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Road to Democracy. IMPACT OF APARTHEID. Life in Post-Apartheid South Africa: 1994-2003. POLITICS in South Africa. ECONOMICS in South Africa. GEOGRAPHY in South Africa. WELCOME. MENU. SOCIETY in South Africa. REFERENCES. Select an area of interest. Political South Africa.
Road to Democracy IMPACT OF APARTHEID Life in Post-Apartheid South Africa: 1994-2003 IMPACT OF APARTHEID
POLITICS in South Africa ECONOMICS in South Africa GEOGRAPHY in South Africa WELCOME MENU SOCIETY in South Africa REFERENCES Select an area of interest IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Political South Africa The political structure of our nation has been shaped directly by the influences of the Apartheid era. Political parties, politicians and our very constitution have been shaped by the struggle. Consequently policies and legislation today attempt to redress the imbalance that was a characteristic of the Apartheid era Politics and its link with history IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Politics 1: Political Parties African National Congress: A popular party partly because it took a pivotal role in the overthrow of Apartheid New National Party: Struggles with its past as the party that implemented Apartheid. Not popular but has supporters amongst some Coloured and Whites Democratic Alliance: The remnants of the liberal parties of the Apartheid era (PFP, DP etc). Continues to safeguard principles of democracy but looks to protect economic privilege Parties and their link with history IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Politics 1: Political Parties Inkatha Freedom Party A tribal based party (Zulu) was formed out of the divisions sponsored by the policy of Separate Development Freedom Front Last stand of the Afrikaaner movements. Tends to have realistic outlook but wants to protect Afrikaaner values Pan African Congress: Important player in struggle but Africanist stance limits appeal to other racial groups. Small but influential group Parties and their link with history IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Politics 2: Our Politicians Thabo Mbeki’s father, Goven, was head of the ANC during the exile years Nelson Mandela played a critical role in the struggle and was imprisoned on Robben Island President People and their link with history Former President IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Politics 3: The Constitution • The concerns raised by the injustices of Apartheid have resulted in the formularization of our democratic constitution. This document is the envy of numerous nations who do not have the freedoms we have. • Your right to freedom in terms of: • Race • Sex • Religion • Sexual Orientation • Gender … are all protected in terms of the South African Constitution IMPACT OF APARTHEID RETURN TO MENU
POLITICS in South Africa ECONOMICS in South Africa GEOGRAPHY in South Africa WELCOME MENU SOCIETY in South Africa REFERENCES Select an area of interest IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Economic South Africa The economic structure of our nation has also been shaped directly by the influences of the Apartheid era. Political power might now rest with the black majority but economic power still rests with the white classes who hold important positions within nearly all sectors of the economy. Affirmative action is one such strategy designed to try and change this. IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Economics 1: Corporate Power Corporate power rests with the historically advantaged classes and therefore is still dominated by English and Afrikaans speaking families. Foreign investors too influence the goings on in the corporate world. Foreign based companies such as Anglo America, Anglo Gold etc. are big economic players IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Economics 2: Social Classes The economic divisions are obvious to us today. Schooling is just one area where most blacks and many whites still experience the disadvantages or benefits derived from their economic class IMPACT OF APARTHEID RETURN TO MENU
POLITICS in South Africa ECONOMICS in South Africa GEOGRAPHY in South Africa WELCOME MENU SOCIETY in South Africa REFERENCES Select an area of interest IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Geographic South Africa The geographical structure of our nation has been shaped directly by the influences of the Apartheid era. Where we live; suburbs and townships have been shaped by the struggle. Consequently municipal, city and provincial boundaries and have recently been redrawn in an attempt to redress imbalances. However many people remain in the old divisions IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Geography 1: Townships Where we live is also a spin off from the Apartheid era. Townships were designed as the dormitory suburbs for the working black class. Blacks were unwelcome in white suburbs at night IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Geography 2: Suburbs Compare this slide of a new suburb, Sandton, with its historical neighbour, Alexandra, in the previous slide. IMPACT OF APARTHEID RETURN TO MENU
POLITICS in South Africa ECONOMICS in South Africa GEOGRAPHY in South Africa WELCOME MENU SOCIETY in South Africa REFERENCES Select an area of interest IMPACT OF APARTHEID
Social South Africa The Social structure of our nation has also been shaped directly by the influences of the Apartheid era… IMPACT OF APARTHEID RETURN TO MENU
POLITICS in South Africa ECONOMICS in South Africa GEOGRAPHY in South Africa WELCOME MENU SOCIETY in South Africa REFERENCES Select an area of interest IMPACT OF APARTHEID
References Web sites: South African History Online http://www.sahistory.org.za BBC Online Network: News http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/special_report/1999/05/99/south_africa_elections/map/default.stm South African Web http://www.saweb.co.za/election/unity.html CD Rom: Encarta Encyclopaedia 2002 Books: Readers Digest. (1989). Illustrated History of South Africa Cape Town: Readers Digest IMPACT OF APARTHEID RETURN TO MENU