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COD Institutional Effectiveness Process (IEP)

COD Institutional Effectiveness Process (IEP). Planning, Assessment, Allocation. Learn More. Institutional Effectiveness Process (IEP).

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COD Institutional Effectiveness Process (IEP)

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  1. COD Institutional Effectiveness Process (IEP) Planning, Assessment, Allocation Learn More

  2. Institutional Effectiveness Process (IEP) College of the Desert’s Institutional Effectiveness Process (IEP) involves planning, implementing and assessing strategic and operational changes at the college. In any year the college plans for the coming year, implements plans made in the previous year, and assesses progress towards goals and the effectiveness of the IEP itself. This presentation provides an overview of this process, definitions of key terms and concepts, a calendar of the process, and links to current IEP reports and documents. Click Below For Details Terms & concepts Planning Implementing Assessing Calendar Current Reports

  3. Terms and Concepts Area Goals (AGs): Annual goals developed by each Area to address both CSGs and operational needs. Plans include goals, objectives, and action plans. Allocation Proposal: A recommenda-tionto the President and College Planning Council for the allocation of new resources in support of strategic and operational plans. This proposal is developed by the Budget Task Force. Assessment of Planning and Outcomes sub-committee (APO): A sub-committee of the College Planning Council that is responsible for assessing progress in meeting CSGs and the effectiveness of the IEP. Annual Plans: Annual plans are developed at the unit, area and college levels. These plans include goals, objectives, action plans, and an assessment process. These plans are developed to carry out goals set in PRUs and may address both strategic and operational goals. College Planning Council: The primary shared governance body for the college, which advises the President. College Strategic Goals (CSGs): Annual goals set by the Board of Trustees as a means to implement the College’s Education Strategic Master Plan. Area: The President’s Office plus all administrative levels headed by a vice president (Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Business Affairs). More Terms IEP Main Page Terms Implementing Planning Assessing Calendar Reports

  4. Strategic Plans: Plans intended to meet a strategic goal of the college or an area. Strategic plans are based on PRU goals, and are developed at the unit, area, and college levels. Terms and Concepts Institutional Effectiveness Process (IEP): Planning, implementing and assessing change at the college. SWOT: Analysis used to determine what an organization can or cannot do based on an assessment of internal Strengths and Weaknesses as well as external Opportunities & Threats. Operational Plans: Planning that does not specifically address a CSG. Opera-tionalplans are based on PRU goals. Any part of an operational plan that can be managed within existing unit resources does not require further approval. Operational plans that require new resources must be processed through the area and college planning process. Unit: Administrative sub-division that reports to the President or a Vice President. Examples of administrative units include the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (reports to the V.P. of Academic Affairs), Maintenance and Operations (reports to the V.P. of Business Affairs), EOPS/CARE (reports to the V.P. of Students Affairs), Information Technology and Institutional Research (reports to the President). PRUs: Program review updates. Annual reports showing current program status and progress on 5-year program review goals. PRUs include planning goals that are incorporated into unit/area/college planning. IEP Main Page Terms Implementing Planning Assessing Calendar Reports

  5. Overview of the Planning Process Click on various steps for more details 8. President & Board of Trustees • 1. College Strategic Goals • 7. CPC SWOT & Recommendations • 2. Area Goals Program Review & PRUs APO Assessment • 6. Allocation • 3. Unit planning Unit operational budget decisions • 5. College planning • 4. Area planning IEP Main Page Terms Implementing Planning Assessing Calendar Reports

  6. Details of the Planning Process 1. College Strategic Goals College strategic goals (CSGs) are goals set each year by the Board or Trustees and the President. They are clearly defined steps towards completing the college’s Strategic Education Master Plan (EMP). They are designed to be completed over a specific period of time, and include objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which are characteristics that may be measured to know if objectives have been met. Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview See Current CSGs

  7. Details of the Planning Process 2. Area Goals Area goals (AGs) are set each year by leaders of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Business Affairs and the President’s Office. They are intended to carry out CSGs announced by the President for the college as a whole and area level operational goals. AGs are developed in close consultation with unit leaders within each area. Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview See Current AGs

  8. Details of the Planning Process 2. Program Review & PRUs Every program at COD completes a comprehensive program review once every five years. Program review updates (PRUs) are completed every year. Every PRU includes a set of goals. These PRU goals form the foundation of each year’s Institutional Effectiveness Process. Planning involves efforts to carry out these PRU goals while addressing college strategic goals set by the Board of Trustees each year. Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview See Current PRUs

  9. Details of the Planning Process 3. Unit Planning Units are generally led by deans or directors, who are responsible for developing plans that address area goals (AGs) and goals identified in PRUs. Unit leaders work with faculty or staff to set goals, objectives, action plans and assessments appropriate to the unit. They identify PRU goals that strongly support strategic and operational AGs as well as their own unit needs. Any operational goal that can be met with current unit resources are approved and budgeted within the unit. No additional approval is required. Strategic and operational goals that cannot be met with current unit resources are prioritized within the unit and forwarded to area leadership. Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview

  10. Details of the Planning Process Unit Operational Budget Decisions As much as possible, unit leaders will control their own operational budgets. Any resource allocation decisions that can be managed within a unit’s current resources does not require any higher level approval. Moreover, operational budgets may be expended as needed. If unit funds are available, managers may begin implementing new plans without waiting for college-wide allocation decisions. Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview

