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Repackaging Research for the Common Core (and today’s hyperconnected youth…). Paige Jaeger Coordinator for School Library Services Washington Saratoga Warren Hamilton Essex Board of Cooperative Educational Services (aka WSWHE BOCES) Saratoga Springs, NY paigejaeger@gmail.com
Repackaging Research for the Common Core (and today’s hyperconnected youth…) Paige JaegerCoordinator for School Library Services Washington Saratoga Warren Hamilton Essex Board of Cooperative Educational Services (aka WSWHE BOCES)Saratoga Springs, NY paigejaeger@gmail.com Librarydoor.blogspot.com InfoLit4U@twitter
Millennials can… Access anything… Analyze ? Synthesize ?
If your assignment can be answered on Google, then it is void of higher level thought. Why bother?
Information + Technology = ________________ Higher level thought
10 million teachers trained in Inquiry (PBL) to “lead and participate in a global economy” EngageNY.org
Information + Technology = ________________ Higher level thought
CCSS Pedagogy Verbs IntegrateEvaluate ComprehendCritiqueAnalyze - think analyticallyAddress a QuestionSolve a problemConduct a short research projectsConduct sustained research projectsStudents generate questionsExplore a topicDraw evidence from texts Support analysis Research and reflection Gather information Assess the credibility and accuracy Integrate information avoiding plagiarism Produce and publish writingInteract and collaborate DebateWrite arguments to support claimsFormulate an argument ComprehendPrepare and participate effectively in conversations. Build and express persuasively Express information and enhance understanding
Common Core Writing… Let the help you: Research to Build and Present Knowledge W1-5: Teach them to write, then: W10: Do it again!
“Short and more sustained research projects…” Standards alignment Creativity Collaboration and independence Engaging complex texts Multimedia and technology Support for all learners Vocabulary development Information manipulation • Close reading • Integration of Knowledge and ideas • Production and distribution of writing • An EBC is: • Clearly presented • Rises from close reading of text(s) and details • An accurate, knowledgeable analysis and-or conclusion • Supported with credible, sufficient evidence • Logically developed through quotes, reference, facts, & citations
Text based answers… “Read like a detective, write like a reporter” • Drawing evidence from the text • Require “quotes”“according to…’ • Speak with authority
"First grade writes a 1 page paper; Second grade writes a 2 page paper; Third grade writes a 3 page paper; etc....building capacity to the secondary level where they would be research-ready."
So how can I repackage what we are doing to align with CC and hyperconnection?
“Average Person spends two seconds on each website.” “Average Person spends two seconds on each website.”-Marilee Sprenger Images: fannation.com Orkin.com news.discovery.com
Start with Content • Think about a content area you would like to plan a CCSS aligned unit for? • What would you like you student to know or be able to do…at the end of the unit? Know your destination…
How did (will) this book make you smarter, richer, wiser, or more successful in life? • What indelible footprints did this person leave on the world? How did this life change history? • Where is the “suffrage” in the world today? Should America be concerned?
EQ Brainstormer…Student-centered instruction Allow your students to craft their own questions for discovery.
Caveats • If you “cheat” the front end of Inquiry, then you will not transfer “ownership” of the assignment to the student. • When the student defines the investigation, it is his baby. • If you define the investigation, it is your assignment.
See EngageNY.org for great examples of in-depth Inquiry Based research units Consider: • No man is an island – get out of your classroom. • Research should not be done in one place during a pre-defined time…real research is open-ending and iterative…knowing not when the researcher has found “enough” to support a conclusion with evidence.
See UBD Planner – 2 page • Brainstorm Essential Question • Define the Knowledge product • Will this accompany a “close read?” (shorter research) • Will this research follow a close read?(shorter research) • Will this be a sustained research project (longer) • Where can we embed technology? Librarians: • Help with questioning • Guide with sources • Teach credibility (CARS) • Assess info, evidence, and guide with synthesis • Teach Info literacy principals • Guide with more sources, depth of discovery…. • Conclusions? Thesis? • Citation tools
What will the knowledge product be? Prezi? Debate? iBook? Presentation, Script, Public Service Announcement
Information + Technology = ________________ Higher level thought
Sources and Resources: http://usny.nysed.gov/rttt/docs/bringingthecommoncoretolife/fulltranscript.pdf http://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/16/college-board-selects-backer-of-common-core-school-curriculum-as-new-president/ http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_B.pdf http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_A.pdf http://engageny.org/ WISE – Inquiry Model: http://tinyurl.com/42dd2oj Inquiry Resources: http://www.wswheboces.org/SSS.cfm?subpage=419 NYC Resources for CC and Inquiry: http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/LibraryServices/StandardsandCurriculum/default.htm K-12 Information Fluency Continuum (NYC, adopted NYS-wide): http://tinyurl.com/8a4x6n3
IBrain: surviving the technological alteration of the modern mind. New York: Collins Living, 2008. Print. Carr, Nicholas G.. The shallows: what the Internet is doing to our brains. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010. Print. Jaeger, Paige. Marketing Information Literacy. School Library Media Activities Monthly Vol. XXV, March 2009. Library of Congress: loc.gov/ Twenge, Jean M.. Generation me: why today's young Americans are more confident, assertive, entitled--and more miserable than ever before. New York: Free Press, 2006. Print.Small, Gary W., and Gigi Vorgan Sprenger, Marilee. Educational Leadership: Focus on the Digital Brain. September 2009.