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Does Jesus Care? Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Too deep-ly for mirth and song—

Does Jesus Care? Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Too deep-ly for mirth and song— As the bur-dens press, and the cares dis-tress, And the way grows wea-ry and long?. slide 1/8. O yes, He cares— I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are wea-ry,

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Does Jesus Care? Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Too deep-ly for mirth and song—

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Does Jesus Care? Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Too deep-ly for mirth and song— As the bur-dens press, and the cares dis-tress, And the way grows wea-ry and long? slide 1/8

  2. O yes, He cares— I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are wea-ry, the long nights drear-y, I know my Savior cares. slide 2/8

  3. Does Jesus care when my way is dark With a name-less dread and fear? As the day-light fades in-to deep night shades. Does He care e-nough to be near? slide 3/8

  4. O yes, He cares— I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are wea-ry, the long nights drear-y, I know my Savior cares. slide 4/8

  5. Does Jesus care When I’ve tried and failed To re- sist some temp-ta-tion strong? When for my deep grief I find no re-lief, Tho my tears flow all the night long? slide 5/8

  6. O yes, He cares— I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are wea-ry, the long nights drear-y, I know my Savior cares. slide 6/8

  7. Does Jesus care When I’ve said good-bye to the dear-est on earth to me, And my sad heart aches till it near-ly breaks— Is it aught to Him? Does He see? slide 7/8

  8. O yes, He cares— I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are wea-ry, the long nights drear-y, I know my Savior cares. slide 8/8

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