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An exploration of the history of Israel from its creation to the divided kingdom, alongside the biblical calls of Abraham, focusing on themes of organization, lifestyle, and obligation. Learn about significant events, lessons, and the heritage of Israel.
I. HISTORY OF ISRAEL A. Creation B. Patriarchal / 2165-1804 B.C. C. Exodus / 1405 B.C. D. Books of Conquest / 1405-1382 B.C. i E. Books of Judges / 1382-1043 B.C. 1. 2. 3. Joshua Judges Ruth I Samuel
I. HISTORY OF ISRAEL F. Books of the United Kingdom 1. 2. 3. 4. G. Israel Demands a Kingthe lives of the following... 1. 2. 3. I Samuel II Samuel I Chronicles II Chronicles Samuel Saul David
I. HISTORY OF ISRAEL H. Books of the Divided Kingdom 931-605 B.C. 1. 2. 3. I. Northern Kingdom 10 tribes iProphets / iKings / iDate of Fall / I Kings II Kings II Chronicles 5 14 722 BC
I. HISTORY OF ISRAEL J. Southern Kingdom 2 tribesiProphets /iKings /iDate of Fall / iBabylon Fell / K. Cyrus Issued Decree for Return538-400 B.C. 12 17 597 BC 539 BC
I. HISTORY OF ISRAEL L. Books of the Return 1. 2. 3. M. Prophets of the Return1. 2. 3. Ezra Nehemiah Esther Zephaniah Haggai Malachi
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM A. B. C.Centripetal or Centrifugal Mission Genesis 12.1-3 i Few Jews took steps to secure another group of people with them 1. 2. Line of succession Election Jonah Ruth
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM D. Conduct Towards Abraham’s Seed E. The Promise of the Land 1. 2. 3. F. How To Read History 1. 2. Israel: Center of Earth Jerusalem: Center of Israel Mt. Zion: Center of Jerusalem Not just good or bad Grace
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM G. Organization of Israel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Camps Priests / Levites / Wood Carriers Tribes Vows / Purification Roles Well-Defined / Numbers 17.20 Divination / Numbers 22.40 Two-and-a-half Tribes / Settle on other side
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM H. Retrospect and Prospect 1. 2. 3. I. Call of God on Abraham 1. Vision of Suffering 2. Covenant/ Genesis 17 3. Salvation/Galatians 3.6-29 40 Years Hearts Tested Blessing / Cursing / Deut 27.1-30
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM 4. Prayer i Sodom and Gomorrah J. Egypt To Sinai 1. Population Growth Exodus 1.7 2. Strike by Mid-Wives 3. Civil Disobedience 4. Adoption of Moses
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM 5. Crisis of Moses 6. Called to Deliver K. Themes That Follow 1. Use of Violence 2. God is Central in the Deliverance 3. God as a Warrior / Genesis 15 4. Political Liberation
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM L. Obligation of the People 1. I AM: you shall 2. No other gods before Me / Exodus 20.3 QExodus 20.5 QPsalm 67.7 3. Worship and His People a. The Priesthood b. Fellowship of God/Man c. Thankfulness of man to God
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM M. Lifestyle of the People of God 1. Land: borrowed, never owned 2. Land: use but not accumulate 3. Slavery: to be balanced 4. Minorities: care and protection 5. Widows
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM N. Baal vs. Yahweh “Once a Holy place, always a Holy place” 1. Public worship “open air”marked by stones Q Jordan / Gilgal 2. Use of sacred Q Sinai: All is sacred a. b. Jacob: “How awesome is this place” Moses / Exodus 3.5 / “Holy Ground”
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM 3. Manifestations a. b. c. d. Q Q Q Theophanies Sacred waters Sacred trees / I Samuel 10.3 High places Massebah / stone Massebah of Baal Asherah / Female / wood
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM O. Beginning Organization 1. Constitution of a tribe a. b. c. d. 2. Organization a. b. c. Family of common ancestors “Sins of” or “Sons of” Brothers / Real or supposed They absorbed others / Judah welcomed Simeon Heads of family Wives / Children Assumed role of “vengeance”
II. CALL OF ABRAHAM 3. Tribal Territory a. b. c. d. Q Many times a beautiful girl was brought to spark the men on in battle e. f. Cultivated land was private Pastures were shared War bounty shared equally Tribe’s war cry / banner Israel had a war cry / Josh. 6.5-20 / I Sam. 4.5 Tribe’s formed common banner / Jehovah NissiExodus 17.15
III. CALL OF JOSHUA A.Joshua i Joshua’s Life / The Commission / Chapter 1 iGod will never tolerate rebellion against Himself or His anointed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. i Full of wisdom Ordained by Moses Obeyed God / Deuteronomy 34.9 Respected by Israel Trusted God Born a slave / Died at 110
III. THE CALL OF JOSHUA B. Joshua & Ephesians 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Each was a predetermined inheritance of a chosen people / Ephesians 1.3,4 Each had a divinely ordained leaderEphesians 1.18-20 A gift of grace by faithJoshua 1&2 / Ephesians 2 Each was a revelationJoshua 4.24 / Ephesians 3.8 Described as a scene of conflictEphesians 6.12
III. THE CALL OF JOSHUA C.What Joshua Learned In Exodus 1. Fight 2. Wait 3. Take 4. Disciple 5. Ordained i God always goes before His people i God always goes before the leader iPeople are free to be fearless
III. THE CALL OF JOSHUA D.Three changeless factors 1. 2. 3. 4. Have I not commanded you? a. b. c. The written Word The power of God Supernatural leadership Address his faith Exercise spiritual courage Inner man: Outward actions
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW Two different ways of seeing the universe… iStephen Crane — “If I should cast off this tattered coat, and go free into the mighty sky: If I should find nothing there, but vast blue, echoless, ignorant; What then?” iPsalm 8.3-5 “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.”
