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Contemporary World: Transnational Social and Economic Issues 當代世界 : 跨國社會與經濟 議題. 第 7 單元 : 國際人口販賣問題研究 Unit 7: Research on Human Trafficking Lecturer: Dr. Pei-Shan, KAO. I. Introduction: 重點提要 : 1. 名詞定義及解釋 : 何謂人口販賣 ? Definition and Explanation: What is human trafficking?
Contemporary World: Transnational Social and Economic Issues 當代世界: 跨國社會與經濟議題 第7單元: 國際人口販賣問題研究 Unit 7: Research on Human Trafficking Lecturer: Dr. Pei-Shan, KAO
I. Introduction: 重點提要: 1.名詞定義及解釋:何謂人口販賣? Definition and Explanation: What is human trafficking? 2.個案研究(一):Case Study 1 3.個案研究(二):Case Study 2
1. Definition and Explanation: What is human trafficking? *It is the recruitment, transportation, harbouring, or receipt of people for the purpose of exploitation. *The victims typically are recruited by coercion, deception, fraud, the abuse of power. →∵Threats and violence can make victims agree to exploitation. * Exploitation methods: forcing adult victims to prostitution, forced labour, slavery or the removal of organs. Forcing children to prostitution, illegal international adoption, early marriage, or recruitment as child soldiers, beggars.
1.名詞定義及解釋:何謂人口販賣? 人口販賣:指以剝削、利用為目的,而進行的招募、運輸、移送、提供或取得某人。 使用手段:使用暴力威脅、強迫、綁架、詐騙等非法方式。甚至是強迫灌食藥物等手段來控制受害者人。 強迫內容:強迫(成人)從事色情工作或其他型式的性剝削、強迫勞動、奴役、 走私販毒、摘除器官等。
兒童人口販賣:非法的國際領養、強迫在年幼時結婚、招募為童兵、或是從事非自願的乞討工作。兒童人口販賣:非法的國際領養、強迫在年幼時結婚、招募為童兵、或是從事非自願的乞討工作。 *人口販賣(Human Trafficking)≠ 非法移民(Illegal Immigration) ∵非法移民(偷渡Illegal Entry)是出於自願性,且內容通常並不涉及詐騙;然而人口販賣則多是被詐欺、被迫奴役、嚴重剝削,甚至被剝奪基本人權。
Why Human Trafficking)≠ Illegal Immigration? ∵Illegal immigration means immigration across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. →That is, an illegal immigrant is a foreigner who either has illegally crossed an international political border, or a foreigner who has entered a country legally but then overstays his/her visa.
受害者來源:受害者多來自工作機會有限、經濟貧困的區域,多為社會上的弱勢族群。例如;翹家兒童、戰區難民等。某些人則是遭歹徒強行擄走。受害者來源:受害者多來自工作機會有限、經濟貧困的區域,多為社會上的弱勢族群。例如;翹家兒童、戰區難民等。某些人則是遭歹徒強行擄走。 *現代人口販賣發生地區:科索沃、印尼、羅馬尼亞、捷克、烏克蘭、保加利亞 *歷史上人口販賣:美國黑奴販賣、華工販賣
About the victims: *They are usually the most vulnerable and powerless minorities in a region. *They often come from the poorer areas, such as Kosovo, Indonesia, Czech, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine where opportunities are limited, *They often are ethnic minorities. Children trafficking: *Trafficked children often come from poor family. They are sold by their parents to traffickers to pay off debts or get income or they may be deceived concerning the prospects of training and a better life for their children. *Case In West Africa: trafficked children have often lost one or both parents to the African AIDS crisis. *The adoption process, legal and illegal, results in cases of trafficking of babies and pregnant women between the West (the United States) and the developing world (India).
Contemporary Human Trafficking 現代人口販賣 *According to St. Louis Chinese American News (June23, 2005), the estimate of the amount of international human trafficking victims is 600~800 thousand people. 根據2005.6.23美國聖路易時報報導,估計國際販賣人口流動量是六十到八十萬人。 Source: http://www.scanews.com/2005/jun/s774/77407/“consulted in December 2007.”
根據2005年英國內政部的數據,每年約有6000名少女被人口販子從東歐販賣到英國去。2004年,英國警察逮捕了1456個人口販子,繳獲贓款將近500萬英鎊。目前英國的“非街頭”妓女有80%来自東歐國家。根據2005年英國內政部的數據,每年約有6000名少女被人口販子從東歐販賣到英國去。2004年,英國警察逮捕了1456個人口販子,繳獲贓款將近500萬英鎊。目前英國的“非街頭”妓女有80%来自東歐國家。 Source: http://news.china.com/zh_cn/social/1007/20051130/12900508.html, “consulted in December 2007.” 現代人口販賣
According to British Home Office, every year there are 6,000 girls trafficking from East European countries to Britain. In 2004, the British police arrested 1,456 traffickers. Now 80% “non-street” prostitutes in Britain come from East European countries.
*由於羅馬尼亞是性奴隸主要輸出國之一,為打擊人口販賣問題,羅馬尼亞政府除了設立官方的海外工作介紹所、並散發傳單警告年輕女性不要受騙、以及建立受害者收容所等。*由於羅馬尼亞是性奴隸主要輸出國之一,為打擊人口販賣問題,羅馬尼亞政府除了設立官方的海外工作介紹所、並散發傳單警告年輕女性不要受騙、以及建立受害者收容所等。 *歐盟則通過了世界上第一部針對保護被販賣人口權利的法律—《歐洲反販賣人口協議》。此協議將被販賣人口的權利放在第一位,確保受害者有至少30天的適應期。在適應期期間,她們可以得到公共機構提供的住房和緊急醫療服務,並特别規定,若受害者在本國得不到安全保障或願意配合警方協助调查,可獲得住在國的臨時居住權。 Source: http://news.china.com/zh_cn/social/1007/20051130/12900508.html, “consulted in December 2007.” 打擊現代人口販賣問題
Solutions for the prevention and fight against human trafficking: In Romania: The government established official recruitment agency to help people to get a job. -Print pamphlet and brochures to warn young women paying attention to traffickers. -Establishing centre to take care of the victims. In United Kingdom: -To prevent human trafficking, and to improve and co-ordinate the law enforcement response to human trafficking, the British government established “United kingdom Human Trafficking Centre” (UKHTC). -This Centre is working together with other agencies, NGOs.