Take group 2 into the same room (after the others leave) with the song “Firework” by: Katy Perry playing on a loop. • Repeat steps 5-11 • Take group three into the same room with heavy metal without vocals playing • Repeat steps 5-11 • Take group four into a with Mozart playing • Repeat steps 5-11 • Grade tests • Find average of the test scores out of all the groups • Graph data • Conclude

  9. Photographs

  10. DataNo Music: Control Group

  11. Data“Firework” By: Katy Perry

  12. Data Mozart

  13. DataHeavy Metal Without Vocals

  14. Qualitative Observations • A lot of kids were: • Dancing • Singing • Talking • Tapping Pencils

  15. Quantitative Observations • Five kids weren’t prepared and didn’t bring pencils • About thirty of the students were focused and concentrated

  16. Conclusion Contrary to what the hypothesis stated, the subjects who took the test while hearing “Heavy Metal” had the highest average percentage on the tests!

  17. Possible Experimental Errors • The seventh graders experienced it was hard to keep all the different groups’ test organized into separate piles, which could have concluded in incorrect data. • They also experienced that the kids had a hard time not talking, which could have concluded in them giving each other the answers.

  18. Applications and Recommendations • The seventh graders recommend being more organized if someone uses this science fair idea in the future. That someone may to have four folders to hold each groups’ tests. • Also, the seventh graders think it would have more effective if the fourth graders were given more time to complete the tests.

  19. Works Cited Campbell, Don. The Wisdom and Power of Music. Wheaton, IL: Quest Audio, 2006. CD. Howard, Pierce J. "Musical Training and Spatial Ability: The Mozart Effect." The Owner's Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind-brain Research. Third ed. Austin: Bard, 2006. 248-50. Print. Kutchka. "Does Listening to Music Increase Productivity." Kutchka.......making Probelms Go Away. 2008. Web. 09 Jan. 2011. <http://www.kutchka.com/products/musicincreasesproductivity.htm>. Meg Rebholz, Katie Kean, Wiley Curran, Andrew Hagan. "How Music Affects Concentration and Work Efficiency-Lab Packet." Hays Cummins' Home Page: Ecology, Marine Biology, Coral Reefs & Rainforests, Weather, Other Courses, Vita. 21 Oct. 2005. Web. 09 Jan. 2011. <http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/nsfall05/LabpacketArticles/HowMusicaffectsConcentrat.html>. Moore, Kimberly Seana. "Music and Productivity: 5 Ideas for Using Music To Boost Performance |  Psychology Today." Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness Find a Therapist. Psychology        Today, 4 May 2010. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. <http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-musical-self/201005/music-and-productivity-5-ideas-using-music-boost-performance>. Ms.Nemeth. "How Does Music Effect Your Concentration?" Personal interview. 10 Jan. 2011. Oak, Manali. "Effects of Music on the Mind and Brain." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 2000-2010. Web. 09 Jan. 2011. <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/effects-of-music-on-the-mind-and-brain.html>.

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