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Stage 9 Vocab

Stage 9 Vocab. thermae ibant oleum strigiles ferebant athletas pugiles in palaestra se exercebant discos emittebant invenerunt apodyterium togas. Stage 9 Vocab. tepidarium paulisper caldarium ibi garriebant radebant statuas posuerunt offerebant in media novum.

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Stage 9 Vocab

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stage 9 Vocab thermae ibant oleum strigiles ferebant athletas pugiles in palaestra se exercebant discos emittebant invenerunt apodyterium togas

  2. Stage 9 Vocab tepidarium paulisper caldarium ibi garriebant radebant statuas posuerunt offerebant in media novum

  3. Stage 9 Vocab porticus longe per auras evolavit rediit non accepit tradidit nasumfractum

  4. Stage 9 Vocab mane domina donum haetogae sordidae intus alias elegit haec quantiest?

  5. Stage 9 Vocab quinquagintadenarios cupio tibi decem quadraginta quindecim nimium triginta do consentio

  6. Stage 9 Vocab ego...gratias...ago induit abi! pauper geris parce! aegra liberos audiunt

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