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“Hey, hey, hey! Are you folks nuts? I’m telling you, this is the car for you.”

“Hey, hey, hey! Are you folks nuts? I’m telling you, this is the car for you.”. 6 Principles of Social Influence:. 1. Norm of Reciprocity 2. Commitment & Consistency 3. Social Validation 4. Liking 5. Scarcity 6. Authority. 1) Norm of Reciprocity.

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“Hey, hey, hey! Are you folks nuts? I’m telling you, this is the car for you.”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Hey, hey, hey! Are you folks nuts? I’m telling you, this is the car for you.”

  2. 6 Principles of Social Influence: • 1. Norm of Reciprocity • 2. Commitment & Consistency • 3. Social Validation • 4. Liking • 5. Scarcity • 6. Authority

  3. 1) Norm of Reciprocity • Pay every debt, as if God wrote the bill. • Ralph Waldo Emerson

  4. Beware free gifts Offer small gift, then make request Take advantage of “norm of reciprocity” Reciprocity

  5. Reciprocity:Door-in-the-face technique • Begin with a very large request (which will be refused), then make a smaller request • Smaller request is what you want in the first place • Why? • Norm of reciprocity

  6. ReciprocityThat’s-not-all technique

  7. 2)Commitment and Consistency • It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end. • Leonardo Da Vinci

  8. TACTIC FIRST STEP SECOND STEP Gain Target’s Compliance With a Small Request Foot-in-the-Door Foot-in-the-Door Example: “Would you sign a petition to help feed starving children?”

  9. TACTIC FIRST STEP SECOND STEP Gain Target’s Compliance With a Small Request Make a Related, Larger Request Foot-in-the-Door Foot-in-the-Door Would you sign a petition to help feed starving children? “Would you work for 2 weeks in the local soup kitchen?”

  10. TACTIC FIRST STEP SECOND STEP Get an Agreement to a Specific Arrangement Low-Ball Low-Ball Get the Customer to Agree to Buy a New Car for $15,000

  11. TACTIC FIRST STEP SECOND STEP Get an Agreement to a Specific Arrangement Change The Terms of The Arrangement Low-Ball Low-Ball Get Customer to Agree to Buy a New Car for $15,000 “Oh, you wanted tires and seats? Then that’ll be $15,999.”

  12. 3) Social Validation • Where all think alike, no one thinks very much. • Walter Lippmann

  13. National Public Radio fund drives “Salting" the tip jar Amazon.com shows you list of books others with similar interests have purchased Canned laughter Social Validation

  14. 4) Liking • The main work of a trial attorney is to make a jury like his client. • Clarence Darrow The Tupperware Party

  15. Attractiveness Halo effect Attractive candidates receive more votes of unattractive candidates. Appearance of job applicants more importance than job qualifications Good looking people likely to receive highly favorable treatment in the legal system. Liking • Similarity: • People more likely to help out similar other

  16. Familiarity In elections people often just choose voters because the name looks familiar. The human face isn’t perfectly symmetrical; People prefer the way they look in the mirror, but their friends prefer their actual appearance Association Liking

  17. 5) Scarcity • The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost. • G.K. Chesterton

  18. Scarcity • Opportunities seem more valuable when they are scarce • Scarcity increases appeal! • Why? • Freedom of choice--don’t want choices taken away • Scarce= valuable, popular

  19. Limited Time Limited Supply Scarcity

  20. 6) Authority • Follow an expert. • Virgil

  21. Authority

  22. Authority: Symbols

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