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Enhancing Science Communication Through E-Portfolios in Pre-Service Teacher Education

The study explores the implementation of e-portfolios in final-year Education students' Science curriculum subjects. Challenges and results highlight benefits for students and staff in science communication and technology collaboration. Ethical considerations and student feedback provide insights into the project's success. The approach fosters a community of educators and empowers future teachers to enhance Science communication skills. Benefits for South African education include knowledge-sharing and skill development opportunities for teacher educators and pre-service teachers through a collaborative learning environment.

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Enhancing Science Communication Through E-Portfolios in Pre-Service Teacher Education

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  1. E-portfolios in preservice teacher education as a means of enhancing Science communication Associate Professor Margie Maher Charles Darwin University

  2. Objective In 2007 when I was lecturing in New Zealand, our university became one of six tertiary institutions to participate in the development of an open source e-portfolio platform.

  3. Context • E-portfolios were introduced to all final year Education students across seven units. High proportion of Maori and Pasifika students • In Curriculum Subject Science students had a choice in assignment – traditional essay or an e-portfolio task

  4. Challenges • Students had varying levels of technological capability • Lecturing staff had varying capabilities too! None had used an e-portfolio before themselves!

  5. Implementation • Students and staff worked together, learning together • By using this method, lecturers became, in effect both researchers and participants • Data for the research project were collected via minutes of meetings, group and individual reflections, blog within the e-portfolio platform

  6. Science E-Portfolio Task • Design and share on e-portfolio a unit of work across subject areas with a focus on Education for Sustainability • Ecoschools are big in New Zealand. Students to align their philosophy of teaching with the characteristics such a school will desire in a prospective teacher. Post on blog. Students to review and critique each other’s work • Prepare for an interview at an Ecoschool

  7. Results on Two LevelsA) Research on the Technology • Value of collaboration in the introduction of a new technology – for both students and staff – ABSOLUTELY critical • Lecturers were able to model best practice in being both teacher and researcher

  8. Results on Two LevelsB) Science Communication • Some students who were anxious about the Science curriculum knowledge were supported by peers and lecturers (blog) • Students shared scientific understanding, science pedagogy, science lesson and unit plans thus enhancing science communication

  9. Science Communication Enhanced • Community of Learners established during the project has continued as these students graduated. They remain in contact through the e-portoflio platform and continue to share their Science learning

  10. Ethical Consderations • Students invariably share children’s work in their e-portfolios to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes • It is essential that students/teachers gain the consent of children to post their work

  11. Final Positives from the Project • Collaboration, with lecturers working alongside students as a community of educators, ameliorated against the usual power relationship between lecturer and student • Feedback from students at the end of the unit showed that they really liked this aspect

  12. Record of blog data was and is very useful in that all participants can easily access this info and continue to support one another even though one of the lecturers now lives in Australia • Unlike a learning management systems which is actively managed by the lecturer, e-portfolios are controlled by the student

  13. A wide variety of artefacts can be uploaded including text and media files. The e-portfolio will thus document the Science teaching capabilities of these beginning teachers, allow them to continue to enhance their Science communication and empower them to facilitate the same skills in the children they will teach over the years

  14. Why is this approach good for South African Education? • if science knowledge amongst teacher educators and preservice teachers is low - no matter - e-portfolio supports them to increase their knowledge as they form a community of learners • excellent for sharing good ideas and units of study for children so all benefit • the technology is easily taught to children in schools and the science curriculum is a wonderful platform to awaken their love of science and for enhancing learning, demonstrating evidence of learning, and for assessment

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