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European Project “Under Construction II” Presentation of ANAEPA - Italy Rome meeting

Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission. European Project “Under Construction II” Presentation of ANAEPA - Italy Rome meeting March 20th 2009. ANAEPA – ITALY. ANAEPA is a Sectorial association

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European Project “Under Construction II” Presentation of ANAEPA - Italy Rome meeting

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  1. Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission European Project “Under Construction II” Presentation of ANAEPA - Italy Rome meeting March 20th 2009

  2. ANAEPA – ITALY ANAEPA is a Sectorial association Anaepa represents an autonomous and the most important sector of Confartigianato Represents construction craft and SMEs in Italy and it is a member of EBC

  3. ANAEPA – ITALY ANAEPA was founded in 1950 70,000 member (mostly craftsmen and small enterprises) 137,000 Employees 1 national level 20 regional ‘federations’ 120 territorial associations

  4. ANAEPA – ITALY Representation Activities: Anaepa aggregates a high number of construction companies, in order to elaborate a single and strong voice Anaepa is a credible point of reference for all the relations of enterprises with: Unions, Parliament, Government, local authorities and other private bodies or organizations

  5. ANAEPA – ITALY Representation Activities: Anaepa signs, with the Unions, the collective contract for workers of small and medium enterprises in the construction sector – integrative contracts at regional level Anaepa promotes other agreements or MoU with other social parties in order to identify common proposal to be submitted to the political stakeholders and decision makers

  6. ANAEPA – ITALY Anaepa is constantly in contact with the Parliament, is called for formal hearings on relevant subject, brings information and documentation to MPs that have competence on matters of interest for the association

  7. ANAEPA – ITALY Anaepa’s network: the association promotes, or is a member of, other organizations such as: • Icic - institute for certification • Artigiansoa - certification for public works • Promedil - services and communication • ITACA – Institute for innovation and transparence in public contracts e environmental sustainability (it is a technical body of the Conference of the Regions)

  8. ANAEPA – ITALY Communication Anaepa issues periodical reports on the ‘construction sector’, contributes to the content of the online news website ‘Impresa Artigiana’ produced by Confartigianato and other technical publications

  9. ANAEPA – ITALY Training Anaepa trains entrepreneurs through seminars and congresses on relevant subject of interest (like the framework law on safety, public works) contributing with experts. Soon, a video conference system will connect the central headquarters with territorial headquarters

  10. ANAEPA – ITALY Promoting ‘Economical Associations’ Anaepa believes that the creation of enterprises consortiums allows the participation of small companies to (public and private) works of a larger scale. Anaepa has recently created a consultative body, at the disposal of enterprises, that offers services and ‘answers’ to companies willing to promote consortiums in the building sector.

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