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First Quarterly Report: DBE Performance 2012/13

This presentation outlines the Department of Basic Education's performance in meeting its strategic objectives for the first quarter of 2012/13. It includes detailed presentations on performance indicators, targets, and financial reports.

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First Quarterly Report: DBE Performance 2012/13

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  1. FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DEPARTMENT IN MEETING ITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2012/13 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education 4 SEPTEMBER 2012 Parliament, Cape Town.

  2. Presentation Outline PART A Detailed presentation on Performance Indicators and Targets PART B Financial Report for the First Quarter

  3. PART A Detailed presentation on Programme Performance Indicators and Targets

  4. FIRST QUARTER CONTEXT The First Quarterly Report on the performance of the DBE in meeting its strategic objectives for 2012/13 is presented in the context of the following key developments in the sector: • The Basic Education Budget Vote delivered by the Minister on 17 May 2012 reveals the consolidated investment in the education sector and outlines the strategic priorities of the 2012/13 financial period. • The main challenge for the period under review relates to the continued efforts of the DBE to restore stability and service delivery in the provinces under Section 100 (1)(b) of the Constitution. • The 2012 NSCsupplementary examinations (Class of 2011) have been completed and results were released. The overall pass rate combining the November 2011 and March 2012 examinations for Grade 12 is now 72.7%. The number of Bachelor’s passes increased to 121 965.

  5. FIRST QUARTER CONTEXT • In partnership with the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and other partners the ‘94+ Projects for Madiba’ was launched as part of International Mandela Day. The support of DBE partners for the ‘94+ Projects for Madiba’ will see more than 64 000 of our most needy learners and 104 schools benefit directly. Assistance to the schools included a range of educational curriculum tools as well as major infrastructure benefits. • The Minister held a meeting with District Directors to advocate improvement in learner performance in the sector on 19 April 2012. • At school level, the term of office of the newly elected SGBs commenced.

  6. PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to theDelivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Educationand the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025. The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: • PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION • PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING • PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT • PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT • PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES


  8. PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services. SUB-PROGRAMMES: Ministry, Department Management Corporate Services, Office of the CFO, Internal Audit and Risk Management, Office Accommodation.

  9. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To ensure the provision of suitable human resource capacity to support a high performing organization. • To ensure that the basic education sector and the country benefit from targeted support to the education department. • To improve inter-governmental planning, communication, education policy and legislative development.

  10. PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT • The DBE has advertised 37 posts during the quarter. There were 10 642 applications for these posts. 16 Interviews were held and 9 appointments were made. • The key posts of Deputy Director-General for Finance and Administration and Deputy Director-General for Planning, Information and Assessments have been filled during the quarter. • 88 Officials attended courses during the quarter as part of the Departments’ human resource development programme.

  11. PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MULTILATERAL AFFAIRS • The DBE, on behalf of Umalusi, is facilitating development of a bilateral agreement with Namibia, on sharing of certification data for Grade 12. • The DBE is in the process of developing a partnership with the government of Cuba, specifically to conduct an exchange programme of tutors in the field of Mathematics, Science and Technology. • The DBE held a meeting with a team from the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on their fact-finding mission in preparation of the 2012 Economic Survey. • The DBE and USAID embarked on a process of appointing service providers with a proven track record to engage with its School Capacity and Innovation Programme (SCIP). • The DBE hosted an incoming delegation of the Pakistani education sector personnel aimed at understanding the South African Basic Education Sector.

  12. PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS UNESCO • The DBE, as the lead Department, convened the first meeting of the South African National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM) on 11 April 2012. The meeting was attended by representatives from line function Departments of Higher Education and Training, Arts and Culture, Science and Technology, Water Affairs, Sport and Recreation South Africa, Environmental Affairs, International Relations and Cooperation, Communication and from civil society representatives. • On behalf of the South African Government, the DBE led the compilation of the UNESCO National Report on Adult Learning and Education.

