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Enhancing Rural Health: Healthy Lifestyles Program for Older Adults with Diabetes

Explore rural barriers and community-based programs for older adults with diabetes. Join the discussion on physiological differences, adaptive technology, and lifestyle improvements to combat chronic diseases. Learn about risk factors, physical activity benefits, and diabetes statistics in the elderly population.

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Enhancing Rural Health: Healthy Lifestyles Program for Older Adults with Diabetes

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  1. Rural Barriers: Healthy Lifestyles Program, Using Diabetes as a Model Diane Spokus Doctoral Candidate The Pennsylvania State University Workforce Education/Training & Development

  2. Background • PEPPI • ACTIVE • AHEC • Continuing Professional Development Programs/Health Education • Adult Aging & Development/Biobehavioral Health • Hartford Foundation (www.hhdev.psu.edu) • Retaining, Managing & Retraining Older Workers

  3. Americans’ use of information technologies has grown in many locations including the workplace, the schools, the home but not as rapidly in lower-income housing and retirement residences or church organizations where older adults congregate.

  4. Healthy Lifestyles Program Sponsored By • The Division of Endocrinology of • The Department of Internal Medicine and the • Department of Family and Community Medicine • Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and • Pennsylvania Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) • Sponsored by: • Diabetes Control Program • Pennsylvania Department of Health

  5. AHEC MISSION The mission of the Pennsylvania AHEC Program is to help communities meet their primary health care needs

  6. by creating a statewide infrastructure bridging community and academic resources to:

  7. Recruit and retain primary care providers in underserved communities.

  8. NEEDS LOCAL SOLUTIONS • Each underserved community & individual has a different set of needs that must be identified andaddressed.

  9. AHEC Housed in 45 States

  10. Southcentral PA AHEC Region

  11. Goal Today • To discuss the opportunities for improvement in the delivery of community-based health education programs for older adults living in rural areas.

  12. Objectives Today • To discuss the Healthy Lifestyles Program • To examine rural barriers to success in implementing community-based programs for older adults • To identify the physiological differences that occur in the aging process that require adaptive technology

  13. Objectives of the Healthy Lifestyle Program • Increase the awareness of the population in the area that everyone is at risk for a chronic disease • Develop and implement a community training program to empower the target audience with tools to improve their lifestyles • Evaluate the training program through a pre- and post-trainee assessment

  14. Target Audience • Older adults in low-income hi-rises, retirement communities, long-term care, assisted care facilities, church groups, and Pennsylvania Department of Aging Area Agencies on Aging. • Increased need in communities to obtain free community-based health education programs.

  15. Risk Factors • Overweight • Older population is at greater risk for obesity-related health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia. • Two major factors behind obesity include • Inactivity • Poor dietary habits • 45 years of age or older • Inactive lifestyle • Woman having had a child weighing 9 pounds or more • Family history of diabetes

  16. Physical Activity • Regular physical activity • for older adults can have an enormous effect on their independence level and quality of life. • Older adults at a greater risk for developing chronic diseases • such as diabetes, heart disease, or hypertension • Motivation • is the key to maintaining an active lifestyle

  17. Number of People with Diabetes • United States 13 million • Pennsylvania 660,000 People with diabetes that do not know it: • United States 5.2 Million

  18. Facts • In 1992 – 30 million persons over 65 • In 2000 – 34 million persons over 65 • About 5%, or over 1 million will be residents of an institution • Most older men are married; most older women are widowed • 86% suffer from one or more chronic health conditions • > age 65, 23% limited in their activities of daily living Source: National Center for Health Statistics. (1992). Facts about older Americans. Washington, DC: Author

  19. Facts • People > age 65 • hospitalized twice as often as people under 65 • People > age 65 • hospital visits average 50% longer • People > age 65 • use twice as many prescriptions. • Fastest U. S. growing population • > age 85 Source: National Center for Health Statistics. (1992). Facts about older Americans. Washington, DC: Author

  20. Healthy Lifestyles Program, Using Diabetes as a Model Train-the-Trainer Program • Volunteers from the community who attend two-hour interactive training programs on how to facilitate the Healthy Lifestyles Program • Recruited from organizations, parish ministries and health professions students wishing to do community work.

