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Quality professional development is vital for continuous improvement. Wisconsin DPI ensures this through a robust training framework. Gathered data shows varying success in compliance with Indicator #13. Goal setting and content selection are crucial. Action plans are now consistently presented. Collaboration is enhanced through online support and regional activities. Ongoing data collection guides improvements. Summative program evaluation identifies areas of need. Tools include data collection methods and goal-setting frameworks.
“Every Child a Graduate” Wisconsin Department of Public InstructionSPECIAL EDCATION FRAMEWORK FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Life-long learning and continuous improvement are as important for adults as they are for students in schools. Quality professional development is the means to promote continuous improvement. Part of our responsibility as a state department of education is to assure quality, professional development. The framework above identifies the WHO, HOW, WHAT and SUPPORT needed for quality professional development.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative Indicator #13Collecting/Analyzing Data • Data was gathered during discussion, simulated learning experiences and authentic learning experiences, individual discussions and observations, district verification and validation processes and data submitted to DPI each year by a random selection of 90 school districts • Data was analyzed to draw conclusions regarding efficacy of the WSTI structure to meet compliance with indicator #13 statewide from 2005-Spring of 2008. It was determined that these presentations were inconsistent and discussion varied dramatically.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative Indicator #13 Goal Setting for Student and Adult Learning • Write IEP’s that comply with federal requirements of Indicator #13 • Professional staff will be able to apply effective practice when writing student transition plans. • Goal of 100% compliance • Focus on the top three ranking errors.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative Indicator #13 Selecting the Content • Content selected for collective study by schools and districts must be supported by evidence that it can accomplish the goals set for student learning. • Minimal Compliance to Effective Practice • Paul Sherman created examples and non-examples for each of the elements of Indicator #13.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative Indicator #13 Designing Action Plans • We also went to an ITV format so that presenters, presentation, discussion and responses to participant questions were consistent • Paul, Steve, and Linda are the only presenters of this information.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative Indicator #13 Collaboration/Implementation • Develop online support – focus questions each month • Set up regional network activities (both virtual and face-to-face) • Link to existing conferences and meetings to continue the learning/sharing • Use WSTI and WDPI websites to post successfully implemented units based on new standards • added a “Tips for Indicator #13” component to our newsletter to send out follow up reminders on key points.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative Indicator #13 Ongoing Data Collection/Analysis • Formative evaluation gathered during the presentation and throughout the year. • Examples include: discussion during presentation, simulated learning experience during presentation, authentic learning experience during presentation (IEP review), • Ongoing individual telephone and email discussions, observations during district verification and validation process, etc • Information used to make changes to our presentation and information we send out in “Tips for Indicator #13”.
Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative Indicator #13 Program Evaluation Collection/Analysis • Summative data is submitted to DPI each year by a random selection of approximately 90 school districts. • Each district submits data for each element of Indicator #13 which allows us to determine areas of highest need and start the cycle over again.
Tools for the Seven Steps SPECIAL EDUCATION Personnel Development Model WPDM
Tools for Collecting/Analyzing Data • Student Achievement Data • State/Standardized Test Data • Local/District Assessment Data • Classroom Assessment Data • Alternative Assessment Data • Other Student Data to Consider • report card grades • discipline referral data • Birth to 3, Headstart, childcare data • attendance and truancy • suspension and expulsion • graduation rate • student intervention plans
Tools forGoal Setting for Student and Adult Learning SMART Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Results-based Time-bound Guiding questions • What goal will you develop that addresses a specific need observed in your data analysis? • Does your goal focus on specific needs of students or teachers? • Does your goal measure whether the actions made the kind of difference expected? • Is your goal attainable (doable) given your current resources? • Is your goal results-based? Have you defined the desired outcome? • Is your goal time bound? Have you given a time frame for achievement?
Tools forSelecting the Content Example: Documentation of Structured Analysis for Selecting Scientifically-Researched based Instructional Strategies and Programs.
Tools forDesigning Action Plans Developing Action Plans • Select the focus area(s) of the school’s professional development action plan. Strategy/Activities • What steps will you take to reach your goal? What tasks will you complete along the way? Timeline/Staff • What is your timeline to implement the strategies? With whom will you collaborate to reach the goal? Evaluation Criteria/Evidence • What evaluation criteria or evidence will you use to show that strategies have been implemented are successful?
Tools forCollaboration/Implementation Sample options for providing teachers time for collaboration • Administrators free teachers by taking their classes • Large-group instruction • Independent study and research • Instructional assistants • Student teachers or interns • Early release one day a week Have you implemented or are you using -Mentors/Coaching/PLC’s
Tools forOngoing Data Collection/Analysis (Formative) Estimating yield from formative data collection: • Will you know what instructional and curricular changes your students are experiencing? • Is each student getting enough instruction in this strategy to yield positive results? • Will you know whether teachers are implementing the SD content with sufficient frequency and skill that students get the intended benefit? • Will you be able to track student progress and growth on the targeted knowledge and skills? • Will you have enough information to adjust the training and workplace supports to help those teachers who are not transferring the skill into their classrooms? • What else might you need to include in your formative data collection?
Tools forProgram Evaluation Collection/Analysis (Summative) Summative evaluation is conducted at the completion of a program or activity and your evaluation report should include evidence related to the following: • Describe what was accomplished by your professional development program. 2. What were the positive outcomes of the program? 3. Describe any negative consequences of the program? 4. What were the intended results? 5. What happened that you did not expect? 6. Did the benefits justify the costs of the program? If not, why?
Templates for the Seven Steps SPECIAL EDUCATION Personnel Development Model WPDM
Resources for the Seven Steps SPECIAL EDUCATION Personnel Development Model WPDM
Questions or Thoughts on Creating, Accumulating, and Utilizing Sharable Knowledge Deborah Bilzing, EdD Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 608-266-7987 Deborah.bilzing@dpi.wi.gov