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Welcome to the Rolling ads. The ads will run every Friday (unless I am away) In that case they will either run on the Thursday before or the Monday following Please e-mail me your information on a power point tile or a word document recprogrammer@watsonlake.ca
Welcome to the Rolling ads The ads will run every Friday (unless I am away) In that case they will either run on the Thursday before or the Monday following Please e-mail me your information on a power point tile or a word document recprogrammer@watsonlake.ca You can now see the Rolling ads on the Town of Watson Lake Website! If there are no new ads they will NOT be sent that week If you have any questions please call Alyssa @ 536-8020
Halloween is fast approaching!! CALLING ALL ACTORS AND DECORATORS If you would to help with the haunted house.. please give Marie or Meaghen a call at 536-8022 We are also looking for donations of scary props A crib, old toilet, old filing cabinets, institutional looking furniture etc…
ATTENTION !!! RESIDENTS OF WATSON LAKE DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT…… Family court procedures and court forms? Divorce? Child support payments? Wills & Estates? Enduring power of attorney? Adult guardianship? Stop by theWYE LAKE CABIN to talk to representatives from: Family Law Information Centre Maintenance Enforcement Program & the Office of the Public Guardian & Trusteeon SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2013 from 3–5 p.m. ALSO - Free Workshop for Separated or Divorced Parents This workshop covers the following topics: • Resolving the legal issues • Relating to the other parent • Effects of separation/divorce on adults and children • Parents in proceedings involving a claim for child custody, access or child • support in Yukon Supreme Court are encouraged to take this workshop. Certificates are issued upon completion and presentation of identification. Pre-registration is not required and anyone interested in this workshop may attend but children are not permitted. This WORKSHOP will be heldat the WYE LAKE CABIN on SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2013 from 7-9 p.m. For further information, please contact Family Law Information Centre (FLIC), 2134 – 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon Phone: 867-456-6721 Toll free 1-800-661-0408 local 6721 E-mail: FLIC@gov.yk.ca Funded with the financial support of Department of Justice Canada
If you are calling the Watson Lake Health Centre, here are the numbers to remember: Watson Lake Health Centre – main line 536-5255 Child Development 536-5254 Home Care 536-5256 Fax line 536-5258
Yukon Hospital Corporation Annual General Meeting Thursday, October 17, 2013 7pm Whitehorse General Hospital Cafeteria
GARAGE SALE & BBQSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2013at WATSON LAKE DAYCARE(Located behind Andrea’s Hotel)10 am – Garage Sale 11 am – 1 pm BBQ We are still accepting garage sale donations – Please call 536-2167
Watson Lake Creative PlaygroupCOMMUNITY BIRTHDAY CALENDARS - Last Chance This is the last week to order your Community Birthday Calendar for 2014. If you did not get canvassed and would still like to order a Calendar please call Playgroup at 536-2718 or come and see us. Top floor of the Rec Centre. Also if you wanted to make changes or add names please contact us as soon as possible. Information heads to the printers October 1. Thank You
Hair On Wheels By Amanda Men’s, Women’s & Children’s Cuts and styles Do you live a community were There is no hair salon or barber? For appointments that fit into your schedule Phone 867-335-3702 If the response is good I will be coming Watson Lake to serve you! Email: haironwheels@live.com
Calling all potential REFS If you are interested in becoming a certified Referee, please give me Alyssa or Marie a call at 536-8020 or reply to this email. We must have 8 people to make it feasible. Dates and Times TBA
Signpost Dental TO OUR VALUED PATIENTS: Please be advised that this office is primarily staffed by a dental therapist. Dental therapists have a narrower scope of practice than dentists, meaning they cannot provide all the services a dentist can. All patients must have had a full dental exam with a dentist within the last two years. We can request your dental records from your dentist but we must have proof of your dental history before we can proceed with treatment. In cases of emergencies, this requirement may be waived. A dental therapist can provide the following services: • Checkup exams in alternate years (provided your last dental exam was within the last two years). • All fillings on adults and children (subject to the dental providers’ discretion) • Some simple extractions. • Emergency exams • Dental hygiene (cleanings) All other treatment must be referred to a dentist. If a dentist is not scheduled to work in the office, we will do our best to have an appointment booked for you in Whitehorse at Riverstone or Alder Brook dental clinics. Please be aware that these dental clinics may have different payment policies than this clinic. This office is an assignment based clinic, meaning you are only required to pay whatever portion your insurance does not pay directly to us. First Nations insurance is accepted with no co-payment required, but please be aware that your coverage may have frequency limitations that are your responsibility to know. You can call 867-536-2147 to book your appointment today!!
Dis & Dat Cafe New operators with a new menu Open at 8am Breakfast, Lunch and Supper served 536-2047 Eat in or Take out Located in the Recreation Centre
The Hours have changed!! The Rec Centre will be open Monday to Friday 8am to 11:30pm Saturday 10am to 6pm Sunday Closed Greyhound will be open Monday to Friday 8am to Noon & 5pm to 11:30pm Saturday 10am to 6pm If you require a ticket for Saturday’s Bus you must come during our regular Business hours
Recreation Centre hours of operation Monday to Friday 8am to 11:30pm Saturday 10am to 6pm Sunday CLOSED
Recreation Centre policy on Children and Youth • As you may all be aware all children coming to the recreation centre unsupervised must be 10 years of age or older. All children under 10 must be supervised by someone 16+. • This does not include children registered with our after school program or any other children's program that may be going on. • All youth under 16 will not be allowed in the Rec Centre after 10pm on school nights. You have homework and you need your sleep!!
Greyhound Depot Hours Monday to Friday 9am to Noon & 5pm to 11:30pm (Closed between noon and 5pm) Saturday 10am to 6pm Sunday CLOSED
NORTH BOUND BUS From the South (Ft. Nelson to Watson Lake & Whitehorse) Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Arrives @ 11:05pm Leaves to Whitehorse @ 11:20pm SOUTH BOUND BUS From the North (Whitehorse to Watson Lake & Ft. Nelson) Monday, Wednesday & Friday Arrives @ 11:05pm Leaves to Ft. Nelson @ 11:40pm Greyhound Bus Schedule