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Broad Plan of Presentation. Multilingual Education(MLE): What and Why? MLE for Tribal Children in IndiaMLE as an intervention strategy: SSA (EFA) Program for Tribal Education in Orissa, IndiaMLE Plus Project: Framework, Method
Jawaharlal Nehru University
2. Broad Plan of Presentation Multilingual Education(MLE): What and Why?
MLE for Tribal Children in India
MLE as an intervention strategy: SSA (EFA) Program for Tribal Education in Orissa, India
MLE Plus Project: Framework, Method & Preliminary Evaluation ICP2008 Berlin July23 2 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
3. INDIAN MULTILINGUALISM ICP2008 Berlin July23 3 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
4. Tribal Population & Tribal languages in India Tribal population: 84.3 million(8.2%) [ST:16.23%]
623 Tribal Communities (ASI); 573 notified or Scheduled Tribes
218 languages (159 excusive to the tribes)
Most tribal language do not have a script; written in major regional language scripts
Wide spread adult bilingualism (500 of 623 communities classified as bilingual) ICP2008 Berlin July23 4 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
5. Tribal Languages in Education 13 tribal languages used in various programs (12 in NE States only)
Only 3 to 4 used as MI in regular school programs
Less than 1% STs have scope for MT medium schooling
Language barrier as a major factor in poor school performance (Mohanty, 2004) ICP2008 Berlin July23 5 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
6. Tribal Children in Schools High proportion of STs in Primary Schools (Grades I to V)
58,343 schools – above 90%
76,458 schools – above 75%
103,609 schools – above 50%
Tribal children taught in forced submersion programs in L2 (majority language) medium with subtractive effects on MT ICP2008 Berlin July23 6 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
7. National Assessment of Achievementat the end of Grade V (NCERT, 2004; N=88,271) Tribal Children scored significantly lower than other in:
Environmental Studies
Language (L2)
Reading Comprehension
Grammar & Usage ICP2008 Berlin July23 7 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
8. Literacy, Push Out & School Enrollment of Scheduled Tribes Crude Literacy Rate (all age groups)
ST=38.41, SC=45.20, Others=54.51
Effective Literacy Rate (7+ Population)
ST=47.10, SC=54.69, Others=68.81
‘Push Out’ rate: 50% out of school by Grade 5 & 80% by Grade 10 ICP2008 Berlin July23 8 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
9. Constitutional/statutory/policy Provisions Indian Constitution (Art. 350A): ‘provide adequate facilities for instruction in the mother tongue at the primary stage of education of children belonging to minority groups.’
The Three Language Formula (Policy?)
Ramamurti Committee Report 1990: minority language medium primary schools in areas with at least 10% minority language speakers; parallel sections; appointment of minority language teachers
NPE (Govt. of India); NCF (NCERT)
Non-implementation of Policy (Mohanty, 2008)
ICP2008 Berlin July23 9 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
10. Educational neglect of languages leading to: Illiteracy & relapse to illiteracy
Poor educational performance
Subtractive language learning in forced submersion programs
High ‘push-out’ rate
Capability deprivation & Poverty
Loss of diversity
(see Mohanty, forthcoming:2009 for discussion) ICP2008 Berlin July23 10 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
11. Exclusion of MT from schools is problematic Children do not learn (capability deprivation, poverty)
Loss of Identity
Weakening of languages (the vicious cycle of disadvantage)
Subtractive language learning (Loss of MT)
Loss of linguistic diversity – Language Death, Murder, Genocide. (Suicide?)
Marginalization, domain shrinkage
Unimplemented (passive) state policies, statutes
(Mohanty, Panda, Phillipson & Skutnabb-Kangas, 2009) ICP2008 Berlin July23 11 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
12. Why must Indian Education be Multilingual? Mother Tongue + Languages for regional & national communication + LWC
MT ? Regional Language ? National Language ? English
Meaningful participation in the wider democratic, socio-political, economic system
Empowerment ICP2008 Berlin July23 12 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
13. Multilingual education (MLE):“use of two or more languages as media of instruction in subjects other than the languages themselves and with (high levels of) multilingualism and, preferably, multiliteracy, as a goal at the end of formal schooling” (Mohanty, Panda, Phillipson & Skutnabb-Kangas, 2009). ICP2008 Berlin July23 13 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
14. CLASSROOMS FOR KUI CHILDREN ICP2008 Berlin July23 14 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
15. MLE as an intervention strategySSA (EFA) Program for Tribal Education – Orissa, India ICP2008 Berlin July23 15 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
16. ICP2008 Berlin July23 16 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
17. Multi-Grade Classroom ICP2008 Berlin July23 17 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
18. Mid-day Meal Timein an Ashram School ICP2008 Berlin July23 18 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
19. 19 ICP2008 Berlin July23 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
20. Preliminary Evaluation of MLE+(Saora Schools only) ICP2008 Berlin July23 20 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
21. Market Place in an MLE+ Site(Saora Language Group) ICP2008 Berlin July23 21 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
22. MLE+ Team for Saora Schools ICP2008 Berlin July23 22 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
23. MLE+ Team for Kui Schools ICP2008 Berlin July23 23 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+
24. Thank You ICP2008 Berlin July23 24 Mohanty&Panda: MLE+