  11. Details of the Planning Process 4. Area Planning Unit leaders forward their strategic and operational plans to area leaders (VPs and the President). Area leaders, working with their unit leaders, combine these into Area level strategic and operational plans and priorities. This does not mean simply adding them up into a long list, but developing clearly articulated plans to support area goals (AGs) and operational plans. The resulting plans include goals with objectives, action plans, assessment plans and priorities. Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview See Current Area Plans

  12. Details of the Planning Process 5. College Planning The President’s Cabinet receives strategic and operational plans from area VPs and the President’s Office. College level planning is the process of combining these into a clearly articulated plan and for addressing college strategic goals (CSGs) and the operational needs of the college. In addition, the Cabinet develops a proposed college priorities list. Both are forwarded to the Budget Committee and the CPC. Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview See Current College Plans

  13. Details of the Planning Process 6. Allocation The college’s strategic and operational plans and priorities are forwarded to the Budget Committee, which reviews available resources and develops an allocation proposal for the coming year. This proposal is forwarded to the President and the College Planning Council for consideration. See Current Allocation Proposal Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview

  14. Details of the Planning Process 7. CPC Recommendations The College Planning Council receives the college strategic and operational plan and priorities, the allocation proposal from the Budget Committee, and assessment reports from the Assessment of Planning and Outcomes Sub-Committee. They review and approve these, develop a SWOT analysis, and make recommendations to the President on allocations and college strategic goals for the coming year. See Current CPC Recommendations Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview See Current SWOT Report

  15. Details of the Planning Process Board of Trustees & President The President receives strategic and operational recommendations and the assessment and SWOT reports from the CPC. The President makes the final recommendations on the strategic and operational plans and budget allocations to the Board of Trustees. The Board uses this information when approving budgets and developing College Strategic Goals (CSGs) for the coming year. See Current CPC Recommendations Return to Calendar Return to Process Overview See Current SWOT Report

  16. Implementing Strategic and Operational Plans Generally plans made one year are implemented in the next. If we plan major changes such as adding staff, changing curriculum, or reorganizing divisions, the change is normally implemented in the coming year. This is especially true for plans that require funding that will not be available until the next budget cycle. An exception to this is any operational plan that can be managed within a unit’s current resources. These may be implemented whenever practical. Coordinating Change Tracking Change IEP Main Page Terms Implementing Planning Assessing Calendar Reports

  17. Implementing Strategic and Operational Plans Coordinating Change Changes to the college are coordinated with other processes, including the semester calendar, the curriculum development cycle, the hiring cycle, the budget cycle, and construction processes. The details of this go beyond what can be presented here, but are managed by administrators and, where appropriate, through shared governance bodies, including the Academic Senate, the Curriculum Committee, and the College Planning Council. Tracking Change Implementing Change

  18. Implementing Strategic and Operational Plans Tracking and Assessing Change Unit and Area leaders turn in progress reports three times a year. These are used to track the implementation of changes at the college. They also form the foundation for assessing how the college meets its goals. Each year, the Assessment of Planning and Outcomes (APO) Sub-Committee receives a summary of the progress reports and uses them to develop an annual report to the President and CPC. Coordinating Change Implementing Change

  19. Assessment Processes The Assessment of Planning and Outcomes (APO) Sub-Committee evaluates how well the Institutional Effectiveness Process works and assesses progress towards meeting college strategic goals. They develop annual reports on each of these tasks and present them to the CPC to help them make recommendations to the President. The President makes final recommendations to the Board of Trustees on setting strategic goals for the coming year. The CPC also develops a SWOT Report, estimating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Assessing the IEP Assessing Strategic Goals SWOT Report IEP Main Page Terms Implementing Planning Assessing Calendar Reports

  20. Assessment Processes Assessing the IEP: Assessing the IEP Assessing Strategic Goals SWOT Report Assessment Process

  21. Assessment Processes Assessing strategic goals: Assessing the IEP Assessing Strategic Goals SWOT Report Assessment Process

  22. Assessment Processes SWOT Report: Assessing the IEP Assessing Strategic Goals SWOT Report Assessment Process

  23. Institutional Effectiveness Process Calendar The IEP involves planning, implementing, and assessing change across the college. Planning takes a full year to complete, and while some implement-ation steps (especially those managed within a unit’s existing resources) may start early, most take place in the following year. Assessment takes place during and after implementation. As a result, in any one year the college plans for the coming year while implementing plans from the previous year. At the same time we assess the implementation done in the previous year. The links to the right provide a diagram on the process and the calendar itself. IEP Diagram IEP Calendar IEP Main Page Terms Implementing Planning Assessing Calendar Reports

  24. Institutional Effectiveness Process: Diagram IEP Calendar Overview IEP Calendar

  25. Institutional Effectiveness Process Implementation and Assessment Calendar Color Key: Planning steps Implementation steps Assessment steps Click on tasks for details IEP Calendar Overview IEP Diagram

  26. Current IEP Reports Note: Reports are developed at set times throughout the year, so the most “current” report listed here may have been filed some time ago. See Calendar for reporting dates. Most Links below take you directly to reports, others to web pages where those reports reside. Planning Implementing Assessing Budget College Strategic Goals President’s Office Progress Rpt. Academic Affairs Progress Rpt. Program Review Updates Student Affairs Progress Rpt. President’s Office Area Goals Business Affairs Progress Rpt. Academic Affairs Area Goals APO IEP Effectiveness Rpt. Student Affairs Area Goals APO Progress on Goals Rpt. SWOT Rpt. Business Affairs Area Goals IEP Main Page Terms Implementing Planning Assessing Calendar Reports

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