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Status of KASKA. ( Kas hiwazaki- Ka riwa Nuclear Power Station). F.Suekane RC n S, Tohoku Univ. Japan suekane@awa.tohoku.ac.jp. @ Double CHOOZ collaboration meeting 2006.06.06-08. Outline. Brief introduction of KASKA experiment R&D status Fund requesting status Summary. KASKA Members.
Status of KASKA (Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station) F.Suekane RCnS, Tohoku Univ. Japan suekane@awa.tohoku.ac.jp @ Double CHOOZ collaboration meeting 2006.06.06-08 F.Suekane, KASKA
Outline Brief introduction of KASKA experiment R&D status Fund requesting status Summary F.Suekane, KASKA
KASKA Members Niigata University: N.Tamura, M.Tanimoto, H.Miyata, H.Nakano T.Kawasaki, M.Katsumata, T.Iwabuchi, M.Aoki, N.Nakajima, K.Sakai Tohoku University: F.Suekane, Y.Sakamoto, S.Tsuchiya, H.Tabata Tokyo Metropolitan University: T.Sumiyoshi, H.Minakata, O.Yasuda , K.Sakuma Tokyo Institute of Technology: M.Kuze, K.Nitta, H.Furuta, J.Maeda, Y.Funaki Kobe University: T.Hara KEK: N.Ishihara, H.Sugiyama Miyagi University of Education: Y.Fukuda, Akiyama Hiroshima Institute of Technology: Y.Nagasaka Osaka University: Nomachi ~30people F.Suekane, KASKA
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPS 7 powerful reactors (5BWR+2ABWR) cluster into two groups World's Highest Power P=24.3GWth =Strongest n luminosity >2010 F.Suekane, KASKA
Can return to L=1.3km ~1.6km ~0.35km 24.3GW ~50m 150m 6ton x 2 2x6ton KASKA-q13 Geometry L=1.6km F.Suekane, KASKA
Detector & Shaft Hole F.Suekane, KASKA
Structure of KASKA Detectoris similar to DCHOOZ's F.Suekane, KASKA
Error efficiency related + n flux + BKG Statistic error = 0.4% with 3years run F.Suekane, KASKA
Expected Sensitivity (rate only analysis) SK Dm2 10x better sensitivity than current CHOOZ limit F.Suekane, KASKA
R&D *Boring study at near-B site * Prototype detector * Low BKG PMT * Electronics development * LS developments * Detector and Shaft hole design study * Calibration system * Cosmic-ray tracking system * Design and tests of acrylic vessels F.Suekane, KASKA
Gd-LS Gd-LS * Test of g-catcher. * Am/Be ne like signal. * Cosmic-ray spallation BKG. ne detection at research reactor. *Magnetic shield test * MC development Prototype Detector 0.9m3 Am/Be Sources (4.4MeVg+n) F.Suekane, KASKA
60cm thick spherical buffer layer d 2.2MeV peak preliminary preliminary Gd 8MeV peak Ed Data Simulation Need to tune the simulation. F.Suekane, KASKA
2006/8~ Prototype @ a research reactor Joyo Research Reactor, 140MW Fast Reactor Frequent ON/OFF ~150 reaction/day ( flux ~KASKA near) BKG data Ed • Window (BKG~50/day) 25m Ep after some improvements data taken with very poor g shields no cosmic-ray veto Demonstrate n detection capability First fast reactor n detection (Pu origin) F.Suekane, KASKA
Boring Study @ near-B site (2004.10~11) Reactor Building #6 Reactor Building #5 • Study of • Geology • Cosmic-ray BKG • g-ray BKG • at real location and depth • & • Real experience to • work in the reactor site 70m depth BKG measurement counting hut scaffold tower for boring machine F.Suekane, KASKA
. data MC g-ray BKG Cosmic-ray BKG data MC Preliminary Preliminary E(KeV) Tuned MC with 20% accuracy 238U/232Th/40K=2.1/6.3/1.5ppm F.Suekane, KASKA
Geology -> shaft hole design F.Suekane, KASKA
Liquid Scintillators Region-I(-target): PaloVerde Type BC521:PC:Tetradecane=20:20:60v% Gd=0.1%. Light Output~50% Anthracene Region-II(-catcher): PC:TD=15:85% + PPO+bis-MSB LO~50% Anthracene Region-III(Buffer Oil): Paraffin Oil(+PPO LO~5%Anth. optional) F.Suekane, KASKA
LS long term stability tests(preliminary) KASKA candidate T=20deg BC521 : Pseudocumen(PC) : Tetradecane(TD) = A ‥ 20% : 20% : 60% B ‥ 30% : 10% : 60% C ‥ 20% : 10% : 70% T=30deg No aging at room temp. for 240days T=40deg F.Suekane, KASKA
1pe signals PMT Hamamatsu 10"PMT TTS=2.5ns ~300/detector 10% coverage Low BKG Glass It is possible to make10"PMT glass as low BKG. F.Suekane, KASKA
Issue of Geo-Magnetic Field (1) 11cm thick iron tank (2) Compensation Coil (3) high- metal shield on each PMT • (3) works well for prototype detector Issue of cosmic-ray saturation ( to measure shower energy) • Install small PMTs to measure cosmir-ray & shower energy F.Suekane, KASKA
Electronics * Full digital treatment using FADC & FPGA * Bank system to kill deadtime * Quick recovery from saturation Test module F.Suekane, KASKA
Cosmic-ray tracker To estimate long-life spallation Backgrounds such as 9Li. * Liquid Scintillator base * Plastic Scintillator base Cosmic-ray tracker F.Suekane, KASKA
Beam test of plastic scintillator F.Suekane, KASKA
Calibration: Wire manipulation (between PMTs) hook hook Source weight Mechanical Test Test at prototype (planning) F.Suekane, KASKA
Designing WorkWith KEK Engineering Div. F.Suekane, KASKA
Inner acrylic vessel Outer acrylic vessel F.Suekane, KASKA
1/2 scale inner acrylic dorm. =90cm, t=1cm) -> manufacturing method. -> Test of achievable precision F.Suekane, KASKA
LS compatibility acceleration test (35 deg) of acrylic joint 1day 1week 1month Some incompatibility was Observed. Now we think we know how to avoid this effect After soak Before soak F.Suekane, KASKA
Construction sequence F.Suekane, KASKA
LoI will appear in ArXiv soon. ~80 pages F.Suekane, KASKA
Funding Issue 2005 Funding schemes: possible 3 ways *Budget request as University Project * Grant in Aid for Scientific Research * Support from KEK JFY (Apr.-Mar.) 2006 1st review [End of August] (If it fails, we would like to join to DCHOOZ here) Now As DCHOOZ request(Sep.-Oct.) We would like prepare the request form from now. 2007 If KEK decides to support us, we may be able to start before next JFY starts. If GASR is approved the fund will be available from here. F.Suekane, KASKA
Summary KASKA uses highest reactor power, optimum baseline and can measure sin22q13 with 10 times better sensitivity of current limit. (2) R&D has been progressing. Now struggling for funding. We will know in the end of August if our final trial fails. (4) In that case, we would like to join DCHOOZ and do next budget request for DCHOOZ. If the request is <$5M, the probablity of approval is high. (5) In any case we would like to start to plan the next budget request as DCHOOZ. F.Suekane, KASKA