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FGR Settlement Update

FGR Settlement Update. Mandy Bauld/Sharon Wang TPTF 5/6/2008. Issues. Uncertainty about the consistency of FGR definition across the CRR, MMS, and Settlement systems, which is delaying design and development of FGR settlement

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FGR Settlement Update

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  1. FGR Settlement Update Mandy Bauld/Sharon Wang TPTF 5/6/2008

  2. Issues • Uncertainty about the consistency of FGR definition across the CRR, MMS, and Settlement systems, which is delaying design and development of FGR settlement • We need direction today in order to get FGR settlement incorporated into the settlement system by the 168 Hour Test

  3. Findings • The current capability of the CRR system treats multi-element flowgates as singularly binding. That is, it can only consider whether or not the entire flowgate is binding with no regard to the status of individual elements. Additional CRR development was not included in project scope because McCamey Area flowgates were all assumed to be single elements. • Upon further analysis, one of the McCamey Area Flowgates is proposed to be a non-thermal (generic) transmission constraint. This flowgate would consist of multiple transmission elements. However, in the CRR Auction and in the DAM, owners of the flowgate right will be paid the shadow price of the generic constraint rather than the shadow price of each individual element. • Sum(flow) < Flowgate Limit vs. Individual Transmission Element flow < Individual Element Limit • Using the shadow price of the generic transmission constraint vs. using the shadow price of each individual binding element • Per current Protocols, settlements requires that the principal element of a flowgate which consists of multiple elements be identified in order to properly scale the FGR shadow prices using an Impact Normalized Factor (INF). • INF is not available from the upstream systems at the level of ‘per flowgate, per element’ as described in the Protocols describing FGR settlement.

  4. Conclusions The Settlements system will synchronize with the MMS and CRR systems by adopting these concepts: • Principal Network Element • McCamey Area Thermal Flowgate – the Transmission Element itself • McCamey Area Non-Thermal Flowgate – Transmission Generic Constraint – defined as a bundle of Transmission Elements • INF • Defined at ‘per flowgate, per element, per constraint level’ • INF In General = Network Element Rating @ Base Case or Contingency / Principal Element Base Case Rating • INF for McCamey Area Thermal Flowgate (base case and contingency) = 1.0 • INF for McCamey Area Non-Thermal Flowgate = 1.0

  5. McCamey Area Flowgates

  6. NPRR – Section 7 Cleanup • The following Protocol changes will enable the Settlements system to synchronize with the FGR concepts applied by the CRR and MMS systems: • PR Flowgate Definition • PR Payments for FGRs Settled in DAM • Definition of INF • Definition of Element • Formula for Day-Ahead Flowgate Price • Formula for FGR Deration Price • PR Payments for FGRs in Real-Time • Definition of INF • Definition of Element • Formula for No DAM RT FGR Price

  7. NPRR – Section 7 Cleanup • The proposed NPRR also contains the following changes: • Update to 7.7.3, (MCFRI Allocation) • To address potential over-hedging of McCamey area Wind Generation Resources • Update to (OBLRACT calculation) • Update to (OPTRACT calculation)

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