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Grammar. in a nutshell. # 6. Would like & Would love. I would like to see a movie . I would love to see a movie . What’s the difference ? Would like = zou graag willen Would love = zou HEEL graag willen...
Grammar in a nutshell #6
Wouldlike & Wouldlove I wouldliketo see a movie. I wouldloveto see a movie. What’s the difference? Wouldlike= zou graag willen Wouldlove= zou HEEL graag willen... Behindwouldlikeorwouldlove, you put the word ‘to’ and the infinitive (hele werkwoord). Youcanalsowrite: ’dforwould. I’dlike to see a movie. I’dlove to see a movie. How do youchoose? Well, it’s more orlessyourowninterpretation...
Imperatives We canuse the imperative to giveanorder. Takethatchewing gum out of yourmouth. Stand up straight. Giveme the details. We canuse the imperative to giveinstructions. Open yourbook. Taketwotabletseveryevening. Takea left and then a right. There are a few otherusesfor the imperative, but these are the onesyouneed to know right now. Don’t want someone to do something? Put don’t in front |of yourverb! Don’tsmoke!
Imperatives Put the words in the correct order! 1. her / shut / up 2. up / lock / it 3. that / maintain / tone 4. confrontation / keep / avoid / eye-contact / and 5. table / go / the / stand / to / up / and / coffee 6. your / pocket / go / your / to / right 7. act / just / natural 8. trigger / pull / the 9. fire / hold / your 10. lose / don't / him Watch and check youranswers...
Gotit? Excellent! Next up:
Present Simple To talk about things that are happeningin the present!
Present Simple • Whensomething is generallytrue.For example:The skyisn’t green. Water boils at 100°C. • 2.More orless permanent situations. For example: Sheworks in a bank. Theylovecoffee. • Habitsorthings we do often.For example: I play tennis everyTuesday. Howoften do youstudyEnglish? 4. Youalsouse the present simple to talk about the future...For example: Class starts at 9 o’ clock. Our train leaves at eleven.
Present Simple I like You like He likes She likes It likes We like You like They like Don’t forget the ‘shit’-rule! She He IT + s! If you see a name, remember: is it a man? Woman? Thing??? Then it’s a he, she or it… So: Paul = he, Mary = she
‘to have’ ‘to be’ I have You have He has Shehas Ithas We have You have They have I am (I’m) You are (you’re) He is (he’s) Sheis (she’s) Itis (it’s) We are (we’re) You are (you’re) They are (they’re) Check out pages 19 and 20 of yourtextbook!
Present Continuous To talk about things that are happening in the present! Things that are going on at the moment.
Present Continuous Youmostlysay: I amdoing... She is doing... To make the present continuousyou have to use a form of ‘to be’:am/is/are + verb+ -ing • I amteaching • Youare listening • He is playing Youcanmake the forms of ‘to be’ shorterbyusinganapostrophe: I’mThey’re You’reWe’re He’s/ She’s / It’s You’re For spelling rules check p. 118 TB!
Let’swatch! Watch the nexttwo clips and answer the questions. Who does what? Rapunzel (Tangled) Linda (Rio)
(T) Sweep the floor at 7 a.m(T) Read a book(T) Paint(T) Play the guitar(R) Wake up at 7:15 am(R) Brush her teeth(R) Have breakfast(T) Knit(T) Bake a pie(T) Solve a puzzle(T) Play chess(R) Feed her pet(R) Open the store(T) Makecandles(T) Brush her hair Who does what?! T Rapunzel R Linda ( ) Sweep the floor at 7 a.m( ) Read a book( ) Paint( ) Play the guitar( ) Wake up at 7:15 am( ) Brush her teeth( ) Have breakfast( ) Knit( ) Bake a pie( ) Solve a puzzle( ) Play chess( ) Feed her pet( ) Open the store( ) Makecandles( ) Brush her hair
Rewrite the sentences! Use the present simpleand present continuousto makenewsentences! PS: Shebrushes her teeth. PC: She is brushing her teeth. • Sweepthe floor at 7 a.m • Read a book • Paint • Play the guitar • Wake up at 7:15 am • Brushher teeth • Have breakfast • Knit • Bakea pie • Solvea puzzle • Play chess • Feedher pet • Open the store • Makecandles • Brushher hair
Grammar in a nutshell #6