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Learning from the Past: Lessons for the Future of the Internet

Explore the evolution of the Internet, from its origins to future challenges. Understand the unique features that shaped its development, such as network protocols, interoperability, and the stages of growth. Discover the critical role of higher education in shaping the Internet's future.

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Learning from the Past: Lessons for the Future of the Internet

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  1. Learning from the Past• Lessons for the Future InternetEDUCAUSE LiveMichael M. Roberts The Darwin Group, Inc.[ mmr@darwin.ptvy.ca.us ]March 9, 2006

  2. What Makes the Internet Different? • Simple network protocols - smart computers at ends • Interoperability, scalability, robustness • Layers not silos • Powerful platform for convergence of applications • Personalization of services to users

  3. Internet Stage 1 (1980-1991)Research - Academic Focus • Federal research funding - Arpanet/NSFNet I/II • Struggle for TCP-IP legitimacy • Creation of non-profit regional nets • Internet Engineering TF open standards (RFC’s) • Passage of High Perf Computing Act of 1991

  4. Internet Stage 2 (1992-1997)Early Public Internet • Federal Networking Council decision to allowcommercial ISP’s to interconnect • Initiation of web services - Mosaic/Netscape • Outsourcing of DNS services to Network Solutions • Clinton White House Internet Agenda for Action • Telecom Reform Act - No Sig Internet sections

  5. Internet Stage 3 (1998-2005)Rapid Growth of International Public Internet • White House decision to privatize Internet admin - ICANN • Internet investment bubble - espec fiber optics • Full featured browsers & search engines • Acceleration of “everything on IP” • Beginning integration of IP with optical transport • HE seeks advanced net role - Internet2, NLR, RONS

  6. Internet Stage 4 (2006 - ?)Maturing Worldwide Universal Network • Continued base for technology innovation • Rapid product & service differentiation • Broadband network promoted worldwide • Internet = engine of international economic development • Economic, political & social regimes adapting - awkwardly • U.S. role challenged

  7. Challenges for the Future Internet(Short List) •Adequacy of technical architecture• address space - IPv6• builtin security • Extent of economic regulation of net• telecomm law out of sync with reality • Use of Internet to achieve social goals• universal service - digital divide• content restrictions • Internet and National Security• electronic surveillance - CALEA

  8. Where Does Higher Ed Fit In? •Continue historic lead in basic research • Prototype advanced optical infrastructure - HOPI • Provide advanced & specialized svcs - Shibboleth • Promote tech transfer, openness, scholarship, fairness, • Extend reach of net for education - everyonea student • Preserve “Commons” - Balance group versus individualvalues/rights on the net

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