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LEVITTOWN SEAFORD WANTAGH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. 2010 FOOTBALL SKILLS & CONDITIONING CLINIC. INCOMING 4 TH THRU 12 TH GRADERS With A Focus On Actual Game Techniques Bob Fehrenbach & Ray Weidlein Mac Arthur & Division High School Varsity Football Coaches
LEVITTOWN SEAFORD WANTAGH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 2010 FOOTBALL SKILLS & CONDITIONING CLINIC INCOMING 4TH THRU 12TH GRADERS With A Focus On Actual Game Techniques Bob Fehrenbach & Ray Weidlein Mac Arthur & Division High School Varsity Football Coaches Current Staff of Mac Arthur H.S. Varsity Football Team Craig Papach Bellmore JFK Coach and Former Mac Arthur Football Alumni & Former Mac Arthur Varsity Players June 28th thru July 2nd 9AM to 12Noon@ Mac Arthur High School $125.00 per attendee for the entire week! Make check payable to: LSW @ PO BOX 7035 Wantagh, NY 11783 or NAME:_____________________________________EMAIL:____________________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________ PHONE #:_____________________ALT#____________________D.O.B.:____________GRADE______ SCHOOL__________________________________________T-SHIRT SIZE:_______________________ Any questions, Call (516) 616-3107 BRING PLENTY OF FLUIDS • DISCLAIMER I, ________________________, understand that engaging in the Football Clinic, like any sport, is a strenuous activity that can be hazardous to my health. I hereby release LSW Athletics and all coaches, from any and all liability that may result from my participating in said clinic. Participant's Name___________________ Parent/Guardian Signature_________________ Date__________