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Welcome 6 th graders!!. There is a piece of construction paper on your desk. Please take it and fold it horizontally (see board). Write your name that you would like to be called across the paper. In the top right corner, write the period you have my class.
Welcome 6th graders!! • There is a piece of construction paper on your desk. Please take it and fold it horizontally (see board). • Write your name that you would like to be called across the paper. • In the top right corner, write the period you have my class. • Decorate it (I will pass out some colored pencils and markers)
FOA What are your first impressions of LMS? Name the last school you attended What do you think the word Jalopy means? A mean person A type of car A place in Europe
PurposeFOA In a paragraph, introduce yourself to me and the class by telling us some of the following: • Who do you live with? • What activities do you participate • What do you want to be when you grow up? • Interesting events that have happened in your life. • Siblings?
FOA • Review from Friday… • What does the word Jalopy mean and write a sentence using it correctly? • What are the procedures when entering my classroom? • What materials are needed for ELA? • Who are the teachers in mini school B?
Come in quietly Complete FOA Raise your hand to get out of seat Transition quickly 5 days to make up absent work Assignment board is in the back of the room Respect others, self, school, and teacher at all times ELA test/quizzes are on Tuesdays Finish work in class=very little homework ELA Procedures
Administrative Staff • Principal=Mr. Holman • Assistant Principal= Mrs. Joyce • Part-Time Assistant Principal= Mr. Martin • Dean of students= Mrs. Marks
Hall Procedures • Respect the halls • Walk on the right side • No running • No horseplay • Inside voices • Top lockers after odd numbers • Bottom lockers after even numbers • GO TO THE RESTROOM DURING YOUR 4 MINUTES!!!
Bullying • It will not be tolerated • Report it immediately to an adult • Complete a bully form • SRO will speak with bully and contact parent • Walk away (don’t fight then you have sunk to his or her level) • Most bullies have low self-esteem