  13. PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS MEDIA LIAISON and NATIONAL & PROVINCIAL COMMUNICATION • The Department communicated and informed the public and stakeholders on an ongoing basis on the policies, programmes and interventions of the DBE via regular media questions. Seventy-two media queries and 10 interview requests were attended to. The following tools and platforms were utilised to disseminate education sector information: • Communication strategies were developed for 94+ Projects for Madiba, ANA 2012, Integrated School Health Programme (ISHP) and the Kha Ri Gude Literacy Campaign. • Content was developed for Curriculum News 4. • Three pamphlets were developed for external publication on Safety in Education, Bullying at School and Road Safety. • Vuk’uzenzele was used to communicate education issues to the public; an article was submitted for each month of this quarter. • An article on the National Teacher Awards was submitted to the Public Sector Manager for publication in May.



  16. PROGRAMME TWO: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme Two is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation. SUB-PROGRAMMES : • Programme Management: Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring; Curriculum Implementation and Monitoring; Curriculum and Quality Enhancement Programmes; and the Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project.

  17. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To increase the availability of e-Education of learning and teaching resources amongst teachers. • To bring about stability and coherence with respect to the national school curriculum • To pay special attention to improvements in mathematics, physical science and technical subjects. • To promote adequate access to quality learning materials by means of better national specifications on what every learner requires and a more proactive approach towards the cost-effective development, reproduction and distribution of materials such as workbooks and textbooks • To establish national norms for school libraries • To create a sound basis for quality pre-Grade 1 education through the promotion of quality learning and teaching materials at this level • To finalise and promote national screening guidelines that provide for an equitable system of access to special needs support amongst learners

  18. PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS (CAPS): Subject advisors for all subjects from all provinces for the Intermediate Phase have been orientated to the CAPS. Provincial orientation of teachers is being monitored and reports will be provided by provinces through reporting against the National Strategy for Learner Attainment (NSLA). The number of officials orientated per province are as follows:

  19. PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS (CAPS): • An orientation for stakeholders on the Intermediate Phase and Grade 11 CAPS was conducted from the 20th to 22nd June. Union representatives, representatives from universities and special schools have been made familiar with the changes brought about by the CAPS and how these can be mediated with teachers. • Support for implementation in the Foundation Phase has been provided through DVDs on good practice. • The handbook on how to teach Numeracy in the early grades has been revised and aligned to CAPS. This will be made available on Thutong and sent electronically to district offices for use in their support of teachers. • A plan for the support of teaching and assessment in multi-grade schools has been developed. A total of 124 teachers were trained on teaching and assessment in multi-grade schools. The orientation of CAPS focused extensively on district support for multi-grade teaching.

  20. PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • STRENGTHENING ASSESSMENT IN GRADE R-9: All schools have been provided with exemplar assessment items for all subjects for Grade 9. School-based assessment guidelines are being drafted to provide clear requirements for assessment for Grades R to 9. These will be printed and distributed to all schools. • CURRICULUM COVERAGE: Provincial visits to monitor curriculum coverage have taken place during May 2012. Seven provinces (Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West, and Northern Cape) have been visited to determine the usage of the policy documents.

  21. PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT • To ensure uniform implementation of the Grade R programme in schools and community-based sites, a draft policy framework has been finalised to be released as a gazette for public comment. The framework will contribute to improving the quality of the Grade R programme. In addition the Grade R workbook for 2013 has been aligned to the CAPS and is currently being printed. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION • The review of all phases of CAPS was finalised as part of the development of the South African Sign Language (SASL) curriculum. The Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS) strategy for the identification of barriers to learning and support has been finalised.

  22. PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) TRAINING: Below is a summary of training that took place in various provinces as provided by training providers: different training agencies:

  23. PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • ICT RESOURCE CENTERS: TheKwaZulu Natal and Western Cape ICT resource centers were completed in May and June respectively. • The following materials have been made available on the Thutong Portal:

  24. PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT MATERIALS : • The national catalogue of textbooks for Grades 4-6 and Grade 11, as well as the addendum to the national catalogue of textbooks for Grades 1-3 have been released and provided to provinces. This timeous provision ensures that provinces will be able to begin with their text procurement processes. • A draft overview of current provincial distribution systems has been completed. A questionnaire has been sent to provinces to assess their readiness for central procurement. A plan for “Integrated Procurement” has been submitted. The 2013 Snap survey will be used to gain information on the availability of core LTSM in schools, shortfalls in core LTSM and the use of the LTSM budget by schools. This will be followed by provincial visits to monitor procurement and subsequent delivery to schools.