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW A. Changing Your World View… “A world view is a set of presuppositions which we hold, consciously or unconsciously, about the basic make up of the world.” 1. What is prime reality? i 2. Who is man? iElectro-chemical machine? iPersonally created by God? 3. What happens at death? iPersonal extension? iTransformation? Matter or God?
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW 4. What are the basics for morality? iAffirmation by man? iCharacter of God? 5. Common world views… a. b. Deism c. d. Nihilism: denial of everything e. / matter exists — God does not make Himself who He is f. Pantheistic Monotheism: all roads lead to one g. New age: self is primary reality Theism Naturalism Existentialism
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW 6. Christian Theism… a. God is b. God is iMore than a mere force iSelf reflective iSelf determining c. God is triune d. God is transcendent: beyond us e. God is all f. God is sovereign g. God is infinite personal knowing good
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW 7. God created the cosmos forming cause and effect / Isaiah 45.18-19 8. God does communicate with man—the created order reflects His nature /New Heaven and New Earth iGenesis: Design of the world as it came from the Designer
LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW a. Separation b. Stars, moon, sun, land, sea c. Martin Luther “All creation is the most beautiful book of the Bible. In it God has described and portrayed Himself.” 9. The Word reveals God a. Romans 1.20 b. Psalm 19.1-2 c. Job 12.7-9
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW 10. Man reveals God: “Let us make man in Our image.” i All parts of the human body have reference to God 11. The created order reveals God i If we don’t understand heaven, how can we understand earth? i Worship as modeled in heaven (Revelation) is to be the order of earth i Heaven: complete. Earth: incomplete. Thus our task is to transform this world (from glory to glory) to resemble heaven
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW i The whole earth is seen to be filled with God’s glory; the heavens declare it. 12.We are to be like God… a. God is like a rock; so should we be Matthew 16.18 b. God is like a lion (Isaiah 31.4), so should we be Genesis 49.9 c.God is like the sun; so should we be Judges 5.31 d. God is like a tree of life; so should we be Proverbs 11.30
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW e. Every created item is a symbol. History is remembered through symbols. Man becomes the special symbol: the image of God. Man is the only symbol that in himself becomes a symbol maker. i Determines i Creates i Evaluates i Names i Takes counsel / Deuteronomy 19.15
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW f. Three symbols which God has given to reveal Himself i i i g. Satan desires to pervert these symbols i Perverting the Word to Eve i Took the fruit (sacrament) “no harm in eating it” i Perverted our relationship to God Man himself The Word The sacraments
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW iThank God, His grace restores these true symbols! Grace gives us God’s Word Grace allows us to receive sacraments Grace redeems man h.The power of symbols iWords: Taking oaths, confessions iNon-verbal: Liturgies, church architectural structure iClothing: uniforms, police, doctors
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW B. The Heavens: Sun, Moon, & Stars 1. Genesis 1.14-18 2. is an aspect of God’s Glory; they are lights 3. They are true signs; heaven rules the earth; they are 4. They are for seasons, festival times a. Moon established the first day of the month b. Passover, Pentecost c. Moon governs the night / Psalm 136.9 Light symbolic rulers
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW d. The Old Covenant was at night; the rising of the Son of Righteousness e. They are for days and years; they rule and govern time iBe exalted, Oh God, above the heavens… f. References… iRuler of the / Revelation 1.20 iApostates are “ ” / Jude 13 iRuler of the stars/Joseph iStars represent states: U.S. Flag clocks seven stars wandering stars
