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Student Teaching Preliminary Meeting Spring 2018

Student Teaching Preliminary Meeting Spring 2018. OFFICE OF CLINICAL SERVICES & CERTIFICATION Lovinger Bldg. 2170, UCM Warrensburg, MO 64093 Office: (660) 543-4880 Fax: (660) 543-8655. Handouts. Career Services Handout Checklist Meetings Schedule Social Media Policy.

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Student Teaching Preliminary Meeting Spring 2018

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  1. Student Teaching Preliminary Meeting Spring 2018 OFFICE OF CLINICAL SERVICES & CERTIFICATION Lovinger Bldg. 2170, UCM Warrensburg, MO 64093 Office: (660) 543-4880 Fax: (660) 543-8655

  2. Handouts • Career Services Handout • Checklist Meetings Schedule • Social Media Policy You should have picked up the following items at the door when you came in:

  3. Career ServicesSarah Cavanah

  4. Agenda • Teacher Shortage • Student Teaching is a DESE Requirement • MoGEA • Student Teaching Pre-Requisites/ Requirements • Admission to Teacher Education • Professionalism • Attendance while Student Teaching • Checklist Meetings

  5. Agenda • Required Forms/Paperwork • Individual District Requirements • Background Checks • Testing Overview • Missouri Content Assessment (MoCA) • Professional Organizations • Missouri Pre-Teaching Assessment (MoPTA) • Co-Teaching Training Dates • Required Orientation Meeting Date

  6. Our (Clinical Services) Job: • Is not to prepare you for student teaching • That’s You and Your Department’s Responsibility • Our responsibility is to Place Student Teachers • It is not to find a Perfect or a Dream Placement • No Such Thing

  7. Our Job: • Our responsibility is to find a Placement that will help you earn your Certification • School Districts don’t really look at what you taught in student teaching. • If you went to UCM and you pass student teaching, school districts know you’re prepared.

  8. Other Things to Keep in Mind DESE does not accept Substitute Teaching as Student Teaching.

  9. Other Things to Keep in Mind Alt. Certs/MAT’s—If you are teaching in an area that is not what you are seeking your initial certification in--It is not considered to be a Clinical Experience and can not be accepted as Student Teaching.

  10. Other Things to Keep in Mind Unless you are an Alt.Cert/MAT under contract with a School District, You can not get paid while student teaching.* * Except before or after School Activities.

  11. Student Teaching is regulated by: • Missouri Statutes • DESE Regulations • University Policies

  12. Requirements have Changed from Semester to Semester.If you have friends student teaching this semester, realize that there will be some things different for you than they were for them.

  13. Due to the new state regulations, standards and assessments, there is little to no flexibility for student teaching.

  14. Strict MoPTA Policies • The Deadlines for MoPTA Task Submissions are very Rigid. • If you are removed from Student Teaching, it will have dire consequences for MoPTA Completion You Must Be Fully Committed to Student Teaching

  15. Teacher Shortage • Some School Districts are Trying to get a Jump on the Potential Teacher Shortage by Offering Student Teachers Positions Sometimes Before They Actually Student Teach • Especially • Special Education • Math & Science • Other Areas, Too

  16. Teacher Shortage • Although It May Sound Attractive— • This type of “Opportunity” places undue pressure on our Students as they Student Teach • We Want to Help those School Districts that work with Our Students, but— • Our Students are Our Priority

  17. Teacher Shortage • If You are Approached by a School District About any Modification of your Student Teaching Placement with the Promise that it Could Lead to Possible Employment— • Ask Them to Contact either Mr. Bill Runyan or Dr. Rich Cole

  18. In order to student teach in the Fall 2018 Semester, you must meet the following requirements by the end of the Spring 2018 Semester:

  19. Undergraduates & Graduates • You must be fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program.* PLUS. . . *DESE/State Requirement

  20. You must meet all qualifications including: • A minimum Overall GPA of 2.75* • A minimum Content GPA of 3.0* • A minimum Teacher Ed. GPA of 3.0* • Must be admitted to your Major Department • Must have a cleared FBI Criminal Background Check • Must have taken the Missouri Educator Profile (MEP) and have discussed it with your program coordinator.* *DESE/State Requirement

  21. Keep in Mind Undergraduates & Graduates • Must Take the Missouri Content Assessment (MoCA) for your major • The Missouri Content Assessment is required to be taken prior to May 1, 2018 • You do not have to pass it before you student teach—Must be passed to get your teaching certificate

  22. Keep in Mind • UCM Policy—”All required courses must be completed prior to student teaching.” (Undergraduates Only)

  23. Keep in Mind Appeals to the Teacher Education Exceptions Committee concerning Student Teaching should only be filed if there are Extenuating Circumstances. Extenuating Circumstances do not include: • Having a GPA below 2.75 • Not having all coursework completed prior to student teaching • Not passing the MoGEA • Not having taken the Missouri Content Assessment • Not being admitted to Teacher Ed.

  24. Keep in Mind When you receive an email from student_teaching@ucmo.edu ljacques@ucmo.edu lfischer@ucmo.edu rlcole@ucmo.edu • Read it immediately • Read it in its entirety—Not just the first couple of sentences • We don’t send out tweets—usually our emails have quite a bit of detail to them

  25. Reality Check

  26. Reality Check Here’s what’s in your favor: • You know more about learning styles, assessment, curriculum, and literacy than any generation of student teachers before you. • You have had more real classroom experience than any generation of student teachers before you.