  21. Area Agencies on Aging • Implement various programs for older Pennsylvanians. • 52 such Pennsylvania offices • Serving all 67 counties • Staffed with caseworkers skilled in such areas as geriatrics, social work and community resources • Assist older adults with questions • regarding nursing facilities • community services in nursing facility placement, • and a wide range of other community services tailored to your specific needs.

  22. Pennsylvania’s 67 Counties

  23. Program Timeline • Summary reports to Department of Health every 12 months • Under Pennsylvania Department of Health contract to implement 16 programs per year. • First Month: • Coordinator identified sites for courses • Second Month: • The first trainee program for Facilitators held at College of Medicine.

  24. MARKETING • The Third Month: • Advertisement began for course participants and continued throughout the remaining months. • Notices in church bulletins, newspapers, Area Agencies on Aging, Retiree residences, low-income housing. • First courses implemented • Provided exercise and nutrition books as incentives

  25. Intervention • Provide a one-time only follow-up session between one to two months to provide support to the individuals. • Also, link individuals to community resources

  26. Results From June, 2002 to July, 2004 • Number of Train-the-Trainer Programs 6 • June 4, 2002 – 4 • June 11, 2002 – 10 • July 2, 2002 – 8 • July 9, 2002 – 2 • September 26, 2002 - 14 • July 23, 2003 - 5 • Number of Trainees 43 • who have participated in trainer program

  27. Participants • From June, 2002 to July 1, 2004 • 66 Healthy Lifestyle Programs conducted • 887 individuals participated • particularly lower socio-economic groups, including minorities participated

  28. Attrition Note: Due to facilitator attrition, we could only depend on 5 new facilitators and 2 seasoned facilitators, including myself for community-based programs. • Reasons: Volunteer facilitators had good intentions; however, when programs are held during the day, there are work conflicts • In-Kind Contributions – approximately $17,000

  29. EVALUATION • Pre-post tests and follow-up questionnaires/surveys were used to determine how many people were able to change at least one unhealthy behavior and how much physical activity changed as a result of the educational program

  30. Pre/Post Test Questions Likert Scale (1 Disagree to 5 Agree) • This program gave me information that I did not know before. • I learned how to live a healthy lifestyle. • I am more aware of the risk factors of diabetes. • I can name one healthy eating guideline that I can follow. • I can name one way I can increase my activity level. • I can understand the importance of using the wallet card. • I would recommend this program to my friends, family and people I meet. • I was able to understand the material presented.

  31. Facilitator’s Evaluation Questions • Is the program written at an appropriate reading level for the general public? • Is the content appropriate for the general public? • Does the content provided achieve the stated objectives? • What suggestion do you have to change the content of the program? • What suggestions do you have in presenting the material? • Is the Trainer’s Manual complete enough to give the trainer enough information to address the audiences concerns?

  32. Facilitator Evaluations (cont’d.) • If the audience has questions, that the trainer cannot answer, should they: • Contact the people that trained them? • Refer them to an educator in the area? • Refer them to their provider? • Leave it up to the discretion of the trainer? • Other (specify)_____________________ • Do you have any other suggestions or comments about the program?

  33. Barriers • Lack of funding for successful delivery of rural health education program • Educational level (reading level, verbal abililty) • Race and ethnicity (language barriers); need for more Spanish-speaking facilitators • Income (inability to afford hearing aids, glasses) • Health (age-related declines)

  34. Observations in the Field • Cognitive difficulties in completing some simple pre/post test questions • Need for material for various educational levels which may be accomplished through adaptive technology • Increased lay person training in use of medical devices such as infusion pumps, blood pressure monitors, etc. • Medications not taken properly (instructions too quick to grasp) • Hearing losses provided a challenged in giving directions; battery-operated hearing aid transistors would have helped participants more actively participate • Visual problems – although we had packets in large print, there was a need for technology in the field to present the material in different modalities, such as PowerPoint, microphone, virtual presentations, etc.

  35. Recommendations • Stimulate an increase in funding to provide computer and internet capabilities to community-based organizations that service older adults. • Related to the above, increase the use of technology particularly to Area Agencies on Aging, retirement communities and low-income hi-rises that service older adults. • Facilitate health care delivery communication in different formats that attracts different educational levels and compensates for age-related changes. This would include keeping an audience motivated through animation, video, and experiential tasks. Older adults may need to learn something new through several modalities: seeing it, hearing it and doing it. • Build partnerships to avoid duplication of services • Provide technology training to facilitators as well as to participants

  36. Age-Related Changes • Vision • Lens yellows and thickens • Muscles controlling pupil size weaken • Result – need for additional light • >65 years old →2x as much light as younger Lens person • Lens grows unevenly → glare • Color perception → pastels look alike; darker colors indistinguishable • Cataracts → cataract glasses thick to compensate for the lack of a natural lens • Macular Degeneration → central vision loss Richman, N., & Glantz, C. (1992a). Sensory deficits and ways to help. Unpublished Manuscript. Riverwoods, IL: Rehabilitation Associates.

  37. Ways to Help • Use non-verbal feedback through touch to compensate for visual deficits—can’t see those warm smiles • Adjust shade, tablecloths, curtains to avoid glare • Sunglasses, hats • Provide adequate lighting • Color coding doesn’t help in taking meds; contrast colors • Gradual lighting helps; e.g., night lights • Reassure them of their appearance • Finger foods Richman, N., & Glantz, C. (1992a). Sensory deficits and ways to help. Unpublished Manuscript. Riverwoods, IL: Rehabilitation Associates.

  38. Normal Aging Hearing • Presbycusis →  for men • Hearing worse at high frequency; sounds distorted • Loss  for consonants than vowels. S,Z,T,F, and G sounds difficult to discriminate • ↓ Well-being, paranoid reactions common • Important for communication & safety Richman, N., & Glantz, C. (1992a). Sensory deficits and ways to help. Unpublished Manuscript. Riverwoods, IL: Rehabilitation Associates.

  39. Ways to Help • Provide amplifiers to older adults when doing community-based program • Overall program evaluations are not always credible when you have individuals filling out pre/post test forms who can’t hear directions, etc.

  40. Normal Aging • Neurological Changes • Instructions and information on disease may be too complex • 7% ↓in brain size; nerve cells lost • Older adults earn ↓ scores compared to young • Age differences represent decline in ability tested or  cautiousness of individual ↓speed of processing • Exaggerates declines in memory and learning • Less willing to “guess” •  long term memory when instructed to organize material in brain for processing & storage • Recall, recognition & mneumonics— “tricks of the trade” Richman, N., & Glantz, C. (1992a). Sensory deficits and ways to help. Unpublished Manuscript. Riverwoods, IL: Rehabilitation Associates.

  41. Healthy Lifestyles Participant Manual What is Diabetes? • It is a serious, chronic disease in which you have a high blood sugar level due to a lack of insulin • Insulin is needed to take the glucose (sugar out of the bloodstream and move it into the body’s cells to use for energy

  42. What is Diabetes? • It is a serious, chronic disease in which you have a highblood sugar level due to a lack of insulin • Insulin is needed to take the glucose(sugar) out of the bloodstream and move it into the body’s cells to use for energy

  43. Type 1 Genetic Self-allergy Environmental (virus) Type 2 Family members with Type 2 diabetes Being overweight Physically inactive Dietary intake Advancing Age Ethnicity (Race) Risk Factors

  44. Types of Diabetes • Type 1Type 2 • No InsulinNot enough insulin produced producedBody unable to use insulin produced

  45. Type 1 Frequent urination Very thirsty/hunger Feeling very tired Blurred vision Unexplained weight loss Type 2 Frequent urination Very hungry/thirsty Feeling very tired Blurred vision Slow healing cuts Frequent infections No symptoms at all Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

  46. What Happens When You Eat • Cells in your body need sugars and starches for energy to do their job • Food you eat is turned into sugar and starches by the stomach • Sugars and starches are carried in the bloodstream to the cells • The pancreas makes more insulin – the key- that opens the doors of the cells so the sugar goes into the cell

  47. What Happens When You Eat = Sugar = Insulin

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