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Maps & Geography

Explore the four major oceans - Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian - and different types of maps like political, physical, historical. Test your knowledge with a fun Geography Pictionary game!

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Maps & Geography

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Maps & Geography

  2. Arctic ocean Pacific ocean Indian ocean Atlantic ocean But First, Oceans of the World • The world has four major oceans. • Atlantic • Pacific • Arctic • Indian

  3. Political Maps • Political maps show political units such as countries, states, towns, etc.

  4. Physical Maps • Political maps show mountains, hills, plains, rivers, lakes, oceans, and other physical features of an area.

  5. Historical Map • Historical maps illustrate things like economic activity, migration, battles and changing boundaries

  6. Map Keys and Legend

  7. Time for a Break and a Political Map test of the United States!!

  8. Answer Key

  9. Now it’s time for…. Geography Pictionary

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