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Thok te teegom ( :wk te ] jom ). :wk te ] jom nem pi`wou nem pi`cmou nem pi`amahi sa ` eneh ` amyn @ Emmanouyl pennou ] penouro . Thok te ti-gom , nem pi-o- oo nem pi- esmo , nem pi- amahee sha eneh amen, Emmano -eel pen- nouti pen- oroo .
Thokteteegom (:wk te ]jom)
:wk te ]jomnempi`wounempi`cmounempi`amahisa `eneh `amyn@ Emmanouylpennou] penouro. Thokteti-gom, nem pi-o-oonem pi-esmo, nem pi-amaheeshaeneh amen, Emmano-eel pen-nouti pen-oroo. To You is the power & the glory & the blessing and the honor, forever Amen. Emmanuel our God our King.
:wk te ]jomnempi`wounempi`cmounempi`amahisa `eneh `amyn@ Pa=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ Thokteti-gom, nem pi-o-oonem pi-esmo, nem pi-amaheeshaeneh amen, pa-ShoisEsosPiekh-restos, To You is the power & the glory & the blessing and the honor, forever Amen. O my Lord Jesus Christ,
Starting from the 11th hour on Tuesday, this part is added: paCwtyr `n`aga;oc@ Pasoteer en-aghathos, my good Savior.
Starting from the Eve of Friday, this part is added: tajomnempa`cmoupe P=o=c@ afswpinyieucwtyri`aefouab. Ta-gom, nem pa-esmo pi-epshoisaf-shobi nee, af-sotereiaef-owab. my strength, my praise, is God who become my holy salvation.
:wk te ]jomnempi`wounempi`cmounempi`amahisa `eneh `amyn. Thokteti-gom, nem pi-o-oonem pi-esmo, nem pi-amaheeshaeneh amen. To You is the power & the glory & the blessing and the honor, forever Amen