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Welcome Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund Bidders’ Webinar. Telephone Lines are Muted Presenter Karen Shack, Commonwealth Corporation August 8, 2013. Dial in to our conference line for the audio . Call: 1-888-265-4641 When prompted, enter pass-code: 2300388045.
WelcomeHealth Care Workforce Transformation Fund Bidders’ Webinar Telephone Lines are Muted Presenter Karen Shack, Commonwealth Corporation August 8, 2013 Dial in to our conference line for the audio. Call: 1-888-265-4641When prompted, enter pass-code: 2300388045
Brief Introduction of Chapter 224 Overview of Request for Proposals Grant Application Package Attachments Solicit Questions about the RFP or Application Package If you encounter any technical issues during this session please contact Angela Holley at 617-717-6911. Today’s Webinar Will Cover…
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www.commcorp.org Front page of website- bottom left corner Where to Find the RFP
“An Act Improving the Quality of Health Care and Reducing Costs through Increased Transparency, Efficiency and Innovation”; Chapter 224: Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund Goals: Assigns responsibility for the funds to Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Establishes a Health Care Work Force Transformation Fund Advisory Board Mandates 20% of funds be transferred to DPH for focus on primary care Designates establishment of a competitive grant process as method to disperse remaining funds. About Chapter 224
Target of Health Care Transformation Funds • Support development and implementation of programs to enhance health care worker retention rates; • Address critical health care workforce shortages; • Improve employment in the health care industry for low income individuals and low wage workers; • Provide training, educational or career ladder services for unemployed or underemployed health care workers seeking new positions or responsibilities within health care industry; • Training or educational services for health care workers in emerging fields of care delivery models.
Why a Planning Grant RFP? • As a result of input from stakeholders and the Advisory Board, the decision was made to release a Planning Grant RFP to provide applicants with funds to support planning that will help them to address workforce challenges that occur as a result of the requirements of implementing Chapter 224. • Intend to release an Implementation Grant RFP early Spring 2014; applicants will not need to be planning grantees to apply for implementation funds
To address workforce challenges related to the implementation of Ch. 224 that can be addressed through education and training; A structured plan of action to address the need Goals of the Grant Program
Assess skills/competencies of current employees Assess relevance, quantity, quality of existing trng. or education programs that serve as workforce supply Develop plan to deliver required trng./education to current employees Develop a plan to improve or create programs to supply future workers Develop a plan to fill vacancies created by training current workers for higher level jobs Other activities required to develop a plan to address your expressed business need. Fundable Activities
Fundable Activities Curriculum may be developed with these grant funds and will be in the public domain
Desired Outcomes and Deliverables for Planning Grantees • A mid-point narrative report submitted and reviewed; form will be provided • Deliverables as outlined in your work plan • Implementation Application or Final Report at end of grant period
Implementation Grant Preview • Grants will provide up to $250,000 per grant • Grant periods will not exceed 2 years • Implementation applications will be available during the contracting period for all grantees- January 2014 • Applicants for Implementation funds do not need to have been awarded Planning Grant Funds
Funding Availability: $1 Million Match Requirement: No match required Rolling Applications: 10/1/13 -6/1/14 or when funds are obligated See chart in RFP p. 3 for detail Duration of Contracts: up to 4 months Maximum Amount per Grant: $15,000-$50,000 Overview of the Planning Grant
Applying for a Planning Grant • Eligible Applicants • Required Partners • Summary • Narrative Questions • Staffing Plan • Work Plan • Memorandum of Agreement • Budget • Certificates of Good Standing • Certification
Health Care employers with operations in Massachusetts and that employ Massachusetts residents Health Care Business or Industry Associations OR Intermediary Organizations such as: Local workforce investment boards Labor organizations Joint Labor Management organizations Community-based organizations Institutions of higher education Vocational education institutions One-stop career centers Local workforce development entities Non-profit education, training and other service providers A lead applicant that is not a health care employer or health care business association must have Either a signed MOA with a healthcare employer that articulates goal of planning grant and roles/responsibilities- OR identify health care employer in the application with whom applicant will be partnering on planning activities. Page 4 of the Health Care Planning Grant RFP Eligible Lead Applicants
If workers at a participating employer are represented by a collective bargaining agreement, the labor union representing those workers must be a signatory to an MOA and an active participant in the planning. Page 4 of the Health Care Planning Grant RFP. Required Partner
Cover Page Summary Level Information Project Summary will be shared publicly for all organizations awarded funding Page 13 of RFP. Part 1: Application Summary Form
Part 2: Application Narrative Form No more than 10 pages; 1. What business problem do you need to address that could be improved by training? 2. How does this business need relate to Chapter 224? 3. Describe briefly what planning you have already completed to address this identified challenge. 4. How do you propose to use the Planning Grant funds to address this challenge?
Part 3: Staffing Plan • Please use the form to provide the names and organizations of all individuals who will be involved in the planning activities. • If you intend to hire a staff person or consultant please note that the position exists but is not yet filled. Indicate who is responsible for the hiring.
Part 4: Work Plan Form • Provide a detailed list of planning activities and note which staff person and organization is responsible and what timeframes will be required. • Utilize the format provided in the application. If you need more space, expand the form.
Forms are in Excel File Detailed instructions in RFP Budget Form (5a) Summary Level Budget Narrative (5b) Narrative explaining how funds will be used Rate @ Unit calculations Actual Costs vs. Cost Allocation Indirect costs not to exceed 10% of sub-total Part 5b: Budget Narrative Form (EXCEL)
Part 6: Memorandum of Agreement • Review Draft version and revise the sample to customize it for your partnership • If the lead applicant is a single health care employer with no additional partners, no MOA is required • Must be signed by all partners • Submit as PDF File with signatures.
Must be submitted for all partners benefiting financially from Health Care Workforce Transformation funds Complete Part 7 to determine which partners must submit a Certificate of Good Standing (C.O.G.S.) C.O.G.S. must be less than 6 months old Certificates of Good Standing may be accessed online Allow time for any delay in receiving C.O.G.S C.O.G.S are required and must be submitted in order to meet threshold criteria Submit as PDF file Part 7: Certificates of Good Standing
Must be signed by an authorized signatory for the lead applicant Submit as PDF file Page 22 of the RFP. Part 8: Certification
Evaluation Process and Criteria • Threshold Screening • Compliance Screening • Has applicant identified a business need related to implementing Ch.224? • To what extent does the Work Plan identify specific activities timeframe roles and responsibilities to achieve the goals of the grant? • To what extent is the budget reasonable and relevant to proposed activities? • Does the applicant and their partners have the capacity to complete the proposed activities within the grant period? • Health Care Workforce Transformation Grant funds may not be used to take the place of other state funding.
Contract/Payments • Commonwealth Corporation’s Standard Contract Terms and Conditions • Funds disbursed on a cash reimbursement basis at mid-point and end of grant period through submission of invoice.
October 1, 2013 by 12:00 noon Submit electronically and have health care planning grant in header Electronic copy sent to srs@commcorp.org . Application Submission
Thank You!Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund Planning Grant Bidders’ Webinar Additional Questions Email all questions to kshack@commcorp.org All Questions & Answers will be posted to www.commcorp.org