  27. But. . .Keep in Mind • You will be a Guestin the school district and in the school building(s) where you are assigned to student teach. • School Districts do not have to place or take student teachers • You are expected to conduct yourself as a professional at all times.

  28. Professionalism • In the Past 11 Years Student Teachers have been removed for: • Chronic Lateness • Not informing anyone about being absent • Not attending required district meetings • Cell phone usage/texting/Computer Issues • Lack of lesson plans—lack of preparation • Inability to accept constructive criticism • Insensitivity to the needs of students • Unprofessional Dress • Informing Cooperating Teacher they were teaching incorrectly • Insubordination to: • The Principal and/or their Cooperating Teacher

  29. Professionalism • Your Studentsand Student Teaching Comes First • Need to approach this as though you are a contracted teacher • Working with other people’s kids • MoPTA, Job/Work will not be an excuse for not performing up to level in student teaching • Strongly Discourage working at another job during Student Teaching Semester—Even more so because of MoPTA. • As mentioned earlier, You can not receive pay from district you are student teaching in • This will not be your typical 12 Hours of University Credit

  30. Professionalism • Student Teaching begins the day that your Cooperating Teacher is contracted to start the new semester. • For Fall Semester Student Teachers, that means reporting the same day as your Cooperating Teacher is required to return in July/August. • Attend all Faculty and Professional Development Meetings.

  31. Professionalism • You are expected to attend: • Faculty Meetings • Professional Development Meetings • Parent-Teacher Conferences • Any and all meetings that your Cooperating Teacher is expected to attend

  32. Professionalism • Consider Student Teaching as your job rather than a class • You can get fired from a job—You can be removed from Student Teaching • Consider Student Teaching as a 4-month long job interview

  33. ProfessionalismWhile Student Teaching: The Five Be’s: • Be On Time • Be Courteous • Be Dependable • Be Responsible • Be Prepared

  34. Attendance • Student Teachers are expected to report every day. • There are NO Vacation or Personal Days provided during the Student Teaching Semester. • Exception—Holidays Recognized by Your School District

  35. Attendance • Thanksgiving Break • Weddings & Honeymoons • Graduation Trips

  36. Teacher Candidate Policy for Social Media Teacher Candidate Policy for Social Media All Teacher Candidates are expected to: • Interact and communicate with staff, administrators, students, and parents/legal guardians in a Professional Manner • Follow District and Building Policies • Teacher Candidates are to maintain Professional Boundaries

  37. Teacher Candidate Policy for Social Media The use by Teacher Candidates of any social media to communicate with students and/or parents/legal guardians, including but not limited to email, Facebook, Twitter, texting, and blogs must be for educational purposes approved by the Teacher Candidate’s school district. Communications must comply with all relevant district policies and must be set up for public viewing.

  38. Teacher Candidate Policy for Social Media Teacher Candidates must not use social media to engage in private communications with students. Teacher Candidates must not use their personal electronic communication devices, accounts, web pages, or other personal forms or electronic communication to communicate with students and parents/legal guardians.

  39. Checklist Meetings

  40. Checklist Meeting • Broken up into Four Groups • Alternative Certification/MAT’s • Middle School • Secondary Education • Pre-K-12

  41. Checklist Meeting • Early Childhood/Elementary Meetings • Time and Locations have been set up by the Department • Check with Dr. McCoy if you have questions

  42. Info on Checklist • Required Assessments • Career Services • Scholarships • Background Check • MoPTA • Enrollment • Placement Letter • Co-Teaching Training • Required Meetings • Media Use Policy

  43. All Forms Can be Found at: • www.ucmo.edu/cert/student • Click on Forms • Forms Located under Student Teaching Preliminary Meetings

  44. You will need to bring the following 3 completed forms with you to the Checklist Meeting next week • Student Teaching Final Placement Request • Student Teacher Information Form • Authorization for Release of Information

  45. Make sure that you have all three of the forms filled out before the Checklist Meetings. Checklist Meeting will last 30 or 45 minutes. You will not be placed without attending one of these Meetings! You’ll be given a copy of the checklist Keep it! Do Not Be Late!!

  46. Make sure that all of your paperwork is done correctly and on time. Being Late may mean your paperwork gets sent to the School Districts Late and may keep you from being placed in your choice of districts!!

  47. Final Placement Request We will send your paperwork to your first choice—can not guarantee order after that. Make sure that district is your first choice! You will not be placed in your home district unless it is a large district (i.e. Blue Springs, Independence, etc.) List Four school districts—not individual school buildings. Do not attempt to arrange a placement for yourself, or select your supervising teacher. All placements must be arranged through our office and through the school districts! We enroll you for Student Teaching and any other classes required by your major department through our office. List clearly and concisely any unusual conditions that might affect your student teaching placement. Coaching (athletics) does not dictate a student’s placement. Coaching does not count as Student Teaching hours. Keep us informed regarding any changes: address, phone number, name, etc. Our office is not automatically informed when you make a change in another office.

  48. Final Placement Request • Once you submit this form: • No Changes will be made unless it is at the request of your department. • Make sure that the four school districts you choose are four districts that you are willing to student teach in. • We may not be able to go in the order that you picked. • We can not guarantee placement in any district including your first choice.

  49. Final Placement Request • Music Ed. Students • Placement Requests must be initialed/ signed by either Dr. Adam Zrust for Vocal or Dr. Anthony Pursell for Instrumental before you bring them to the Checklist Meeting.

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