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Preparing for Common Core Standards in Career and Technical Education High Schools. Instructional Implications and Effective Strategies. Adele T. Macula, Ed.D. jamacula@verizon.net. Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012. Overview of the Day. Welcome/Introductions (9:00am)
Preparing for Common Core Standards in Career and Technical Education High Schools Instructional Implications and Effective Strategies Adele T. Macula, Ed.D. jamacula@verizon.net
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Overview of the Day • Welcome/Introductions (9:00am) • Overview of the Common Core State Standards - Implications for Career and Technical • Education (9:15– 10:50am) • ELA/Literacy Mathematics • Shifts Shifts • Exemplars Priorities and Fluencies • Text-Dependent Questioning Exemplars Break (15 minutes) • Bridging Common Core and CTE (11:05am – 12noon) • Cross-Content Performance Mapping • Strategies to integrate academic and technical teachers into Professional Learning Communities. Lunch (45 minutes) • PARCC Update (12:50pm – 1:30pm) • Break-out Session(1:30pm-3:00pm) • Next steps, specific issues and challenges related to CTE high schools
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Implementing the Common Core State Standards • During the 2014-2015 school year, students will be assessed on the Common Core standards for the first time. • Two consortia of member states are currently developing the assessments. • These new standards and assessments will influence the priorities, focus and sequence of instruction.
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) is a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). Released June 2010 45 states, DC and 3 territories have formally adopted www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 New Jersey Adopts Common Core • New Jersey’s State Board of Education • Adopts the Common Core State Standards The NJ State Board of Education on June 16, 2010 adopted a resolution calling for New Jersey’s curriculum standards to be aligned with national Common Core Standards in math and language arts literacy. The standards are being phased in over time, beginning with curriculum development in 2010-2011. The State Board’s resolution “directs that school district curricula for all students be aligned with these revised K-12 standards in mathematics and English language arts and literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects,” according to the phased-in timeline. NJ School Board Notes, June 23, 2010
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Implementing the Common Core State Standards Engaging the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Community in Common Core State Standards Implementation
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Achieve Report http://www.achieve.org/CCSS-CTE-BridgingtheDivide http://www.careertechnj.org/policy-issues/
Developing a Common Understanding of College and Career Readiness Include CTE leaders and business partners in efforts to create a broader view of college and career readiness. 2. Forming Cross-Disciplinary Teams for CCSS Planning and Implementation 3. Ramping up Communications and Information Sharing Ensure that CTE representatives are part of the state, district and school team for planning and implementing the CCSS. Implement a communications plan that specifically includes CTE administrators and instructors and uses a wide variety of communication strategies: email and listserves, informational videos, local workshops and presentations, and regional and statewide conferences. Creating or Updating Curricular and Instructional Resources Engage CTE and academic educators to update CTE standards to reflect the CCSS and create crosswalks between the new CCSS standards and existing CTE standards.
Enhancing Literacy and Math Strategies within CTE Instruction 6. Fostering CTE and Academic Teacher Collaboration Launch new or build upon existing professional development activities to help CTE teachers integrate literacy and math strategies in their CTE classrooms. Bring CTE and academic teachers together in structured professional development activities to review and reflect on the CCSS, unpack the standards to see how they can apply in the CTE context, and create model instructional resources. Establishing Expectations for and Monitoring CCSS Integration into CTE Establish clear expectations for CCSS integration into CTE by including references to the CCSS in annual funding applications, continuous improvement planning, CTE teacher qualifications and criteria for local monitoring visits. Fostering CTE and Academic Teacher Collaboration Ensure that postsecondary CTE is also included in outreach and implementation planning.
CCSS DESIGN Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Fewer - Clearer - Higher • Aligned to requirements for College and Career Readiness • Based on evidence • Honest about time www.corestandards.org
CCSS DESIGN: ELA/Literacy and Math Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Common Core Standards Design 2 categories: • COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS STANDARDS • what students are expected to learn when they have graduated from high school • K-12 STANDARDS • English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects • Mathematics www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 What the Standards do NOT define: www.corestandards.org • How teachers should teach • All that can or should be taught • The nature of advanced work beyond the core • The interventions needed for students well below grade level • The full range of support for English language learners and students with special needs • Everything needed to be college and career ready
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 The goal of ensuring that all students graduate from high school ready for college, careers and life has taken hold in every state across the nation. Yet all too often, the focus on “college readiness” and “career readiness” remains in two distinct silos, even though there is little question that reading, writing, communications and mathematical reasoning are all core skills for success in postsecondary education, in the workplace and for citizenship and that educators across all disciplines should help students develop, deepen and refine these core skills.
