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Agriculture. Map of England (from ourinns.com). By: Dylan Connolly, Michael Fasano , Asher Konigsburg , Eric Spiniello, and Amar Thakkar. Famous People. Seed Drill (from gmicksmithsocialstudies.com). Eli Whitney- invented the cotton gin

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  1. Agriculture Map of England (from ourinns.com) By: Dylan Connolly, Michael Fasano, Asher Konigsburg, Eric Spiniello, and AmarThakkar

  2. Famous People Seed Drill (from gmicksmithsocialstudies.com) • Eli Whitney- invented the cotton gin • automated the seed separation process. His machine could generate up to fifty pounds of cleaned cotton daily • JethroTull- invented the horse-drawn seed drill • Importance: planted seeds in straight rows • Robert Blakewell- invented the stock breeding • Importance: Improved quality of animals to produce more meat, milk and wool • Cyrus McCormick- invented the mechanical reaper • Made grain harvesting easier

  3. Agriculture Advancements • During this time, the advancements in Agriculture sped up the process of simple tasks that took a long time such as separating cotton and harvesting. These inventions improved the quality of animals to produce more food as well. Wheat (from wallpaperscraft.com)

  4. Agriculture Advancements • Cotton gin- Separated seed from raw cotton. This would be a very hard task that needed skilled workers and now it was done by machines • The Horse Drawn Seed Drill was perfected by JethroTull in 1701. The invention was used to neatly put seeds into rows. It was used for many years. It is helpful because the seeds are more precise and it cuts down on time

  5. Agriculture Advancements • Stock Breeding- Improved the quality of animals to produce more meat, milk and wool. Robert Blackwell would breed animals for desired traits. Most importantly for sheep to create sheep with a lot of wool. • Mechanical Reaper- Made harvesting grain much easier. It was a machine that harvested grain at fast speeds. • Crop rotation- Invented by an Englishmen Charles Townshend, it was a system where farmers would alternate their crops to preserve the soil. This was a very efficient way of farming.

  6. Key Terms and Definitions • Enclosure Movement- beginning in the 1700’s it was a period of time when wealthy farmers would buy large parts of land from small farmers. The led to improved crop production and crop rotation. • Horse drawn seed drill- planted seeds in straight rows (JethroTull) • Stock breeding- improved quality of animals to produce more meat, milk, and wool (Robert Blakewell) • Mechanical reaper- made grain harvesting easier (Cyrus McCormick) • Crop Rotation- An efficient way of farming where farmers would alternate their crops. (Charles Townshed)

  7. Predictions For Its Impact on Great Britain • Advancements in Agriculture will result in many great things for Great Britain. Since the farming inventions such as the mechanical reaper and the horse drawn seed drill will increase production time and quantity, it will result in a surplus of food. This would allow Great Britain to trade more exports which can result in a long term effect of economic success. Trade Map (from paradoxplaza.com)

  8. Predictions For How it Will Spread and How it Will Impact Other Countries • From the Industrial Revolution beginning in England, the agriculture spread to many other parts of the world such as France, and Western Europe. Countries will see the success of farming in England because of its machinery and want their country to farm faster and more efficient as well. As a result, the machines spread to other parts of the nations. This will impact these nations by ending hunger, and make them more rich. However, it might take away jobs thus hurting the country. French flag (taken from drinkingdiries.com)

  9. Most Important • Agriculture is the most important because mostly everything made is at first a raw material such as cotton. So to make many luxurious items you need the raw material • Agriculture is the most important because every living person needs food in order to live and agriculture produces that food. • If humans didn’t eat they would die. Crops (from forbes.com)

  10. Work Cited • http://www.riverdell.org/cms/lib05/NJ01001380/Centricity/Domain/84/Beginnings%20of%20Industrial%20Revolution.pdf • http://www.riverdell.org/cms/lib05/NJ01001380/Centricity/Domain/84/DBQ%20Industrial%20Revolution%20Beginnings.pdf

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