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Seating arrangement

Seating arrangement. O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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Seating arrangement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Seating arrangement

  2. O Canada!Our home and native land!True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise,The True North strong and free! From far and wide,O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free!O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

  3. Today’s Checklist SMGS Quick quiz Intro note Patty’s growth chart Chapter 1 summary Chapter 3 reading Chapter

  4. Quick quiz check

  5. Before reading Examine the cover of the novel What do you recognize? What do these images tell you? What is unfamiliar to you?

  6. Spoiler alert! Without giving too much away, the novel Summer of My German Soldier is about a young girl growing up in Arkansas during WWII She goes through many “growing pains”, both physically and emotionally We will chart her growth as we follow her journey

  7. Growth chart How much have you changed over the years? Complete the “growth chart” We will chart our main character’s (Patty’s) growth throughout the novel

  8. Key words

  9. Background information What do you know about the following people? Symbols? Events? Pearl Harbour, Hawaii Attacked by the Japanese, Bringing the U.S.A. into WWII Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi party during WWII Swastika – symbol of the Nazi party

  10. Summer of My German Soldier The novel takes its inspiration in part from the author's own childhood. Like her heroine, Greene grew up in a small Arkansas town at the end of World War II. Her parents owned a country store, and they were the only Jewish family in a Protestant community.

  11. The story explores the tensions created by these kinds of ethnic and religious differences. Published the year that the Vietnam conflict ended, her book also acts as an allegory about the prejudices and fears of late 1960s and early 1970s America.

  12. Chapter One Patty's life changes when a group of German POWs arrives by train to be taken to the new prison camp just outside of town. She is struck by the fact that they look no different from anyone else. When the soldiers are brought into town to purchase hats to shield them from the "formidable Arkansas sun," Patty hurries to her parents' store to help out. There is one prisoner who speaks English, and he is singled out to make their purchases. After procuring hats for the men to wear while working in the fields, he approaches the stationery counter to buy writing supplies. Patty is at the counter, and he introduces himself to her. His name is Frederick Anton Reiker. Besides the stationery, he also buys a piece of costume jewelry, seemingly on a whim.

  13. Chapter One Summary Table

  14. Journal Entry Imagine that everyone you knew was telling you not to follow your heart, not to do the right thing…what would you do?

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