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Right now, the moment is here, and the opportunity is clear: As states are working to align their education systems with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in support of the goal of graduating all students ready for college, careers and life, academic and career and technical education (CTE) leaders at the state and local levels can and should maximize this opportunity to finally break down the silos between their disciplines and collectively find ways to ensure that the new standards rigorously engage all students in both academic and CTE courses.
A PLAN and a PROCESS Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 A Plan and a Process Build instructional capacity within your system. Planning, communicating and collaborating must begin now. Evolutionary rather than revolutionary. How CTE Administrators and Teachers Can Lead Effective Implementation
Common Core State Standards • ENGLISH • LANGUAGE ARTS • and • Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects www.corestandards.org www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA/Literacy: 3 shifts www.achievethecore.org • Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction • Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational • Regular practice with complex text and its academic language www.achievethecore.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA/Literacy Students who meet the Standards readily undertake the close, attentive reading that is at the heart of understanding and enjoying complex works of literature. They habitually perform the critical reading necessary to pick carefully through the staggering amount of information available today in print and digitally. They actively seek the wide, deep, and thoughtful engagement with high-quality literary and informational texts that builds knowledge, enlarges experience, and broadens worldviews. They reflexively demonstrate the cogent reasoning and use of evidence that is essential to both private deliberation and responsible citizenship in a democratic republic. In short, students who meet the Standards develop the skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that are the foundation for any creative and purposeful expression in language. www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 CTE and the Common Core • Implementation of CCSS affects instructional materials, curricula, professional development and assessment. • There is potential opportunity for CTE educators to share their expertise around problem-based learning and the application of content to their colleagues in mathematics, English and other disciplines.
College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 • Broad expectations consistent across grades and content areas • Based on evidence about college and workforce training expectations • Range and content Gr. 6-12 Pg. 35 www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA/Literacy Comprehension (standards 1−9) • Standards for reading literature and informational texts • Strong and growing across-the-curriculum emphasis on students’ ability to read and comprehend informational texts • Aligned with NAEP Reading framework Range of reading and level of text complexity(standard 10, Appendices A and B) • “Staircase” of growing text complexity across grades • High-quality literature and informational texts in a range of genres and subgenres www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 CCR ANCHOR Standard for Reading (Literature) Reading Anchor Standard #3: Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. (Pg. 38) • Gr. 11-12: Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g. where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). Gr. 9-10: Analyze how complex characters (e.g. those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. • (Pg. 36) • Gr. 8: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character or provoke a decision. • Gr. 7: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). • Gr. 6: Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward resolution.