  25. PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT MATERIALS : • A model for estimating the cost of core LTSM per grade, subject and province has been developed and submitted for comment. • A textbook retention system is being completed as part of the overall LTSM Policy. • Additional copies of Workbook 2 were distributed to district offices for distribution to schools that reported shortages and wrong languages. • The data for printing and distribution of workbooks in 2013 has been compiled and submitted to provinces for verification.











  36. PROGRAMME THREE : TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Programme Three is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management: Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development ; Education Human Resources Management and Education Human Resources Development; and Curriculum and Professional Development Unit.

  37. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To ensure the new teacher development plan is translated into a wide range of teacher training materials, collaborative professional development activities within the schooling system and agreements with the relevant service providers. • To establish the National Institute for Curriculum and Professional Development (NICPD) in order to promote best practices in classroom teaching and teacher development. • To establish an on going national campaign for choosing teaching as a career, based on research into who becomes a good teacher and focusing on giving the necessary information and bursaries to interested youths. • To bring about a set of planning, management and accountability tools at the school level that cater for South African needs and make quality education more realisable. • To develop training strategies and materials aimed at parents that can bring parents more integrally into the new accountability mechanisms being established for schools. • To establish better and evidence-based practices and procedures for the country’s 82 education district offices, including models for school interventions designed to tackle specific school shortcomings.

  38. PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS): A total of 2337 schools were visited by external IQMS moderators during the first quarter for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the IQMS. These visits included 1 484 follow-up visits. During the follow-ups, external moderators also targeted underperforming schools in all the provinces. Furthermore, moderators also observed the lessons of 834 educators in their classrooms. During these visits, moderators were able to provide support on the IQMS implementation in particular, as well as the quality of teaching and learning in general. The provincial breakdown of visits is as reflected in the table below:

  39. PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Finalisation of a revised instrument for Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA): Bilateral meetings were held with the Teacher Unions, to explore mechanisms of breaking the current deadlock on the TPA. It was agreed to establish a two person committee to identify areas of disagreement and propose mechanisms to resolve them. The two person committee subsequently proposed the introduction of the Quality Management System (QMS) in place of the TPA. The QMS would incorporate all levels within the school, including principals and deputy principals. As at the end of the first quarter, feedback was awaited on their position with the current draft QMS document.

  40. PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Whole School Evaluation (WSE): During the first quarter, WSE supervisors in provinces visited and evaluated 144 schools in five provinces.

  41. PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS Education Human Resource Planning, Provisioning and Monitoring: The number of qualified teachers entering the profession for the first time per province was another element that was monitored and measured. The table reflects data for the first quarter of the academic year.

  42. PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS TEACHER DEVELOPMENT • The Memorandum of Understanding for teacher collaboration was signed in this quarter. The CAPS collaboration in KwaZulu Natal and Mpumalanga was concluded. • Plans were received from seven provincial education departments for the 2012/13 period. Reports for the first quarter have not been optimally concluded due to late submission by provincial education departments.

  43. PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION • Information Guides for FunzaLushaka Bursary Programme are being printed for distribution to provincial education departments and HEIs. • The district-based recruitment approach has been approved by Senior Management for implementation. • The selection process for qualifying FunzaLushaka Bursars is completed and 11 500 students were identified to receive the bursary at the following institutions:


  45. PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS School governance: The department has finalised a Capacity Development Guide for the Training of SGBs, which has been approved by both HEDCOM and CEM. Part of the training includes orientation and induction. These have commenced in June 2012. The training is on going for the entire term of office of the SGBs. District development: Public comments on the Policy on the Re-organisation, Roles and Responsibilities of Education Districts were received from stakeholders after the publication of the Government Gazette. A Task Team has been established to consider the comments and incorporate them appropriately into the draft policy. • Focus was given to District Improvement Planning to ensure that all districts cover all the prioritised areas in their support to schools. District Improvement Plans were analysed and feedback provided to districts. A draft Guide to the development of District Improvement Plans was developed with a suggested template to inform future plans.





  50. PROGRAMME FOUR: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT The purpose of Programme Four is to promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, implementation and assessment. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management: Planning, Information and Assessment; Information Management Systems; Financial and Physical Planning; National Assessments and Public Examinations; and, the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit; and Planning and Delivery Oversight Unit.

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