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW g. Moon, sun, stars represent nations, Kingdoms iA falling star can represent a falling kingdom or power. Jesus said, “ I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” h. / Psalm 84.11, Isaiah 63.1-3 iThe sun can be counterfeit. (Pharaoh claimed to be the sun incarnate) Thus God blackened the sky for three days The Sun
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW i. /Job 31.33 iAbraham: Look at the stars—count them iConstellations Amos 5.8, Job 9.9 / Isaiah 40.26 iGod designed the stars iGod opposes their abuse (fortune tellers, astrology) / Isaiah 8.9-20, 47.8-15 iThe birth of Christ marked by a star iGod’s skies are friendly skies! The Stars
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW C. Rocks, Stones and Gold 1. They are of God and His 2. Rock of Ages Deuteronomy 32.1-4 / Exodus 17.2-6 3. God the Rock, made a covenant iExodus 24.12 (on stone) iDeuteronomy 32.15-16,18 iI Samuel 2.2 (“no rock like our God”) i2 Samuel 22.2,3 emblems Glory
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW 4. God is our Rock a. Rock points to b. Rocks can be hidden in (fortress) Exodus33.22(cleft of the rock) c. Rocks bring i They will fall on you i Used in stoning i The stone that the builder rejects d. Rock as a Matthew 7.24-25 e. Rock as provision and covering strength judgment foundation
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW People f. are like rocks iPeter — “ a chip off the rock” g. Gold: i It is heavy: Glory means “weight” i Radiant and shining i When you see the gold, you see the glory i It can stand the test of fire i Gold was used in the temple, the lamp stands, shield and utensils of great value
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW fire h. Stones of iRings have fire inside iReflective of God’s glory iHigh Priest’s breastplate (gems and precious stones); Glory being reflected iA gem is so highly valued because it so pointedly reflects God’s glory
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW i tSome felt gems were parts of frozen rainbows tThey circle His throne Genesis 9.12-16 tDoes God only see rainbows when it rains? Revelation 4.3, Revelation 21 tAs the High Priest carried gemstones next to his heart, so shall God’s gemstones be next to His heart. Rainbows and gems
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW Trees and Thorns D. 1. For food and delightful to look at Genesis 2.9 2. Thorns / Genesis 3.18 3. The unrighteous are called thorns 4. Trees are powerful when deeply planted Psalm 1.3 5. Man will rise from the earth (like the tree) iWill yield sons; some like trees, others like thorns
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW 6. Trees provide a. b. c. — protection from the sun, thought of as wrath Hosea 14.5-8 d. Used in the temple / olive, cedar, cypress 7. God always uses His around trees a. The Mountain of God (trees) b. The Burning Bush (tree) Food Healing Shade presence
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW c. Aaron and Moses each had a “rod of God” d. The rod that budded in the ark e. Hyssop (dipped in the lambs blood) f. Oil from the olive tree g. Old Testament/Mount Zion New Testament/Mount of Olives 8. is found through the use of trees Isaiah 6.13 & 11.10-12 Lineage
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW 9. Trees as a. Tower of Babel (as a symbolic tree, cut down) b. Jacob’s ladder / Genesis 28.12-17 c. The true ladder is Christ / John 1.48-51 d. “If I be lifted up” e. As you enter a city (the gate is a ladder, base of power) ladders
IV. LEARNING TO THINK LIKE A HEBREW 10. at trees a. Deborah /palm tree / Judges 4.4-5 b. Joash/conducted false worship at an oak tree c. Saul/ held court under a pomegranate tree 1 Samuel 14.2 11. Trees, thorns and Christ No accident that Jesus was a carpenter Meetings
V. PREPARATION FOR POSSESSION A. A possessor must have something to possess / Deuteronomy 8.1-5 B. Inherit the land/Psalm 37 1. Key one / 2. Key two / 3. Key three / C. The key to failure: Bankruptcy 1. 2. 3. 4. v. 3 v. 9 v. 11, 22 Inability to Organize No strong purpose Unwilling to do humble service Disloyalty
VI. PREPARATION OF JOSHUA In this section we will view the different stages and experiences in the preparation of Joshua, the son of Nun. A. The Commission of Joshua 1. Death: starts with Moses, ends with Joshua 2. Moses is not essential, nor is any servant 3. Moses represents the law; to enter the land it must be through supernatural leadership.