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA/Literacy • K−12 standards • Grade-specific end-of-year expectations • Developmentally appropriate cumulative progression of skills and understandings • One-to-one correspondence with CCR standards www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Key Advances Reading • Balance of literature and informational texts • Text complexity Writing • Emphasis on argument and informative/explanatory writing • Writing about sources Speaking and Listening • Inclusion of formal and informal talk Language • Stress on general academic and domain-specific vocabulary
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA/Literacy www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA/Literacy www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA Unit Exemplar A Close Reading of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address www.achievethecore.org
Pg. 58 www.corestandards.org
Key Points – CCR Anchor Standards for Writing Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 • WRITING • Writing types/purposes (standards 1−3) • Writing arguments • Writing informative/explanatory texts • Writing narratives • Strong and growing across-the-curriculum emphasis on students • writing arguments and informative/explanatory texts • Aligned with NAEP Writing framework www.corestandards.org
Key Points – CCR Anchor Standards for Writing Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 • WRITING (continued) • Production and distribution of writing (standards 4−6) • Developing and strengthening writing • Using technology to produce and enhance writing • Research (standards 7−9) • Engaging in research and writing about sources • Range of writing (standard 10) • Writing routinely over various time frames www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 CCR ANCHOR Standard for Writing Writing Anchor Standard #8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism. • Gr. 11-12: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation. • Gr. 9-10: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. Gr. 7 & 8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. • Gr. 6: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Writing Exemplars • Adopting a School Dress Code • Wood Joints • TIG/GTAW Welding www.achievethecore.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 SPEAKING and LISTENING SPEAKING AND LISTENING Comprehension and collaboration (standards 1−3) Day-to-day, purposeful academic talk in one-on-one, small-group, and large-group settings Presentation of knowledge and ideas (standards 4−6) Formal sharing of information and concepts, including through the use of technology MEDIA and TECHNOLOGY • Just as media and technology are integrated in school and life in the twenty- • first century, skills related to media use (both critical analysis and production • of media) are integrated throughout the standards. www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Literacy in Content Areas www.corestandards.org
Overview of Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Standards for reading and writing in history/ social studies, science, and technical subjects • Progressions built Grades 6-12 • Complement rather than replace content standards in those subjects • Responsibility of teachers in those subjects Alignment with college and career readiness expectations www.corestandards.org
Overview of Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Reading Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects • Knowledge of domain-specific vocabulary • Analyze, evaluate, and differentiate primary and secondary sources • Synthesize quantitative and technical information, including facts presented in maps, timelines, flowcharts, or diagrams Writing Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects • Write arguments on discipline-specific content and informative/explanatory texts • Use of data, evidence, and reason to support arguments and claims • Use of domain-specific vocabulary Source: Indiana Dept. of Education
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA Appendices • Appendices • Appendix A: • Research Supporting Key Elements • of the Standards • Glossary of Key Terms • Appendix B: • Text Exemplars and • Sample Performance Tasks • Appendix C: • Samples of Student Writing www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts: History/Social Studies & Science, Mathematics, and Technical Subjects (Grade 11) • Students integrate the information provided by Mary C. Daly, vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, with the data presented visually in the FedViews report. In their analysis of these sources of information presented in diverse formats, students frame and address a question or solve a problem raised by their evaluation of the evidence. [RH.11–12.7] • • Students analyze the hierarchical relationships between phrase searches and searches that use basic Boolean operators in Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest’s Google Hacks: Tips & Tools for Smarter Searching, 2nd Edition. • [RST.11–12.5] • • Students analyze the concept of mass based on their close reading of Gordon Kane’s “The Mysteries of Mass” and cite specific textual evidence from the text to answer the question of why elementary particles have mass at all. Students explain important distinctions the author makes regarding the Higgs field and the Higgs boson and their relationship to the concept of mass. [RST.11–12.1] • • Students determine the meaning of key terms such as hydraulic, trajectory, and torque as well as other domain-specific words and phrases such as actuators, antilock brakes, and traction control used in Mark Fischetti’s “Working Knowledge: Electronic Stability Control.” [RST.11–12.4] www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Publishers’ Criteria DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION 2 Parts: (ELA & History/SS, Science, and Technical Subjects) Each part contains following key criteria: I. Key Criteria for Text Selection II. Key Criteria for Questions and Tasks III. Key Criteria for Academic Vocabulary IV. Key Criteria for Writing to Sources and Research The criteria for ELA materials in grades 3-12 have one additional section: V. Additional Key Criteria for Student Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking www.achievethecore.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 What Can Be Done This Year? • Teachers are aware of and understand the shifts required to implement the Common Core Standards in ELA/Literacy. • Teachers can identify, evaluate and develop text-dependent (evidentiary) questions. • Teachers begin reviewing existing materials to develop text-dependent questions. www.achievethecore.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 Starting with Good Questions • A Guide to Creating Text Dependent Questions for Close Analytic Reading • Criteria for Evaluating a Set of Questions/Each Question in a Set www.achievethecore.org
Taking a “snapshot”… Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 ELA/LITERACY Where is my school, district or classroom in the implementation process? Just beginning? Developing practices? Full plan?
Common Core State Standards MATHEMATICS www.corestandards.org www.corestandards.org
Common Core and CTE June 26, 2012 M MATHEMATICS • Focus and Coherence • A few key topics at each grade level • Progressions across grade levels: some content may have been moved to a different grade • Domain and code • Standards for Content and Standards for Practice www.corestandards.org