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REPORT FROM THE CONSOLIDATION DAY 12 Sept 2013. With attention on North and E ast area EATM 5 November 2013 Mats Wilhelmsson EN/MEF. Why are we here? Boundary conditions
REPORT FROM THE CONSOLIDATION DAY 12 Sept 2013 With attention on North and East area EATM 5 November 2013 Mats Wilhelmsson EN/MEF
Why are we here? • Boundary conditions • -Activities which are started and already funded in 2013 will not be discussed unless there are major changes in the overall costs (not re-profiling) • -Urgent activities you need to start in 2014 will be considered • What, Why & How much: -Activities you will need to start in the period 2015 to 2020 -What, Why, When & How much -Covering LINACs, LEIR, PSB, PS, SPS, LHC, AD & North Area -AD & North Area have limited financing after LS1 -EAST Area is not financed after LS1 What is (not) included? Workshop objective (Introduction by Simon Baird):
BE-ABP - Stefan Redaelli • BE-RF- Carlo Rossi • TE-ABT - Volker Mertens • “Work generated for CO and ICE by other groups” - the presentation • was cancelled: other groups must include control issues in their estimates • Moreover, • -RP was not invited as presenter and off-line Stefan Roesler informed me that the RP- • transformation from ARCOR to RAMSES is included in their (own) consolidation budget. • -EN/HE was not invited as speaker, but Simon informed about the discussion of • taking out the crane-replacement plan from the ACC consolidation budget. Groups with no reference to north- or east area:
Presentations group by group.. • Consolidation activities for BE-BIRhodri Jones • Rhodri mentioned the replacement of MWPC detectors by GEM detectors in the North Area; • Why: • Multi Wire Proportional Chambers require regular repair of wires • Tricky & time consuming • Not possible to make new chambers • Wire winding machines no longer operational • Gas Electron Multipliers successfully replaced MWPC in AD • GEM Prototypes to replace MPWC in SPS-NA already tested • Risk score 4 • COST 200kCHF over 2014-2016
Consolidation activities for EN-CV Mauro Nonis Presented, system by system (CERN wide) Reasons why: Condition (above lifetime), Obsolescence (lack of spare), Adaptation to new needs and new rules and standards. North area : -Primary systems (pollution risks etc) -Demineralized systems (soft starters in NA) -Chilled water pipework (NA in LS1), and chillers in general -Raising system (NA cooling towers reject water) -Ventilation (especially ECN3) incl. controls -Technical galleries (common to many services and areas) shows a disastrous picture Generally, a large workload over many areas and machines, and enormous amounts (near 100 MCHF CERN wide) Risk scores (priorities) and profile might need updating, but the presentation does not add anything specific new to North- or East Area
Consolidation activities for EN-EL Francois Duval (CERN) Why consolidation : Noncompliance to present safety and technical norms Ageing equipment everywhere Well beyond manufacturer recommended lifetime (reliability) Impossibility to find spares Unsafe to manoeuver Layered installation of equipment Evolution through the addition of strata instead of an integrated approach Radiation damage Mostly cables and fibers but also emergency stops Overcrowded passages and tray Needs beyond the EL 2025 program (including major HV Upgrade & Consolidation projects) North area consolidation Inside the global North Area Consolidation project 23 switchboards and 9 UPSs will be replaced and adapted to the new power, space, etc. requirements, Cost estimate: 5.9 MCHF This is a newly up-dated estimate; HT (up-stream) counted elsewhere; but general services must be included in the NA-buildings. East Area was not mentioned in this presentation
Consolidation activities for EN-STI Roberto Losito North Area : Some interventions are still needed on TAX, Target stations and BIDs. The responsibility for some of them is shared between STI (controls) and MEF (mechanics). Numbers in green already approved and started, need approval for 2015 Numbers confirmed, double counted spare collimator (delete: 200+200 !), Losito wish to make the collimator TCSC earlier (in 2014) East Area: -Renovating beam stoppers controls and the target station (known as “Marguerite”) during LS1 -Control system and probably mechanics of BIDs have to be renovated within East Area consolidation (no budget assigned before 2017
Consolidation activities for GS-ASE/SE Christophe Delamare + Luigi Scibile 1. Access- and Safety systems by Christophe 2. SE systems (incl. civil engineering) by Luigi The presentation was a very general overview of requests and on-going activities. And north area buildings were only mentioned as examples. But no financial tables etc. where presented. “Requests by group”-approach The table concerning CE-building renovation discussed with F Magnin, which lately was up-dated stays the most accurate plan, though mostly un-funded
Consolidation activities for TE-CRG Laurent Jean Tavian North Area (1) NA62 Very old LN2 transfer line without redundancy loss of Krypton inventory (10 MCHF). Proposal: add a second transfer line and use the old one as redundancy 50 kCHF Management present (L Rossi, F Bordry et al.):” Go ahead and do it!” North Area (2) Unicos Controls migration Controls of cryogenic infrastructure is based on obsolete hardware (ABB) and SCADA (PCvue, ABB): ATLAS H8 & CMS RD5 NA62 cool-down & warm-up unit (SM18 compressor station, SM18 magnet test station) (B163 and cryolab pumping unit) (CAST) No CERN support: Hotline with ABB (10 kCHF per year) and old spare are existing up to 1 to 2 weeks of downtime in case of major problems. 650 kCHF needed for the migration to the UNICOS/PVSS controls system (50 to 150 kCHF per infrastructure) Additional: LN2-storage facilities (is North Area concerned?)
Consolidation activities for TE-MPE Dr. Andrzej Siemko Andrzej explained an outline of the standardized (PLC-based) protection and interlock for warm magnet system, see transparency:
The problem for the EN/MPE group is the variety of different systems as well as reliability (ageing): Andrzej recognized that the WIC for North Area is scheduled 2016-18, and East Area for LS3 but explained that manpower-resources are a difficult issue. He also underlined that the project required coordinated efforts between MPE, EPC and EL (in the budget there’s a lot of cabling).
Consolidation activities for TE-MSCMr. Luca Bottura (CERN) North Area mentioned in a transparency below: it refers to the work package I have agreed with Maxime Dumas and D Tomassini.
There were no mention of the up-grade mentioned in Jean-Paul’s presentation, which requires 120 magnet (yokes) in NA and 30 in the EA.
Consolidation activities for TE-VSC Dr. Jose Miguel Jimenez Apart from this statement, North- and East areas were not mentioned.
RAMSES (RP) Cranes (HE) STI Magnets(connections) Vacuum Cooling&Ventilation Electricity Cryogenics Access to EA Buildings Beam instrumentation Power converters Machine protection Magnets (yokes) Conclusions: