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A case study focusing on individualized assessment and teaching strategies for student Jaden to improve literacy skills in reading and writing. Goals include enhancing fluency, comprehension, and phonemic awareness through high-frequency word teaching and balance of cues.
MWSU Individualizing Assessment & Reading Case Study on Jaden Teri Ray-Freeman Presentation Date: April 17, 2013 Picture and name published with permission
Initial Assessment • Text Reading Level • Independent- Level- L3 (C) • Instructional- Level and strategies used-L4 (C) VS, 1-1 matching; R-SC; cross-checking (M)(V) a • Frustrational- Level and strategies used-L6 (D) 1-1 matching; cross-checking (M)(V) The initial assessment showed me Jaden's instructional level(D) and that his errors are mostly (V) in nature. It also showed me that his phonemic awareness and knowledge of "how words work"needed improvement. My goals: • Balance (M) cues with (V), with meaning as the emphasis, for a balanced approach to enhance fluency and comprehension. • Build on high-frequency words through "teaching how words work" • Teach him to transfer what he learns about reading into his writing. • Reading is fun.
Strengths • High comprehension skills • Monitors -cross-checking (M)(S)(V) at times • Visually searches B-M-E • Rereads to self-correct and confirm • Solves new things on own • Reads fluently most of the time • Has a good understanding of "how words work" • Uses familiar chunks in unfamiliar or isolated words • Knowledgeable about letter identification,concepts of print, phonemic awareness
Weaknesses • Jaden's biggest weakness is hisinconsistency in using all of the cue system and strategies to help him every time he reads, such as:. Reading: • Cross-checking (M)(S)(V) • Monitoring by using the self-extending system • (VS) B-M-E • Rereading to confirm or self-correct Writing • Encoding skills need improvement • Proper use of punctuation (ending a sentence) • Clarification of proper name capitalization
Evidence of Student Learning Lesson #4 Lesson #8
Evidence of Student Learning Lesson #4 Lesson #8
Interventions • (What I taught within and across the lesson components) • Fluency Writing- worked on high-frequency words (wipe-off board, cut-up letters) • Familiar Reading-fluency and monitoring • Running Records-cross-checking (M)(S)(V) and R-C • Letter Work- making and breaking words and chunk and blends • Journal Writing-retelling stories, punctuation, and proper usage of capitalization, Elkonin boxes • Cut-up Sentence-comprehension and punctuation • New Book-book walks, predictions of B-M-E sounds, connections, inferences, and building schema
The student’s Response to my Interventions • Writing Growth Increase in high-frequency words(39/50-47/49) Comprehension enhanced with retelling story through journal writing(.Repeating each word as he wrote them.) Punctuation, capitalization, and proper spacing improved Understanding of How Words Work Phonemic awareness (DIC 26/30 -30/30) Finding familiar chunks and blend sounds to encode in his writing. Ability to make & break words, change beginnings and endings. • Reading Growth • Level D (5) & ended at level F(10) • Learned to (VS) B-M-E;1-1 matching • Cross-check (M)(S)(V) • Rereading to confirm & self-correct • More fluent with proper expression • Check to make sure it matches • High-frequency words increased • Find familiar chunks/blends in unfamiliar or isolated words
Final Assessment • Reading interest level - increased from medium to high • Letter Identification- Perfect score but sound of "Q" unknown • Concepts About Print:Improved from 16/17 to 17/17 • Sight Word Test:Moved to 100 list- 99/100 • Writing Vocabulary:mostly high-frequency words (47/49) • Hearing and Recording Sounds: Perfect score (30/30) • Text Reading Level: • Independent- Level 9 (F) • Instructional- Level 10 (F)- uses cross-checking (M)(V); fluency with inflection;(VS) B-M-E; R-SC; monitors • Frustrational- Level 11(G)-uses cross-checking (M)(V); monitoring; R-C; 1-1 matching; lower fluency level but uses inflection with exclamation
Final Assessment • Comprehension:High comprehension skills; makes connections; discovers and solves new things on his own. • Fluency:reads with proper expression and phrasing during independent and instructional levels but not at frustration levels. The final assessment showed Jaden made gains in all areas of reading and writing. He does not consistently use all strategies each time he reads. This will be consistently worked on with him until it becomes automatic in a way that will enable him to get better each and every time he reads. The goal of reading for meaning was accomplished in ways of enhancing is comprehension, fluency, and finding more balance between (M) and (V) cues. The goal in teaching how words work was also accomplished in building his phonemic awareness. He was also able to transfer some of what he learned in reading to writing, such as sounding out familiar chunks in isolated words.
What the class has taught me about teaching reading and writing…. • Good observational skills are very important • Use explicit instruction and same language • Concentrate on reading for meaning-balancing (M)(S)(V) • How words work through make and breaking and chunks and blends of high-frequency words • Comprehension strategies to promote self-extending system • Help struggling readers/writers be better each time they read/writing • READING IS FUN!!!