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TECHNOLOGY SMART. APRIL 2011. http://www.netsmartzkids.org/uyn/uyn.htm. CYBERBULLYING. Cyber bullying is using technology to threaten, insult, or harass.

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  1. TECHNOLOGY SMART APRIL 2011 http://www.netsmartzkids.org/uyn/uyn.htm

  2. CYBERBULLYING • Cyber bullying is using technology to threaten, insult, or harass. • A person who cyber bullies can quickly  spread rumors, threats, hate mail, or embarrassing photos through text messages, emails, or instant messages. http://www.netsmartz.org/stories/canttake.htm http://www.ncpc.org/newsroom/current-campaigns/cyberbullying/cyberbullying-radio-public-service-announcements

  3. CHAT ROOMS & SOCIAL NETWORKING • There is no reason for you to be in an open Chat Room. People will pretend to be someone they are not. Remember what your parents first taught you, “Don’t talk to Strangers!” • If you end up somewhere on the internet where you are uncomfortable - Tell a Parent. • Even Webkinz and Club Penquin are Social Networks Never let anyone in that you do not know. • XBOX LIVE and Wii also have chat rooms.  Only play games online with other kids that you know. • If someone says or does something creepy, block them and don't respond. • Learn how to block another player. If another player is behaving badly and annoying you then you should block them so you don’t hear from them again. • You can always kick someone out of the game if they are making you feel uncomfortable. http://www.netsmartzkids.org/uyn/boylovedim.htm

  4. MYSPACE  AND FACEBOOK • You must be 14 to create an account, BUT if you do make an account, do the following: • Ask your parents first. • Do not put your last name, your city that you live in, the school that you go to, cell phone numbers, email, or any other information that could let someone figure out where you live or go to school. • Make sure that you make your account private.  This means that everyone that has access to your account will ask to go onto your site.   DO NOT let anyone that you do not know access your account.

  5. DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORDInstant Messaging (IM) • Do Not give out any passwords, especially your instant messaging password to anyone. • When you are at someones house do not leave with your screen signed on. • Your parents should have your password. • Do not even share passwords with your best friend. • Do not talk to anyone that you do not know when on IM - Do not say anything that is hurtful. • Do not pretend to be someone else, or use someone’s password. • Be responsible when you are online. • If you are bullied online, save the message, don’t respond, tell a parent. • Anything in cyberspace – can be traced. http://www.netsmartzkids.org/tunes/index.htm?page=passwordrap.htm http://www.netsmartz.org/stories/angela.htm

  6. TEXTING - OMG!  :)  TWEEN ETIQUETTE • Be nice - don't text anything that you wouldn't say to the person's face. • DO NOT send any pictures that you wouldn't want the whole school, and all the other schools in your town, and your parents to see.  PICTURES WILL TRAVEL FAST.  Think before posting or sending photos - they could be used to hurt you. • Great way to stay in touch with your parents and plan things with your friends.  Should not take place of one-on-one interaction with your friends. • Never respond to harassing or rude comments, block the sender. • Texting in capital letters means you are YELLING. • Talk to your parents or guardian if you are harassed • Don't start texting without asking your parents!  Texting can be very expensive.  Make sure that you know your phone plan.  Unlimited texting or a limited amount each month.

  7. TWEEN TEXTING ETIQUETTE • Don't text when you are angry with someone. • Do not text in class, at church, at dinner, at the movies, or anytime when your family or friends need your personal attention. • Do not text when you are doing activities that need your full attention; skate boarding, bike riding, etc. CUL8R BFN TYVM

  8. Internet Safety links • www.netsmartz.org • http://tcs.cybertipline.com/knowthedangers8.htm • http://www.ikeepsafe.org/

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