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The difference between old and new video games and consoles and how they effect us P ower point presentation by Ana Mayfield. One of the first video games. One of the new video games. New video games.
The difference between old and new video games and consoles and how they effect usPower point presentation by Ana Mayfield One of the first video games. One of the new video games.
New video games In the newer games there’s more gore and guns, better graphics, and more violence. Kids that play violent games tend to be more aggressive. They have less ability to control their anger. When teens play violent games the games activate the brain’s anger center while dampening the brain’s “conscience”.
Older Games As you can see these games have not as good graphics and they do not have guns and gore. Kids and teens still got addicted to these video games. These games did not make kids and teens aggressive.
Consoles Nintendo 64 Xbox 360 elite A Nintendo 64 was the third console made for the international market. It released in 1996. It was named for it’s 64-bit CPU. When people bought it, it was released with Super Mario Bros 64 and Pilot Wings 64 . The Xbox 360 Elite was released in 2007. It has access to Xbox Live where you can play with other people Live. You can also have Netflix and ESPN.
Military and Video Games? The military invested $50 million in video games. They have first person shooter games so when the soldiers go for duty they can shoot more accurately and they don’t feel as bad if they kill someone.
Game making the most money World of Warcraft makes the most money currently. 9 million people play it at 15 dollars a month, 135 million a month....1,620,000,000 dollars a year, plus people have to pay for initial purchase of game and purchase of two expansions. They make 1 BILLION 620 million a year.
Pong Pong is one of the earliest arcade video games. It features two-dimensional graphics. It was one of the first video games to reach mainstream popularity. It was manufactured by Atari Incorporated.
Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games! When kids play video games it can sometimes be good. Video games may improve a player’s hand-eye coordination and computer literacy. In a study the majority of teens admitted their parents don’t put a time limit on playing video games. Teens that play an extended amount of time playing violent video games : Tend to be more aggressive Are more prone to confrontation with their teachers May engage in fights with their peers See a decline in school achievements
Bibliography “Children and Violent Video Games” by Dr.Phil http://www.drphil.com/articles/article/297 “Not playing around” by Seth Robson http://www.stripes.com/news/not-playing-around-army-to-invest- 50m-in-combattraining-games-1.85595 “Pong” fhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PONG The Impact of Video Games on Children- http://www.pamf.org/preteen/parents/videogames.html