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You’re moving on…. 8 th Grade course request presentation. How do I get out of the 7 th grade?. First and second semester averages must be 70 or above in 3 of the 4 core areas (Language Arts, Math, social Studies, and Science). Attendance MUST be acceptable.
You’re moving on….. 8th Grade course request presentation
How do I get out of the 7th grade? • First and secondsemester averages must be 70 or above in 3 of the 4 core areas (Language Arts, Math, social Studies, and Science). • Attendance MUST be acceptable. • Pass TAKS test or attend summer school.
You will still have teams…8-1 or 8-2. You will have the five core subjects: - Reading - English - Math - Science - U.S.History. You will have two electives. 8th grade is not very different from 7th grade……
You will have extracurricular opportunities. • You will have the opportunity to take classes that may receive high school credits. • You must have 2 years of PE/Athletics completed in your 3 years of middle school. Continued………
Full Year Elective Choices…. • Spanish • Band • Orchestra • Choir • Theatre Arts • Art • BCIS (Business Computer Information systems)* *You must have earned credit for Keyboarding in 7th grade to sign up for BCIS.
½ Year (semester) Elective Choices… • Theatre Arts • Art • Prep ATC • High School Keyboarding • PE Wellness
Electives that offer High School Credit • With successful completion of the following classes, 8th graders will earn .5 or 1 High School elective credit toward graduation: High School Keyboarding .5 BCIS 1.0 • If a student successfully completes Spanish in 7th AND 8th grade they will earn 1 High School elective credit toward graduation for: Spanish 1 However, they must still take 2 additional years of Spanish in High School to fulfill graduation requirements.
Spanish Elective Guidelines • You must have completed Spanish in 7th grade with a passing grade. • If you successfully complete BOTH years (grade 7 and grade 8) you will receive ONE high school elective credit. However, you still must take two additional years of Spanish in high school to fulfill the graduation requirement.
Orchestra and Band Elective Guidelines • You will be placed in the Orchestra or Band, which you will qualify for, according to the Orchestra and Band directors. • Orchestra and Band require a year long commitment.
Athletics or PE/Wellness Choices You may choose: • Athletics and another elective. (Both full year) OR • PE/Wellness for 1 year and another elective (Both full year) OR • PE/Wellness for ½ year and ½ year elective plus 1 other elective *IF you do not need Math Accel or Read 180
This is available for those who wish to participate in competitive volleyball, football, basketball, and/or track/cross country. • Practice is REQUIRED and goes until 5:00 pm. Transportation is the responsibility of the parents. • This requires a year long commitment. When you are not in season you will do off-season workouts. • A physical exam is required to be in athletics. • You must pass or remain academically eligible in all your classes to participate in the team sports. Athletics Guidelines
Tennis Guidelines • A Physical is Required! • Please be aware that if you wish to be in several enhanced classes, the schedule may not allow for you to also be in Tennis. • Tennis, fine art electives and enhanced classes are usually only offered one class period. The schedule is made to accommodate the greatest number of students, therefore your requests are not guaranteed. I LOVE Tennis!
Your teachers will have information about Enhanced Science, History, and English. Algebra is an 8th grade option for Math if test results support placement. The placement test will be administered near the end of the school year. Your math teacher will have information. *Remember in High School you will be required to complete 4 additional courses of Math to fulfill graduation requirements. Enhanced Class Guidelines
You WILL be placed in Math Accel or Read 180 if you do not pass the Math or Reading portion of the TAKS test. Math Accel or Read 180 will take the place of your elective so you will have one period for an elective instead of two. Math Accel& Read I80 Guidelines
Course Request Sheet • Please remember….these are your REQUESTS! • There are no guarantees that these are the classes you will receive. We will do our best to get you what you request, but there are times that it will just not work in the schedule …especially if you choose to take several Enhanced classes.
Get a parent’s signature on your request sheet. Turn in your request sheet to yourHistory teacher. At the top of your request sheet write the following information: Due date, current team, class period you have history and teacher name. And Remember……